Sunday, 7 November 2021

Astrodinest Aspects: 
SUN Sun Taking stock This is a time when you should strive to integrate your energies with those of the people around you - your friends, neighbors and the groups that you identify with. You will be able to work very effectively with others now, and your goals and objectives will harmonize with those of the people you associate with. You will do this without any loss of identity; in fact, you will feel that what you do affirms your identity. This is a good time for socializing with others. You will enjoy people's company and derive much benefit from being with them. Now you should find out what you have succeeded in doing and what has failed and prepare for your birthday, when the next cycle will begin. 

Sun sextile Moon 
This is a time of psychological and emotional equilibrium, when the different aspects of your personality are in tune with each other. You can face your daily life with less effort than usual, which is bound to have some consequences in your material universe as well. Relations with friends and close neighbors will be very harmonious, and you may make some new friends. People will be at ease with you today because you are at ease with yourself. The routine discussions, negotiations and transactions of everyday existence will offer no obstacles. This is an especially good time to think about your personal and emotional life. Strains in that area can be corrected now, because you are relatively at peace with yourself and with others, and communications about personal matters should be easy. 

Sun Trine Moon 
Balance and serenity 
This is a time of inner peace and balance. You have the serenity to look into yourself and come to a deeper understanding of what you want, what you need and how you should go about getting it. You try to live through your feelings as well as your intellect, and you communicate with others at both levels. Since you understand your own moods and feelings so well today, you are also in a good position to assist others in understanding themselves. Through your relationships, particularly those with your partner, you will come to know yourself better than at most other times. Since this is a time of balance and equilibrium, you should study your personal life and find out how to correct any misunderstandings and difficulties with other people. Today you are able to make the compromises necessary to getting along with others. 

Sun Trine Venus 
Good investments 
You will have great sensitivity to beauty today and an appreciation of lovely and well-made objects. This is a good day for buying clothing and art objects or for planning to redecorate your home. You have a strong desire to gratify your senses, but not to the point of being compulsive or foolish about spending. If you spend a lot of money on something that you want, the chances are it will be a good investment. In fact the best purchases to make today would be objects that will increase in value as they get older, such as jewelry or antiques. Your relationships should be very positively affected, and you might even start a new romantic interest. This is also a good time to smooth out any difficulties you are having with another person. 

Sun Trine Jupiter 
Optimism and buoyancy 
This influence assures a day of good feelings, peace and harmony with others. But you should try to use its energy to accomplish something good and useful for yourself. The temptation is to enjoy the good feelings and let the day slip by without paying any special attention. The enthusiasm, optimism and buoyancy associated with this influence will enable you to project energies into the environment that will help your affairs work out as you want. This may appear to be luck, but it is not really. Consciously or unconsciously, in your daily routine you operate with great understanding of the overall patterns, and you act with more foresight and consideration than usual. If you do benefit from "dumb luck," it is a consequence of something you have done in the recent past. 

Sun opposite AS 
Having it out 
There is great likelihood of ego conflicts with others today, because the pressure of circumstances will draw you closer to others now than at almost any other time. That is, you have to work with them! You have little or no choice in the matter. Obviously, anyone whom you tend to have difficulty with will be a source of trouble today, because you cannot escape the confrontation. In fact it is a good idea to have it out and get your problems into the open so that perhaps you can clear it up. The point is that you will not derive much benefit from keeping to yourself today. Even if your only encounter with another person is unpleasant, it will be useful to you in the long run. If you withdraw, the initiative will be taken out of your own hands, and you will still have the confrontation. 

Sun in 1st House 
Strong personality 
Valid during several weeks: At this time of year, you will become more concerned with personal matters and less with the world at large. You can project yourself with more forcefulness than usual. It is an excellent time for making an impression on others, but you must be careful because you will not be especially sensitive to their needs. For this reason, you may find it difficult to work with others during this transit. If your efforts to work on projects with others don't seem to get anywhere now, perhaps you should defer them until later. First you should take care of the proper business of this transit, which is to experience yourself in a subjective frame of reference. You have a great need to express yourself now, and it is a valid need. No purpose will be served by denying all your own needs in favor of a misguided concept of duty. 

Sun in 2nd House 
To be and to have 
Valid during several weeks: At this time you should reflect upon your values and the things that you value. During this month-long transit you should examine your relationship to the resources of your life. At this time you need to express yourself through your material and nonmaterial resources, using them to define you to yourself and others. Now you want to have greater control of your life through the things that you value. On the material level this may mean that you will acquire possessions in order to gain more control over your own life or over other people. On the psychological level it indicates a need to assert your value system. But remember that others have a right to their own values. You should stand up for your own, but not by obliterating someone else's. 

Sun in 3rd House

Sun in 4th House 
An inward glimpse 
Valid during several weeks: At this time you focus your concerns upon your most intimate personal life and the people who affect it most, your family and parents. You will want to be in familiar surroundings now and feel that you have some kind of center or place where you can build a solid base for your activities. For most people this means a home. Although you should continue to live up to the demands of the outer world, because your personal life is interdependent with it, you should focus most of your attention inward. Not only inward to your personal life, but also inward in a psychological sense. If necessary, go off by yourself and spend time in contemplation or meditation. Events that occurred in the past may come back to you now through memories and through consequences of those events that continue to affect you now. 

Sun in 5th House 
Fun and joy 
Valid during several weeks: During this time, you feel most free to express yourself and to be yourself. Your primary drive is to do what you want and as much as possible to set your own priorities. You are not especially interested in dominating others, although you may be capable of it at this time, but you will vigorously oppose anyone who tries to prevent you from doing what you want to do. Your attitude toward your relationships is much lighter at this time, almost as if you saw your relationships as a stage upon which you can perform. At any rate, you favor more than usual the relationships that are fun. This is the time to be yourself, but it also is the time to become conscious of who you are. It is one thing to be yourself; it is another to know yourself. You can use this time for both. 

Sun in 6th  House

Sun in the 7th House 
Learning from relating 
Valid during several weeks: At this time you should learn more about yourself through intimate one-to-one encounters with others. If you are married or in a close relationship, use this time to examine your relationship with your partner and to discover what needs this relationship does and does not fill in your life. Try to discover how well you fill your partner's needs as well. In any seventh-house relationship, whether it is a marriage, business partnership or other kind of partnership, you and your partner function as a unit, either in a specific area, as with a business partner, or in all areas, as with a spouse. For your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as he is for you. This is not a time when you should try to go it alone in any type of activity. You should try to work with someone else, or at least seek out the opinion of another person in an advisory capacity. 

Sun in 8th House 
In the background 
Valid during several weeks: Fortunately, with this transit you will have a strong desire to experience life on a feeling level, and this is just what you need. One very real possibility at this time is that an encounter with someone will produce the need for very searching psychological self-inquiry or will force very powerful changes in your life. This person may challenge your value structure, or there may be a powerful intermeshing of your personalities. On the material plane, this transit can be a time of great concern about finances or resources held jointly with another person, such as a spouse or business partner. By itself, this is neither a good nor a bad indication; it simply makes the issue important. You may also be worried about trying to borrow money or get financial backing from a bank. 

Sun in 9th House

Sun in 10th House

Sun in 11th House 
Valid during several weeks: At this time it is usually best to work and cooperate with other people. At other times you have found it necessary to be alone in order to find out who you are and the chief purposes of your life. Now you must ask these same questions in conjunction with others. Engaging in group efforts and projects in your personal and professional life will be the most effective way to accomplish this aim. Socialize extensively and study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself. What is true of your friends is also true of you, for the most part. Among your friends, strive to establish who you are. Without becoming domineering, you should let them know what kind of person you are, so that you can fit into the group dynamic without violating your integrity. 

Sun in 12th House 
Valid during several weeks: At this time you have to get in touch with your own subconscious mind, to find out how it directs your life in ways that you aren't aware of. Try to see how your actions may run counter to your conscious intentions. We all broadcast two kinds of signals to the outer world. One kind is what we think we are trying to do. The other kind, which are unconscious signals, tell people what we are really trying to do. If these two sets of signals do not coincide, it is not because you are intentionally trying to deceive, but you may confuse people or even worse, cause them to lose faith in what you are trying to do. This is not a time to be wrapped up in your ego. You must be prepared to acknowledge your faults and your virtues without fear or self-recrimination. 

Moon Conjunct Sun 
A burst of energy Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you experience something like your personal "new Moon," a time when your mind and body are recharged for the month ahead. Your feelings may now be very strongly influenced by the larger emotional patterns that dominate your life. Usually this influence is felt as a burst of energy in which will, physical vitality and emotions all work together harmoniously. The split between mind and feelings that often plagues us all is not noticeable now, and your relations with others, particularly in interactions with women, will probably work more smoothly than usual. This is an outward reflection of your inner harmony. Group efforts are very favorably affected by this influence, because it gives you greater sensitivity to the feelings of people around you. 

Moon square Sun 
Take the time 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you will meet some sort of challenge to the structure of your daily life, that is, your home life, intimate relations, routine daily contacts and so forth. All of us have hidden tensions that cause us to operate in ways that we do not understand. The effect of this influence is to bring these tensions to the surface. Thus you may feel ill at ease within yourself and have a bit more difficulty in getting along with others, particularly with men. Now several small areas of your life may simultaneously reach a crisis that forces you to pay more attention to what is happening. This is especially likely to happen with situations or persons that you have been taking for granted. You should take the time to correct little problems as they arise and give them the attention that they require. 

Moon Trine Sun 
Inward harmony 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you feel very much in harmony with yourself and able to do whatever you have to do single-mindedly. Your energies flow with less resistance, and life seems to be easier now. As a consequence, you can relate to people more easily, for others perceive your inward harmony and are drawn to you because of it. Obviously this is a good time for any kind of group activity. You are able to relate your own interests to the interests of any group you are working with, so that everyone will gain from what you do. Relations with men are also improved for the same reasons. A marriage or intimate relationship will be especially harmonious now, for this is a time of real understanding. On the physical level this harmony is expressed as a feeling of vitality, even if you may not feel driven to accomplish a great deal of work. 

Moon trine AS 
Maternal instincts 
Weak, transient effect: This influence is good for all kinds of relationships in that all your contacts with others this morning are warm and emotional. You do not choose superficial or formal contacts but instead desire to make a personal connection with everyone you meet. At the same time you feel a strong need to protect and nurture those whom you are close to. There is something of the maternal instinct in the way you care for others. You are also very sensitive to people's emotional needs and wants, which enables you to respond to them at a very deep level of understanding. You will want to feel that you belong to any group that you associate with at this time. Fortunately you will also be able to make others feel that they belong with you. Your emotions are so much closer to the surface of your being that you can see them clearly. 

Moon Square AS 
Wrapped up 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day your emotions are strong when dealing with others, which can be either good or bad, depending on how you handle it. On the plus side, it gives you a great deal of sensitivity toward others. You can feel their moods immediately and respond to them so that you are able to fit into any group you are with. You value emotional contacts now, and you project feeling, warmth and concern to others. But on the negative side, this influence can also signify that you are so wrapped up in your moods that you can't get out of yourself and relate to anyone else. In either case your moods are likely to fluctuate rather rapidly, so do not take your emotions too seriously at this time. You should make an effort to be with others, because forcing yourself to relate will bring out the better side of this influence. 

Moon Opposite AS 
Weak, transient effect: This morning your closest contacts will take on a more emotional tone. You will be able to communicate your feelings more easily to your partner or anyone else whom you encounter on an intimate level. Although the effects of this influence are not very difficult to deal with, you should be aware that you are likely to be so emotional and subjective in your relations with others that you may have difficulty seeing someone else's point of view. However, this influence favors situations in which you have to be sensitive to another's feelings or in which someone else has to be sensitive to yours. In your contacts with others you will seek warmth, support and nurture, and you will be equally capable of giving these to others when necessary. 

Moon sextile AS 
Quick judgements 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you are very sensitive to other people's moods and can judge them quickly. You lend a sympathetic and friendly ear to people's problems, for you have a strong desire to protect and support your friends emotionally. Peace and harmony in your personal world are very important to you at this time, and you are not willing to deal with someone else's harsh feelings, except to try to smooth them over. Your sensitivity to other people also enables you to deal easily with groups. You respond to the group's changes of mood and are able to fit your communication to that mood. Thus this is a good time for any sort of public appearance or situation in which you have to sell something to a group or persuade them of a point of view. You are able to make others feel that you are one of them. 

Moon Conjunct MC 
Petty personal motives 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you may display great sensitivity and feeling in front of or when dealing with others. Or you may allow your thinking to be entirely overcome by personal and subjective considerations so that no one can communicate with you or understand you. This influence can go either way. On the positive side, it enables you to feel out the mood of a group of people so that you can appeal to their deepest emotional concerns. But on the negative side, this influence may make you shy away from groups or from people in general. The same energy that enables you to feel out moods also makes you feel vulnerable and exposed with others. Thinking and decision-making are not favored by this quality of time, because your mind is dominated by petty personal motives that cannot go beyond your immediate psychological necessities. 

Moon square MC 
Changing moods 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you experience rapidly changing moods, which may interfere with clear perception of your goals, especially if your goals have been set without much regard for your personal needs. If your goals are purely professional or make excessive demands on your personal and domestic life, this time will be somewhat disruptive. You may feel dissatisfied with your progress, or you may feel that no matter how much you accomplish, there is always something lacking. This influence sometimes signifies tensions in your domestic life. If you have handled this matter well, you should encounter the more positive side of this influence and be able to go about your business with a remarkable sense of wholeness. You will feel that your activities are satisfying, both professionally and personally. 

Moon opposite MC 
Subjective concerns 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you would like to be at home with your immediate family. It is not a good time to have to put yourself on display, show off a talent or make a presentation to others. But if you can bring someone into your immediate circle, that is, into your most intimate environment, you will feel that it is easier to deal with him or her. You feel a strong need to be on "your own turf." However, this influence does present an opportunity for you to be alone and to decide how you really feel about various matters. Your own feelings will be so strong and will influence your perception so much that it will be hard for you to escape them. Obviously your subjective concerns will take precedence over the demands of the outside world now, but this is as it should be. 

Moon trine MC 
In tune 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day your personal needs and career needs are balanced, and there will not be as much tension between them as at other times. Also your emotions are in tune with your intentions so that you can go about your business with complete oneness. There is less of the feeling that two sides of you are struggling for mastery over the whole. Under this influence you have a great ability to relate to others on an emotional level, because you feel your emotions so richly yourself. You are sensitive to others' needs, and you understand how you can use their moods and sensitivities for positive ends. On the other hand, you may choose to retire into your own personal world. The richness of feeling and emotion that this time brings may make you feel like being alone or with only your closest loved ones. 

Moon Sextile MC 
Intense feelings 
Weak, transient effect: This influence normally indicates a few hours of unusually intense feelings. This morning you will have a strong desire to know yourself and to experience life largely through the emotion. This is probably not the best time for work that requires a completely clear and dispassionate state of consciousness, but you will not feel like doing that kind of work anyway. You will want to engage your emotions in whatever you do, and you will experience a richness of feeling and inner life that is satisfying in itself. This influence is good for any business matters concerning the general public or for any situation in which you have to appear before the public or a large group. Otherwise it is not an influence that stimulates drive and ambition. 

Moon Square Moon 
Discordant emotions 
Weak, transient effect: This influence, although not long lasting, can provide some moments of difficulty and irritation. Your emotions are discordant, and you may be more inclined to get into disagreements with others. This will probably have the greatest effect in your most personal life and domestic situation. Consequently you should watch out for unnecessary conflicts with loved ones. In a group, you will not feel that your interests are in accord with the others' interests. It is not a good time to work with people or to make any kind of public appearance, if peace and harmony is your goal. However, if you are trying to stir people up about some issue or call their attention to circumstances that must be dealt with, this influence can be quite helpful, although the others may not appreciate your role in this. 

Moon Opposite Moon 
Usually beneficial 
Weak, transient effect: This morning your moods are quite deep and your emotions powerful. If you are aware, all your contacts at this time will show you how your emotional state affects other people. This can be either good or bad, but the growth in consciousness is usually very beneficial. One problem with this influence, however, is that you find it difficult to see any point of view but your own. Also, in dealings with a group there is a danger that you will feel that your own interests and desires are opposed to theirs, thus creating more potential for disagreement. You must learn to detach yourself somewhat in order to observe your feelings in action. Otherwise you will not be able afterwards to evaluate what you saw. 

Moon trine Moon 
Restore and rejuvenate 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you should have a very strong sense of well-being. Your inner self is functioning harmoniously, and you do not feel emotional turmoil or strife. At the same time you are most contented with the familiar elements of your life. You enjoy being at home with relatives and friends, and you like being surrounded by the objects you are used to. You are not in the mood for adventures, challenges and major changes, nor is it necessary to be so. There will be other times for adventure. Now you should restore and rejuvenate yourself in peace and quiet. Physical comfort is especially important to you at this time, but it doesn't have to be lavish. Your need is for a comfortable environment that seems supportive. You want to be surrounded by whatever you feel protects you. 

Moon sextile Moon 
A need for intimacy 
Weak, transient effect: This is a time of deep feelings. Today during the day you want to be surrounded by familiar people and objects that remind you of pleasant past experiences. It is a good time to be with relatives and family and to go over old times with them. Or you may feel like doing nothing more adventurous than staying home and curling up with a good book. With this influence there is a great need for intimacy, which you wish to share with the people you are in contact with today. When you are with a group or before the public under this influence, you are able to establish a good rapport. This is a good time for making any kind of public presentation. Friends, especially female friends, are important to you at this time. You have the ability to sit with them, listen to their troubles and offer a sympathetic ear, as well as good advice. 

Moon Conjunct Mercury 
"Thinking small" 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight your rational and logical mind is going to be strongly influenced by your moods, which could be either positive or negative, depending on other factors. For this reason it is not the best time to make a decision. But it is a good time to gather information that you can later base a decision on, especially information on how you really feel about some matter. This is a good time to talk about your feelings. At other times you may find it difficult to express your emotions, but under this influence it should be relatively easy. Communications with women are usually very good now. Moods in general change very rapidly at this time, but it is not possible to specify the kinds of changes. This influence has no particular "good" or "bad" effect upon the emotions. 

Moon square Mercury 
Subjective thinking 
Weak, transient effect: This influence can signify a critical time in your communications with the people around you, particularly those with whom you are intimately involved. The danger is that your feelings and emotions will overwhelm your rational intellect, making your thinking so subjective that no one else will be able to relate to what you say. Nevertheless you have a strong need to communicate about your emotions. You should avoid dealing with controversy by changing your own views every time someone disagrees with them. You will tend now to change your views according to the prevailing wind, but this may result in compromising yourself if the people you have "agreed" with compare viewpoints. However, it is natural for your opinions to be in a state of flux at this time. Just be honest about admitting it. 

Moon Opposite Mercury 
A fruitful dialogue 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you may experience a real conflict between feelings and reason, or you may have a very fruitful dialogue about the state of your soul, either internally or with another person. In the first instance, old habits, prejudices and childhood patterns of thought are very likely to take precedence over what you usually consider reasonable; obviously this is not a good time to enter into delicate negotiations or to engage in an important discussion. As for the other side of this influence, this is a good time to withdraw by yourself or with another person and get in touch with your feelings. As long as you recognize that your emotions are emotions rather than rational judgments, you will not have trouble with this influence. In fact, you can learn a great deal about yourself, because your feelings are very clear. 

Moon sextile Mercury 
Tempo increase 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day this influence is likely to increase the tempo of your social intercourse for a few hours. You find it relatively easy to verbalize your feelings. If you have a problem or situation that you cannot handle, this is a good time to take it to a sympathetic friend. Getting another viewpoint will help you. And, of course, you may do the same for someone else. Often this time is filled with news from friends or with letters and phone calls. Actually you are attracting communication from every conceivable corner of your life. This is a good time to write letters to the people you feel strongly about. But some people under this influence become so passive that it is difficult to take such an initiative. Their tendency is to allow others to take the initiative. 

Moon Conjunct Venus 
Cheerful and gregarious 
Weak, transient effect: This is a good time to go out and socialize, because you feel quite cheerful and gregarious. You radiate warmth and emotion toward other people, so they enjoy being with you. This is a very good time to go to a party, for example. Your relations with loved ones are usually good under this influence, and you may feel quite amorous. Usually this influence is too fleeting to indicate the beginning of a major relationship, but it does help existing ones. This is a favorable time for undertaking any activity connected with beautifying your home and making it more pleasant. It is also a good time to entertain at home. In shopping now, you may spend more money than you originally intended, and if you must stay within a budget, you would be well advised to postpone shopping until later. 

Moon opposite Venus 
Intensity of feeling 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you feel a desire for strong emotional contact with others. You want to be involved in relationships at this time, and you don't care whether or not they are perfectly smooth. What is important to you now is the intensity of feeling and the interchange with another person. For this reason, relations with loved ones can be either smooth or rough with this influence. In fact, they are usually good, but if you are feeling negative for some other reason, this influence will not improve matters. On the other hand, even discordant contact with a loved one is likely to do more good than harm now, because it releases hidden tensions so that afterward you can feel better about each other. You should use this time to learn something about your relationships and your attitudes toward them. 

Moon Square Venus 
Feeling sentimental 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you are under a very pleasant, light-feeling influence. You enjoy being with others and find all social contacts interesting. Most people feel very affectionate toward loved ones during this time, and there is a strong desire to support and protect those people who are important to you. But be careful not to act too possessive or to try to limit anyone's freedom. If you behave in this manner, you will experience this influence discordantly and will have trouble with your loved ones. You may feel very sentimental under this influence, for it tends to reawaken memories of the past and causes you to feel very attached to them. Also you should beware of any tendency to overindulge in food or drink. Discipline is not one of the strong points of this influence. 

Moon Trine Venus 
A lazy streak 
Weak, transient effect: This morning this influence brings about pleasant feelings between you and everyone around you. It is a good time for being with friends or out having a good time. You enjoy everyone around you and they enjoy you. Similarly you will enjoy good food and drink now, but be careful not to overdo it. During this time you will tend to take things into yourself, so it is easy to overindulge. This is not a good time for getting very much work done, because it often brings out a lazy streak. One exception to this is that you may feel like working to beautify or otherwise improve your home. You need beautiful surroundings, and you will work to get them. This is a good time for love relationships. This influence by itself is too fleeting to start a major relationship, but it certainly is a help. 

Moon Conjunct Mars 
Calm down 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day is not a good time to discuss any issues that are critical to you, because you will find it difficult to maintain your equilibrium and not fly off the handle. On the other hand, if someone challenges you unjustifiably, you certainly won't back down without a fight. The main problem is that your sense of perspective may be so distorted that you cannot tell the important issues from the trivial ones and will defend both with equal vigor. There is also the risk that you will act hastily on many matters, impulsively and without foresight or planning. All you seem to care about is exercising your will and getting your own way. Obviously with this influence, you must try to calm down and be willing to compromise on any issue that is not really central to you. 

Moon square Mars 
Letting off steam 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day there is a real danger of needless disputes, irritability, emotionalism, rash action and hastiness, which may result in harm or inconvenience later. You will find it difficult to handle other people for awhile. One of the challenges now is to successfully let off steam without making an unnecessary shambles. If you frequently feel somewhat discouraged about yourself, you should be especially careful with this influence. You may see everything that comes your way as a threat and react much too defensively. If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself. 

Moon Trine Mars 
Inner excitement 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you can assert yourself in a positive manner and stand your ground if necessary. You may feel more courage and confidence than usual, which you express by taking the initiative in making emotional contacts with others. You speak very directly and forcefully, but without being offensive, which others will respect you for. This is a good time to work as a leader with groups of people. You understand what is needed, and you can unify your objectives and theirs, usually by talking them around to your point of view. Whenever you talk with others, you radiate an inner excitement, as if you were ready for immediate action. Under this influence you have the capacity to start projects, although you should keep in mind that this is a short-term influence and its effects will not last long. 

Moon Sextile Mars 
An adequate chance 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you have the capacity to work either with others or alone. If you work with others you will have to have a lot of independence or some kind of leadership role in order to feel that you have been given an adequate chance. Probably you will get that chance. You have a much greater desire than usual to take the initiative and much stronger feelings of courage and self-reliance. In working with others, you will be able to give them the feeling that your aims are theirs, so that they will work with you more willingly. If you have to defend your point of view when challenged, you will not back down but will argue your case with vigor and passion. Others will respect you for this even when they do not agree. You do not feel any need to make unwarranted attacks in order to maintain yourself. 

Moon Square Saturn 
A fleeting depression 
Weak, transient effect: This influence can indicate a period of fleeting depression. This morning you are inclined to feel lonely and out of touch with others. Sometimes you have a pronounced sense that no one loves you, whether or not it is true. It is very important to realize that your moods and sensations under this influence often do not reflect reality, even though they seem to. One area where you can have real trouble is in relationships. You will find it unusually difficult to relate emotionally to another person during this time. Either you are caught up in internal negativism, or you feel so cold and insensitive that you do not register signals from other people very well. This in turn leads to failures of communication and genuine misunderstandings. Obviously this is not a good time to become involved in an emotionally delicate situation. 

Moon Trine Saturn 
Common-sense answers 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you will keep your emotions under control, not in a repressive, negative manner, but in a way that enables you to take a more sober and realistic view of life. You are able to put up with considerable adversity and strain during this time because it gives you patience and reserve strength. While you are not inclined to talk about your feelings to just anyone, you do not evade them in yourself. You may very well go off by yourself at this time to think about and evaluate your development. If you have a problem, seek out an older person whose wisdom you respect, who can offer emotional support and suggest practical and immediate answers. You need common-sense answers now that can be applied directly. 

Moon Sextile Saturn 
Thrifty and careful 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you may feel like being alone with your thoughts and feelings. Your mood is not usually bad or depressed, you simply desire to be calm and reflective. But you are probably not in the mood for frivolity. You prefer the company of serious people, if any, and you want the conversation to be about important topics. Under this influence you may feel the need to consult someone whose higher vantage point you respect. You are able to balance your emotional needs with your sense of duty and obligation. While you are aware of your feelings, you do not let them overwhelm you. In all proceedings you are thrifty and careful. You are also very careful and thorough in your approach to any kind of work now. It is not likely that you will have to do any task over, nor will anyone else have to clean up after you. 

Moon conjunct Jupiter 
Heart over mind Weak, transient effect: This influence usually denotes a brief period of good feelings and generosity toward others. Today during the day you feel that everything is all right, and you have nothing to fear. You express your self-confidence by being above petty irritations. Not easily angered, you tolerate even the most harsh behavior from other people. But you probably won't have to contend with "harsh behavior," because the energy of this influence does not arouse it in those around you. You will get what you give - kindness, friendship and nurturing support. This influence can also awaken your concern for the deeper aspects of life. You may seek metaphysical and spiritual insights, but with your heart rather than your mind. Rational knowledge is not likely to satisfy you at this time. 

Moon Square Jupiter 
The loftier side 
Weak, transient effect: This is usually a very positive influence, making you feel very benevolent and generous toward those around you. Tonight your spirit is inclined toward contemplation of the loftier aspects of life. You are not concerned with the nasty little details that make life less than it should be, although you are aware of them. But you simply cannot see any point in paying any attention to them. Emotionally you feel quite good, for this influence promotes optimism and positive thinking. At times this influence indicates self- righteousness and smug arrogance, as if you considered yourself as the embodiment of social truth and wisdom. This attitude may not be entirely conscious on your part, but it may be subtly evident in your phrasing or in an unspoken attitude toward others. 

Moon Opposite Jupiter 
Asserting your freedom 
Weak, transient effect: This influence stimulates your drive for personal freedom, and if you feel free and unencumbered, you will probably behave quite irresponsibly in other people's eyes. The more you feel that people are trying to hold you back or make you toe the line, the more you will resist. The same applies to relationships. If your partner in a love relationship tries to be possessive or limit your freedom, you will resist. And a dispute could arise from your assertion of freedom. On a very different level, this influence can manifest itself as a feeling of spiritual disquiet, a mood in which you question your fundamental goals and aspirations. And, indeed this is a good time to look at your life in this way. What you learn will be very important to you. 

Moon Trine Jupiter 
Warmth and affection 
Weak, transient effect: It is unfortunate that this influence is so brief, because it gives you such a pleasant sense of well-being. Today during the day you feel very warm and friendly to the people around you, and you are willing to offer emotional or physical support to anyone who needs it. You are generous and giving. People will warm to you, and you should get from others exactly what you give, that is, warmth and affection. You are likely to attract basically happy and positive people with whom you will have an enjoyable time. This is not the result of a "Pollyanna" view of reality that refuses to recognize trouble and pain in the world, but of a real sense of belonging and oneness with others. In a very important sense you feel that helping others helps you. On another level this influence indicates a concern with the general welfare. 

Moon Sextile Jupiter 
Mutual support 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you feel quite good, and you enjoy being with congenial people. Probably it would be best to be with old friends whom you know well and with whom you have already established strong emotional ties. But you will not be closed to new acquaintances. You make it clear to those around you that you are concerned for their welfare and that you will help them out if they ever need it. And the chances are that they feel the same way about you. This influence denotes a time when you and your friends support each other and feel that you belong together. This is a good time for any sort of group activity, because by working together you all will feel that it is a group effort from which everyone will benefit equally. And this is true. 

Moon Opposite Uranus 
Stormy weather 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you will have to be quite careful, because you are emotionally excitable and impulsive. In your contacts with others you will seek excitement and stimulation, and thus you may attract people who are quite different from your usual crowd. You may even be quite upset by these new people, but you should realize that they are filling a real need in your life now. Or you may act disruptively in your current relationships. It is not exactly that you are trying to start a fight, but in talking with someone you may stir up feelings that cause a fight to begin unintentionally. Consequently this can be a stormy period in relationships. If anyone tries to restrict you, your reaction will be very negative, even if the restrictions are in your best interests. 

Moon square Uranus 
A bit wild 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day the quality of time arouses an independent and rebellious spirit in you. You are inclined to do exactly the opposite of what someone suggests and to reject whatever others say simply because they said it. For the same reasons you are impatient with restraints, duties and responsibilities. There is a great need to be free and to do something very different, maybe even a little bit wild. You have a strong craving for excitement with this influence, and you may act in ways that you would never consider in a more sober mood. This could be either good or bad, of course, depending on how conservative you usually are and how unusual or outrageous the action. For some people this can be a very liberating influence. For others it is a bit too much. 

Moon sextile Uranus 
Exciting company 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight this influence gives you a pleasant feeling of restlessness, a desire for excitement but not to the point of disruption. You may feel like shaking up the people around you and jolting them out of their seeming lethargy. Or if you are not conscious of this desire in yourself, you may attract someone who shakes you up. Under any circumstances you want to be with exciting and stimulating companions. In your home and other close surroundings you are not willing to accept the same old situation. You may try to find ways to change your circumstances or at least provide some temporary excitement. It is possible that you will meet a new and exciting friend today, or an old friend will come back into your life unexpectedly. Friends may provide opportunities for advancement or for getting away from your usual scene for awhile. 

Moon trine Uranus 
Sudden moves 
Weak, transient effect: Tonight you are likely to crave emotional excitement, something that departs from the routine of your daily life. You are likely to seek out people who are different from those you usually meet. You might spend the day in very different surroundings. And while you may feel a bit impulsive, these impulses make you feel more alive rather than inclined to act rashly or stupidly. On a more quiet level, you may use this energy to make needed changes in your immediate personal life or your domestic environment. While others may seem startled by your apparently sudden moves, these changes should be constructive, and the people in your life will accept them. If you have to deal with groups of people or with the general public, you will advocate change and new policies. 

Moon square Neptune 
Distorted views 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day fancies and illusions may become more important than reality. With some people this takes the form of simple daydreams, which are not likely to be a problem. After all, daydreaming is quite harmless. This is not a good time to make decisions or to embark upon a course of action that requires clear thinking. Subconscious influences are often very strong during this time, and they can distort your views in just about any area. Old points of view, habits picked up in childhood, prejudices - all can mislead you under this influence. People with an alcohol or drug problem may have difficulty with this influence. It gives everyone a strong desire to leave the real world, which strengthens some people's dependence on drinking or drug taking. 

Moon Opposite Neptune 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you are very sensitive emotionally, but the impressions you receive through your sensitivity may not be very accurate. You have vague feelings about the circumstances and people around you, and you may feel very confused, because you aren't sure whether you are being realistic or unduly suspicious and fearful. Misunderstandings with others are very likely, because you tend to feel that others have unfairly criticized or hurt you, although they have done nothing of the sort. Or you may feel that someone dislikes you for the flimsiest reasons. The reason is that this influence activates your subconscious complexes, which take over your moods and perceptions. Instead of reacting to the reality of what you see, you react automatically to the subconscious process set off by what you see. 

Moon trine Neptune 
Truly selfless 
Weak, transient effect: This influence will bring forth your innermost subconscious fantasies. Tonight you may spend considerable time daydreaming and not accomplish very much, but you will probably feel that it has been worth it. Dreams can be very refreshing to the spirit. At times we all need to withdraw a bit from the real world and encounter our inner selves. Now you have great sympathy for others. You are able to put yourself in their place and know exactly how you would feel in such a situation. You want to help others, with little thought of any benefit to yourself. This is one of those influences that makes you truly selfless, not merely in appearance. You may work to help people whom you consider less fortunate than yourself. There is often a strong interest in psychic or spiritual subjects under this influence. 

Moon sextile Neptune 
Weak, transient effect: This influence makes you very sensitive to other people's moods, and if you are at all psychic you will be more sensitive in this regard as well. But with this sensitivity, you have to be careful about the people you are with. On the other hand, it is good to be with friends whom you are devoted to. This quality of time can signify selflessness and genuinely caring for others without regard for your own needs, and this is not done in a martyred spirit. You feel great sympathy and compassion for those who are in need, and are willing to help either personally or through working with a charitable group. This influence may also arouse your daydreaming tendencies. Tonight you may wish to be by yourself and retire into your own private inner world, or you may wish to talk about your daydreams with friends. 

Moon Trine Pluto 
A serious mood 
Weak, transient effect: This morning your feelings and emotions are much more intense, but at the same time your sensitivity is stimulated. You feel everything much more powerfully than usual, and you are not likely to take your feelings or anyone else's lightly. It puts you in a serious mood and makes you seek the most powerful and intimate encounters with another. Sexual relationships may be considerably enriched, because this influence enables you to get past the superficial levels of communication that may have been driving you and your loved one apart. In this way you can again feel as one. In general, life will call you to approach it with some passion and feeling. And if you can respond, it can be a very rich and rewarding experience in which you learn much about your feelings. 

Moon Sextile Pluto 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you desire experience at a very profound level and do not like superficial encounters. With friends and loved ones you seek the true meaning of your feelings for each other. Under this influence, deep-rooted feelings in a relationship are often brought to the surface. This has a therapeutic effect on most relationships, for it releases hidden energies that may be weakening the ties between you. During this time you should be careful not to set an objective for yourself and then become so obsessed by it that you lose track of everything else. Even this rather mild influence can result in a one-track mind and compulsive behavior. If this happens, it is a sign that hidden in this compulsion is a psychological energy that you should try to understand, because it could control some part of your life. 

Moon opposite Pluto 
Intense encounters 
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you can expect intense encounters with others, chiefly those with whom you are very emotionally involved. The deepest and most powerful sources within your subconscious mind are influencing your actions now, and often it is difficult to avoid acting impulsively. Guilt, jealousy, overpossessiveness or simply the desire to control another's emotions can take possession of you, or you may experience these feelings through someone else. You can be sure that any conflicts between you and another person will reveal a great deal about the inner workings of you both. If you can view such conflicts dispassionately and in a calmer light later on, you may derive some benefit from this influence. Otherwise, these encounters are likely to be fruitless and irritating. 

Moon square Pluto 
Sudden urges 
Weak, transient effect: This influence can have many different effects, some of which you should be quite careful of. To begin with, it encourages compulsive behavior; your emotions acquire so much momentum that it is difficult not to give in to sudden urges and impulses that may not be good for you in the long run, particularly if you have been trying to suppress your feelings. This influence is least difficult if you deal with your feelings honestly and do not try to hide them from yourself. On the plus side, however, this influence allows you to go inside yourself and find out what you really want in any situation. Emotional self-analysis is very effective now, as long as you are willing to be honest. Encounters with others may also force an emotional self-confrontation which is useful, even though possibly unpleasant. 

Moon conjunct Chiron 
Helpful words This influence is experienced in different ways. Perhaps you are very bad-tempered at the moment, and overreact to the least sign of what you interpret to be criticism or rejection. Thus misunderstandings can quickly develop, and instead of trying to clear them up, you withdraw hurt and perhaps a bit sorry for yourself. If you can, however, estimate how much of this situation is the result of your own anxious expectations, this quality of time will help you to be empathic and understanding towards others. Then you will also find helpful words for everyone who is in a similar mood to you. Poetic and romantic music have a pronounced effect on you at this time. 

Moon square Chiron 
Attention, Children! 
At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings - either you are reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again. Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling the usual everyday interchanges - a feeling as if you were coming down with flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace, you may become hurtful to others - for example, your children if you are a parent - as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence lasts at most half a day. 

Moon opposite Chiron 
No chance 
At this time feelings, desires and moods pull you in a direction which is not very beneficial for you and could easily undermine your self-confidence. It is hard to say what form this actually takes. Maybe you buy some clothes in which you look a bit strange, or you challenge someone to a game which you have absolutely no chance of winning. One way or another you could be subconsciously determined to make yourself a laughing stock or show yourself up. It is possible that you do this not to yourself but, unintentionally, to someone else - particularly women and children who are close to you are potential victims. Fortunately, this influence is very weak and lasts at most half a day. 

Moon Trine Chiron 
Almost everyone feels in one way or another unsure of themselves, vulnerable or inferior with regard to their bodies. Today's influence disturbs just this feeling of yours, but not painfully - rather this is noticeable as a yearning to be accepted with all your hurts, to find understanding and love - and thus also healing and relief. You are now far more aware of your own sensitivities, so that you are also in a position to be more considerate to yourself. If you do something good for your body today - for example, have a massage or visit a sauna - it will also strengthen your soul. Poetic and romantic music have a pronounced effect on you at this time. 

Moon Sextile Chiron 
Small embarrassments 
During this time your feelings make themselves more noticeable than usual - even small embarrassments become extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, if you should make any mistake today, you should not immediately accuse yourself for it, as it is probably not as serious as it seems. This sensitivity, though, also gives you a good feel for the weaknesses and sensibilities of others, so that you can be very tactful and accommodating about them. In this way you encourage others to be open and also admit to their sore points. Your capacity for understanding and your readiness to take due account of personal traits, offers others - for example children - enough security to trust you. 

Moon in 1st House

Moon in 2nd House 
Unconscious drives 
This is a time when you emotionally identify with your possessions or whatever you value. This can lead to a very strong attachment to material objects and a general attitude of possessiveness about them, which can be a problem if someone needs to borrow something of yours, for instance. Or you may unconsciously identify with your own value system to such an extent that you feel every challenge to it as a direct challenge to yourself. You may have to defend yourself in areas where you really have nothing at stake. Traditionally this influence is considered to be a bad time to spend money, because your attitudes toward possessions are so conditioned by unconscious drives that you are not likely to make an intelligent decision about buying something based upon your real needs. 

Moon in 3rd House 
Emotional depth 
During this period your communications with others are likely to be very subjective, colored by personal considerations and not always factually accurate. On the other hand, your usually casual conversations with others have an emotional depth that can make these discussions very important now. You are not satisfied with the superficial face that other people show you, nor are you likely to show them a shallow side of yourself. So if you can keep conscious control of your emotions and not lose your objectivity, this can be a time of really meaningful communications. Female relatives may play an important role in your life at this time, and one of them may conceivably be able to teach you something about yourself. 

Moon in 4th House 
A close look 
This is a good time to retire by yourself to your own private place. You seek and need comfort from the demands of the outside world, and having a pleasant relaxing time at home is probably the best way to accomplish this. Also this is a good time to go inside yourself and look at your attitudes, feelings and emotional orientation toward the world around you. You could do this by trying to bring out into the open those elements of yourself that usually remain hidden within you. But you could possibly become so overwhelmed by these elements that nothing of value will be accomplished. This is not so likely to happen, however, if you make the effort to look inside yourself consciously. 

Moon in 5th House

Moon in 6th House 
On the line 
This is a time when you are inclined to put emotional considerations second to the immediate necessities, as you see them, in your life. Emotional repression of one kind or another is a probable consequence of this influence. But if you do react with emotional repression, you may become hypercritical, which is really the expression of a repressed feeling, usually of resentment toward someone. Another negative expression of this influence is the "martyr game", a tactic of pretending that something is all right with you while subtly signaling that it is not and possibly trying to make others feel guilty for their behavior. Often this is done quite unconsciously. It is much better to put your feelings on the line, even if they don't seem to fit the situation. 

Moon in 7th House

Moon in 8th House

Moon in 9th House

Moon in 10th House 
Emotional display 
This influence brings professional and business concerns into focus, but in a way that will test you. Your most intimate and personal life is on public display more than usual now, and you may find it difficult to hide certain facts about yourself. Obviously you are best off if you have nothing to hide. Even if you usually have reservations about emotional display in public, you are likely to indulge in such displays now. For example, you might have a public argument with a loved one or partner, or you might have a public outburst of good emotions. Perhaps you will want to help someone whom you know through your job and make the relationship something more than professional. But if it is to your disadvantage to blur the distinction between business and personal relationships, be careful, because you will tend to do this. 

Moon in 11th House 
Emotional support 
This influence can signify any one of several different effects. It can indicate a time when emotional contact with friends is very important to you. If you or your friend has something very personal to say, something that touches either of you at a deeper emotional level than usual, this is a good time to say it. Contact between yourself and friends is much deeper than usual now. A related effect of this influence is to bring a female friend or friends into prominence in your life, and in general you should find it easier to get along with them now. In friendships you will probably feel more protective and supportive than usual, or you will attract someone who gives you needed emotional support. 

Moon in 12th House 
Not all that bad 
At this time you may be tempted to withdraw and keep your feelings secret, especially if you are at all insecure about your inner self. Perhaps you, like many people, have always felt that if others really knew you, they wouldn't like you. So you keep your entire emotional life secret. But whatever you hide from others, you will also hide from yourself. And whatever you hide from yourself can control you without your being aware of it. This is a time when your unconscious attitudes and fears can be very difficult. You need to communicate your deep inner feelings to another person, preferably someone you can trust. Probably you will not feel much like socializing now. And in fact it is a good time to be alone and face any aspect of yourself that you are reluctant to face. It is probably not really all that bad. 

Mercury trine Moon 
Eager for input 
Today, you are more in touch with your feelings than usual, and you show greater emotional sensitivity in your interactions with others. It may be good to talk about your feelings with someone today. This feeling quality makes you a good listener. You are eager for input, and you would much rather listen to others than have to take the initiative yourself to start a conversation or make the connection that brings you together. When others talk to you, they will perceive your interest, sympathy and concern. They will realize that you aren't playing ego games with them. 

Mercury Trine MC 
The ideal environment 
Valid during several weeks: This is a good time for mental work. You plan very effectively, with a clear objective perception of the facts, and you think very carefully, paying close attention to detail. Your mind easily resolves a difficult and complex issue into its component parts so that you can handle each part separately and come to a valid conclusion. This is a good time for talking with others. Your objectivity will impress other people, and they will not worry that you might try to force them into a position that they do not want to take. You will establish an environment in which any subject can be brought up and discussed. Therefore this is also a good time for business negotiations. You know what you want, and you will listen to what others want and arrive at a satisfactory compromise. 

Mercury opposite MC 
Personal desires 
This is a time for making plans about your personal life and for thinking about your goals and objectives, not in terms of your career but in terms of your inner feelings and personal desires. Often the demands of the outside world become so great that we lose track of what we really want in life and spend our time trying to live up to someone else's expectations. Even worse, we internalize those expectations and convince ourselves that they are our own. Now is a good time to cut through all of those ideas within yourself and to think about what you want and about yourself as you really are. On a more external level, this is also a good time to make plans concerning your household and family or the physical dwelling that you live in. Also, buying or looking for real estate is favored during this time. 

Mercury square Neptune 
A foggy day 
Today you may feel inclined to keep a secret or hold back information in order to avoid a confrontation with someone. It is not good to do this, because it will only contribute to the fog of confusion and unclarity that surrounds you during this time. For the same reasons, avoid any form of misrepresentation or distortion of the truth, even if you think it might be politic to mislead someone. In every way you should strive to keep all your communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual and rooted in the real world. If you try to avoid confrontations by acting evasively under this influence, you will run up against even more demoralizing confrontations later. Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator. 

Mercury Sextile Sun 
Speaking your mind 
Today, you should have no difficulty keeping amused, because your mind is sharp, alive and ready for all kinds of experiences. Even in the ordinary, everyday aspects of your world you see the possibilities for new knowledge and understanding. Quite frequently this influence indicates one of those days when the telephone never seems to stop ringing. It seems as if everyone wants to get in touch with you, and you have to contact many people too. Important communications from others may very well come by mail, telephone or personal conversation. And you will speak your mind with everyone. It is very important with this influence to let people know exactly where you stand on every issue. Your honesty and forthrightness in what you say will command the respect of others. 

Mercury opposite Sun 
Turbulence and difficulty 
Usually this influence increases the flow of communication and ideas between yourself and other people. However, it can also indicate serious ego conflicts and conflicts of will expressed verbally or through other means of communications. If you are not careful how you use your resources, you will encounter turbulence and difficulty. You may feel that you have an urgent message to deliver today, and you may find it difficult to wait for the chance to express yourself. When you have said what you wanted to say, others may be strongly opposed to it. A compromise may be necessary, but it will not be easy to bring about except by introducing a third party into the discussion. Just be careful that the third party is really neutral and that both you and your opponent are convinced of that. 

Mercury Square Sun 
Mental activity 
This influence indicates a day of busy mental activity and many communications with others. You will be busier than usual with letter writing, paper work and group conferences, which should run smoothly, although under certain circumstances there could be problems. Be especially careful not to speak or otherwise communicate from purely egotistic motives. Make your point and let it go at that, because chances are your statement will have enough energy to be effective without making a controversy of it. If you do turn it into a controversy, you will encounter opposition from people who are similarly inclined, and communication will grind to a halt. Do not try to defend any ideas that are clearly shown to be invalid. 

Mercury Square Moon 
Beliefs and prejudices You should use this time to find out exactly how you feel about every matter that comes up. It will not all be pleasant, but it should not be totally unpleasant either. Your thinking will be unusually influenced by your feelings, and your communication with others may be so colored by unconscious compulsions that you will have difficulties. It is impossible to root out every belief that makes up one's prejudices, but you should make a start, and this is a good time to do so. Because women are so often the targets of one's unconscious projections (no matter whether you are male or female), this influence is often associated with arguments with women. However, anyone who activates an unconscious belief or thought pattern will be a source of difficulty for you at this time. 

Mercury Opposite Moon 
Cloudy communication 
The difficulty with this influence is that you will find it hard to keep emotional issues from clouding your communication with others. You may be expressing your unconscious drives and impulses more than communicating a logical message, but that is not all bad. If you are subject to such compulsions, it is good to express the energy that lies behind them and bring it out into the open. Old thought patterns, attitudes from the past, and unconsciousness about your present situation all endanger your mental effectiveness today. It would be best not to try to reach any important conclusions now. If you do, you will probably have to change them tomorrow. 

Mercury Sextile Mercury 
Intricate mental work 
Your mind is quite clear now, and you are able to handle the details of intricate mental work. Work with figures and tasks that require close attention to detail should work out very well. The only thing to watch out for, however, is that you may not find such work interesting enough to want to do it. This is a matter of individual temperament. Some people get restless under this influence when confronted with any routine work, but others handle their routine much more effectively. Also your ability to keep track of details makes this a good time for any business negotiations or other similarly complicated discussions. A contract or deal that you agree upon today will undoubtedly work out quite well, and you will be quite sure that you included everything important in the agreement. 

Mercury Trine Venus 
Sweet talk 
Valid during several weeks: This is a very agreeable influence that makes you feel quite positive and friendly toward everyone you meet. Also you are in tune with your feelings, and you speak with considerable sensitivity. This is a good time to meet new people, because you can project the most agreeable side of your personality. If you like to make sweet talk, that is, this is the time for it. Of course this is an excellent time to talk with someone about your feelings of love and friendship, for it will be easier than usual to talk about these feelings. Often embarrassment or shyness prevents you from doing this, but that should not be a problem now. In general, your approach to life today will be lighthearted, and you should enjoy the day very much. You may find it difficult to adopt a serious attitude about anything, however. 

Mercury Square Venus 
Calling a halt 
Valid during several weeks: This influence does not make you mentally aggressive, but you will probably feel quite good. The only area of tension may be your personal relationships. Use this energy to have a discussion with a loved one about the state of your relationship. You may discover that the two of you do not agree in as many ways as you thought. But if you speak in a spirit of compromise, you should have little difficulty in reaching a working agreement. If you proceed from a position of inflexible righteousness, there will be disagreement and discord that could sever communications for some time. Your attitude is very important. If you attend a social gathering, have a good time, but exercise restraint. Take note of how much you have indulged yourself and call a halt at a reasonable time. 

Mercury Conjunct Venus 
Mental or emotional? 
This influence can have a variety of effects. First of all, it can stimulate your appreciation of beauty, your interest in art, music or poetry. It may also indicate that you will tell someone that you love him or that you will discuss your relationship with someone. This influence works primarily upon the mind rather than the feelings and is often expressed as an intellectual appreciation of beauty. However, to a considerable extent it also removes the distinctions between mental and emotional. You may experience concepts with great emotional feeling or express emotions in an intellectual manner. The area in which feeling and intellect can best be synthesized is in the arts. Thus you are much more receptive than usual to experiences through art. 

Mercury Square Jupiter 
Foresight and planning 
You are inclined to make big plans and set long-range goals under this influence as well as to examine the goals you already have. The advantage you have now is your ability to see the whole picture and to think in terms of large structures. You are more inclined to think in ideal, abstract terms. But also your foresight and planning ability make this a favorable time for most commercial transactions and business deals. However, there is a negative side to this influence that can be destructive if you are not aware of it. You are sloppy about details and inclined to overlook any elements that don't fit neatly into your grand vision. Also there is a danger that in communicating with others you may adopt an arrogant or self-righteous tone that will alienate them and set them working against you. 

Mercury conjunct Jupiter 
The larger view 
Psychologically, this influence broadens your comprehension of any issue that you are interested in and your understanding of life in general as you encounter it today. You are concerned with the largest, most comprehensive possible view, and you are eager to incorporate new information into your way of looking at the world. At the same time you are intellectually more tolerant of other viewpoints, seeing them not as a threat to your views, but as a way of enlarging them. Your ability to see the larger view today enables you to plan with foresight. Where others see only confusion, you can see a pattern and come up with insights that will amaze others. In business or social activities you are able to organize very effectively, grouping people together so they can work most efficiently. 

Mercury opposite Saturn 
A critical eye 
During this time you are concerned with one area that others might consider rather abstract, and that is your identity. You tend to dwell on your sense of personal isolation, loneliness, difficulties in relationships and other depressing thoughts. Clearly you need a dose of positive thinking and cheering up. It is important to remember that your troubles are probably more apparent than real, no matter how real or significant they seem. Assuming that you can control your negative thinking, this influence does give you the advantage of a sharp, critical eye. You can see what is wrong with a situation immediately and make the necessary changes to correct it then and there. But don't dwell on the flaws, just note and correct them. 

Deviation Valid during several weeks: This influence signifies a day when you will make new discoveries, encounter new people and generally have a sense of excitement and interest. And you won't have to go out of your way to experience these effects, for your immediate environment will present all the interest you need. If you find this day disruptive, examine your attitudes and ask yourself if you are being too rigid. Rigidity and unwillingness to allow anything to deviate from a prescribed plan will make this influence more difficult to handle. This is a good day to tackle old problems that you have not been able to resolve in the past. In your communications with others, startling new ideas will come up. All around you, new aspects of life will be opened up for you to experience. 

Mercury Trine Neptune 
This influence stimulates your creative imagination and makes you much more sensitive than usual to aspects of the world around you. While you may be tempted to spend the day daydreaming, you will probably be more satisfied if you read romantic literature and poetry or listen to music. This is a good day for leaving the humdrum, everyday world and traveling in your mind to a fanciful and pleasantly unreal world. Don't worry about wasting time. Everyone needs to fantasize like this from time to time, and you are not likely to get so caught up in it that you cannot return to reality. On the other hand, you are much more sensitive to subtleties and can catch other people's moods effortlessly. Your attitude is very sympathetic, and you genuinely want to aid anyone who needs your help today. 

Mercury Square Neptune 
A foggy day 
Valid during several weeks: Today you may feel inclined to keep a secret or hold back information in order to avoid a confrontation with someone. It is not good to do this, because it will only contribute to the fog of confusion and unclarity that surrounds you during this time. For the same reasons, avoid any form of misrepresentation or distortion of the truth, even if you think it might be politic to mislead someone. In every way you should strive to keep all your communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual and rooted in the real world. If you try to avoid confrontations by acting evasively under this influence, you will run up against even more demoralizing confrontations later. Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator. 

Mercury Opposite Neptune 
Slightly out of focus 
Valid during several weeks: This is a very poor day for doing any work that requires disciplined thinking and precision. The world looks like an impressionist painting today, slightly out of focus and emphasizing large patterns of color and shadow. Work with numbers of strict logic will be especially affected. If you do this kind of work today, check it over for errors in a couple of days. Almost certainly there will be some mistakes. Communications today will be especially difficult. Even when you and another person are trying to be very clear, you may have misunderstandings. This is a poor influence for any important discussions about business or personal matters. Even if you are sure that you are speaking clearly and honestly, make sure that others are treating you the same way. 

Mercury sextile Neptune 
This influence stimulates the imagination in a very positive way. Your sensitivity to and awareness of the subtler aspects of the world around you is greatly increased, and your intuition is much stronger than usual. Sometimes this influence accompanies a period of dreaminess, in which you spend much time fantasizing. In your contacts with people, you have a much clearer sense of what is going on in others' minds. If you can keep your perceptions straight in your head, you will be astonished by the insights about people that this influence can bring. However, during this time it is often difficult to keep your intuitions sorted out. Clear thinking is not one of your strong points today, and in fact you should try not to use your rational mind very much. Rely more on your inner senses and feelings. 

Mercury sextile Chiron 
When communicating or cooperating with others we often encounter certain unspoken differences, reservations or sensitivities. These do not seriously hinder the process but interfere insofar that one must be circuitous and considerate - a circumstance that one accepts but in fact cannot really understand. This applies to dealings with others and, it must be supposed, when others deal with us. This influence offers the possibility of either raising such issues in conversation with others or being made aware of them in oneself. It is especially important that this be dealt with in a delicate and sensitive manner by both parties. Without real empathy and readiness to understand, it will be impossible to gain much from this quality of time. 

Mercury square Chiron 
Learning and compassion 
Valid during several weeks: This influence gives you the chance, with positive support from the quality of time, to start to look into or delve deeper into those areas of knowledge which try to give practical answers to human problems. These include not only all forms of healing but also psychology and astrology as well as areas such as sociology and education. This is a good time to go deeper into the theoretical, philosophical fundamentals of your subject. The danger of this influence lies in the intellectualization and "talking to death" of experiences and situations which actually call for feeling or sympathy. On the wholly personal level, to do with you or someone close to you, such an approach hinders a compassionate understanding and effective acceptance of psychological realities. 

Mercury in 1st House 
Your point of view 
Valid during several months: This is a good time for expressing your point of view to people. You are able to put a great deal of yourself into whatever you say, so it is somehow more authentically yourself speaking. At the same time, you have the capacity to examine yourself with somewhat greater objectivity and detachment than usual. Your mind will be more active, and it is important to keep it occupied with useful projects, because you can accomplish a great deal with your mind at this time. Often with this influence you will have a strong urge to get out and travel, although not usually for long distances. This is fine if it is convenient and you feel like it - you could encounter rather profitable and interesting experiences. Usually this is a good time to be involved in negotiations or contract discussions of any kind. 

Mercury in 2nd House 
Commercial affairs 
Valid during several weeks: At this time your attention naturally turns to whatever you value in life, whether it be material, intellectual or spiritual. You may have to define your sense of values to another person so that he or she knows where you stand on an issue. On the mundane level, this influence often signifies that you are much more concerned with business and commercial affairs than usual. This can cover a broad range of activity, from shopping much more than usual to entering into an important business negotiation. The important point here is that whatever you do in this area, you will put a great deal of planning and consideration into it, and transactions will be more important and elaborate than usual. As a result you should be able to make the situation work out the way you want. 

Mercury in 3rd House 
A frantic pace 
Valid during several weeks: During this time, you will have many group discussions and conversations with others; you will meet new people, possibly travel quite a bit and certainly have more contact with relatives and immediate neighbors. You feel that you have to communicate with as many people as possible. This is a very good time for all kinds of intellectual activities. It is not a good time to try to settle down and relax. The tempo of events in your environment is likely to be too fast, and it will be difficult to avoid getting caught up in it. Nevertheless you should try sometimes to disconnect yourself from this frantic pace, because it may get to the point that you are continually distracted and unable to think properly. For this reason it is not the best time to try to reach a conclusion on some matter. 

Mercury in 4th House Intellectual withdrawal Valid during several weeks: This is a time of intellectual withdrawal, but not in a negative way. You aren't withdrawing to avoid a confrontation with reality but to reflect and think about all the ideas you have encountered recently. It is a good time to examine your personal and domestic life and to make plans or evaluate whether it is meeting your needs. This is an excellent time for discussions with your immediate family about matters that are important to all of you. Your thoughts may drift continually back to events that occurred in the past, and you may wonder why you cannot focus on the concerns of the present. You are able to voice your innermost thoughts at this time, and you should if you feel that something must be said. Do not allow pressures to build up within you that you do not express toward the people around you. 

Mercury in 5th House 
Playing pranks 
This is a good time for expressing your thoughts to yourself and for communicating them to others. You can make clear to people your stand on any matter and explain very effectively any issue that is on your mind. You will also be inclined to use your mind for amusement, that is for reading, writing and playing games that require mental agility. Often the ideas that come into your head now will have no special function except that they are fun to play with. Just be careful not to transfer this playful spirit to your communications with others to the extent that you play with people for your own amusement. However, during this time you are more inclined to release your inner energy outward than to allow energy input to come from others. Thus you may be rather insensitive to people's needs if you are not careful. 

Mercury in 6th House 
Mental work 
This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work. You are much more attentive to detail than usual and especially concerned about using the best techniques available. You want everything you do to be as perfect as possible, so you plan carefully and work out every detail in advance. This attitude toward doing something well will enable you to get along well with employers and with employees. It is a good time to sit down with either of these groups and talk over any problems that exist. One problem to be careful about is criticizing others. This influence may sharpen your critical ability, and while you are less concerned with your own ego needs, you may also be rather careless of other people's ego needs. Even in the interest of what you consider to be "objective" truth, try not to trample on others' feelings. 

Mercury in 7th House 
In need of response 
This is a good time to clarify and explain an issue to someone with whom you are intimately associated in daily life, such as your spouse or a business partner. It is also good for consulting a specialist on any matter that concerns you. You should not think and plan alone or unassisted today. You need another person's consciousness and response to your ideas and statements in order to get a clear perspective on your thoughts. Also, finding out your partner's thoughts will help him to clarify them. Together you will be able to accomplish much more than either of you could separately. 

Mercury in 8th House 
Looking inward 
Valid during several months: At this time it is good to look inward and reflect upon deep psychological truths within yourself. This influence often signifies conversations and intellectual encounters that have a profound effect upon your mind, causing you to go deep within yourself and make changes in your point of view or ways of thinking. This time is conducive to very deep thinking, sometimes including thoughts about your own and your loved ones' mortality. Reflecting upon these matters from time to time in moderation can help to keep your life in perspective, but don't get too carried away by thoughts of death, because this can draw you away from the here and now. 

Mercury in 9th House 
Something new 
Valid during several months: This is a good time for any kind of study and education, because you are intellectually eager for knowledge and new experiences. You want to take a larger view of life in order to see how the various parts fit together to make up the whole. Any new and interesting phenomenon from a world outside your own is likely to attract your attention at this time. Subjects relating to foreign places, the law, philosophy or higher knowledge of any kind will engage your attention. It is possible that you may have some dealings with officials connected with the law, although you should not fear this possibility particularly. It is a good time to travel, because your curiosity makes travel very interesting to you. You are also quite open to alternative lifestyles at this time. 

Mercury in 11th House 
Group relations 
Valid during several weeks: During this time you tend to think about your goals and expectations in life. You will examine your ideals to find out exactly how well they have served you and to what extent you have attained them. You should also think about whether your goals are really your own or whether they are in part other people's goals that you have adopted for yourself. In the latter case, decide whether these goals are appropriate for you. At this time you need and will have more verbal and intellectual exchanges with friends and with other groups that you are associated with. Talking over your problems with friends will be especially helpful in reaching an objective viewpoint. But keep in mind that talking things over with friends cannot free you from prejudices and preconceptions that are held by the entire group. 

Venus Trine Sun 
Creative ideas 
This influence does not signify anything earthshaking, but it is a good time for all kinds of enjoyable activity. Although this is not an especially energetic time, it is good for any work you have to do with others, because you create a spirit of camaraderie and togetherness, which makes the work go faster and more smoothly. If you need to make a good impression on others, this influence will assist you. But it is for recreation and pleasure that this influence is really at its best. You feel like having a good time, and almost anything you do will work out that way. It is especially good for amusing yourself with friends and having a party. This is also a good time for creative and craft projects. Not only do you have the physical energy for the work, you also have the creative ideas. 

Venus sextile AS
The life of the party 
This is a very lighthearted time, when you should be able to relax and enjoy yourself with friends and loved ones. You will enjoy being with groups of people, and you will wish to express your feelings of affection. Your favor will extend even to the point that you want to share it with everyone. This is also a good time to go out and meet people. You will not have the fear and shyness that may sometimes make it difficult for you to encounter new people, nor will you need to worry about making a bad impression on the people you meet. This influence helps to ensure you will make a favorable impression upon everyone. If you usually enjoy being the life of the party, you will certainly have the chance to play this role now. 

Venus Opposite AS
Sharing the day 
This is an extremely favorable influence for close relationships and one-to-one encounters of any sort. A marriage or love relationship should go smoothly today, with both of you showing a great deal of affection. If there are any difficulties between you, smooth them out today, because neither of you will want to argue. You will both be much more interested in making peace. This is also an excellent time to make an agreeable impression on someone new. If you have to work within a partnership, where keeping the peace is an important factor in your success, this is an excellent day. Any persons who are normally difficult to deal with will be easy to handle today. This is not a good time to be alone. You are in the mood for relating, and the day will not be complete in any way unless you share it. 

Venus opposite Venus 
At ease with yourself This can be a very pleasant time. You feel at ease with yourself, benign and rather self-indulgent, which is fine as long as you don't have work that must be done. You feel that there is nothing you do not deserve, and you are likely to buy some expensive pastime only to regret the cost later. Love relationships will normally be smooth during this time, although a problem may arise if you have a disagreement with a loved one or friend. Instead of defending your own position when you have a perfect right to, you may compromise on issues that really should not be compromised. If you have a difficult negotiation to transact, avoid doing it during this time. The negotiation may succeed, but the results may not be to your advantage. 

Venus Square Venus 
Doing nothing 
Although this is normally a pleasant influence, producing good times and pleasant leisure, under some circumstances it can be a period of testing to see if relationships are on a sound footing. The test may consist of situations that will determine your ability to maintain your individuality within your important relationships. This influence produces a tendency to compromise rather than to stand up for your beliefs and rights. Someone may take advantage of your good nature at this time, which is not a tremendous danger, but something to keep in mind when dealing with people today. At this time your energies are rather low, not so that you feel sick, but so that you feel like doing nothing. Your work may not be done carefully because your heart is not really in it. 

Venus Trine Mars 
A perfect balance The effects of this influence can vary considerably, but it is generally favorable for most kinds of activity. You are able to assert yourself today so as to get what you want without offending anybody. People will appreciate that you have been direct without being abrasive or pugnacious. You want everyone to have the same freedom you have to go after their own objectives, and you are willing to help them as long as they will return the favor. There is an almost perfect balance now between your need to be an individual with individual wants and desires and your need to relate to others. You can charm men or women by being genuinely friendly and agreeable, and you are concerned that your partner enjoy the relationship as much as you do. 

Venus square Chiron 
Easily irritated 
During this time you probably feel hurt, offended or ignored and therefore you have withdrawn into yourself, and do not allow anyone to get really close to you. At the same time, though, deep down you want to participate, enjoy life, love and be loved. Nevertheless, you should not expect too much of yourself in this respect. You probably need seclusion or a withdrawal to get over everything. In that case you should not bury yourself in your pain as that will not make things better. You will possibly find that the behavior of the other person was unintentional, and that your present situation mainly mirrors your own sensitivity. 

Venus Trine MC 
Creative activity This is a good time for any kind of creative activity. If you are active in a creative field, you should be unusually productive today. Under any circumstances this is a good time to get involved with the arts or any other activity concerning beauty. It is also an excellent time to redecorate your home and make your personal surroundings more attractive. Your taste for beauty is aroused, and you are much more sensitive to the aesthetic nature of your surroundings. This is also a time when you feel very affectionate and have a great need to express your affection for others. You want to give and receive love. Usually this is a very pleasant influence, because you are pleasant to be around. Others can sense how you feel about them, which makes them feel good in return. 

Venus square MC 
An ambiguous day For most people this is a good influence, a time when you will feel like being with another person and expressing your love. For lovers this can be quite an amorous time. You will have a strong feeling that by yourself you are not quite complete and that you need someone else to make you whole. This feeling is not born out of personal insecurity; it is a real need and desire to give and receive love. However, for some persons at some times, this influence can have a negative effect, almost the reverse of the above. It can make you overly self- involved, so wrapped up in yourself that you do not relate very successfully to others. Or you may demand more love than you are willing to give. But for this to occur there must be a predisposition to it in your nature. 

Venus conjunct Mercury 
Punctuated with humor During this time, your thoughts are on light topics, and you find it difficult to take things seriously. Your good mood will affect every encounter now, making conversations agreeable, sociable and friendly, punctuated with humor. You are not likely to have any patience with serious or heavy topics, although you are willing to discuss relationships and matters pertaining to love and affection. You will find it very easy to express love and affection for others now, even if you are usually tongue-tied. If you want to say something to make a favorable impression on someone, you will succeed. You can win people over by what you say and how you say it. This influence also favors commercial transactions and negotiations, particularly in the entertainment field. 

Venus trine Mercury 
 Relax and unwind 
This is a day of pleasant thoughts and communication, of easy intellectual exchanges with other people, general light-heartedness and good times. This is a good day to tell someone that you love him. It is also a good day to discuss any aspect of a relationship. If something has been bothering you today, you can discuss it and clear the air in such a way that there will be no negative feelings. Today it will be easy to let the other person know that you are fond of him and that you are only trying to make the relationship better. Go out for a drive today, or better begin a long vacation. A trip started under this influence will give you great pleasure, stimulate your mind and expand your consciousness. You may meet new friends who will stay with you for a long time. 

Venus sextile Mars 
Getting involved This influence favors love relationships and the formation of friendships. It indicates a balance in your life between self-assertion and the need to relate to others. In a sexual relationship this balance is manifested by your ability to give and receive equally. In friendships you can be yourself without difficulty. Creative activities are also favored by this influence. If you are not artistic, you may spend the day working to beautify your immediate surroundings. This influence may bring about financial opportunities, particularly for investment in a new and unique venture. Your own individuality is best expressed by getting involved, financially or emotionally, in projects that are different and innovative. 

Venus Square Jupiter 
Led to excess 
This is usually an agreeable time, in that you feel well and enjoy the company of others. It is good for doing anything that you really enjoy, as long as there is nothing that you have to do. You are likely to have very little self-discipline. In fact, you are likely to indulge yourself in many ways that may not be good for you. Also be careful if you go shopping. Do not buy anything unnecessary, unless you have some surplus cash. There is a tendency to buy expensive things, especially jewelry, fine clothes and art objects. On the other hand, if you proceed with some discipline and know what you are doing, you can make some excellent investments at this time. Avoid doing anything on impulse, because although your mind is capable of making good decisions, your emotions are likely to lead you to excess. 

Venus Trine Jupiter 
A pleasant respite This influence brings grace, ease and pleasant social interaction into your life. It can also bring laziness and self-indulgence, but only if you are likely to be that way anyway. For most people this influence will be a pleasant respite from the daily grind. You just feel content, and your contentment affects others favorably, so that everyone around you today will be in good spirits. This is an excellent time for all social occasions, amusements and entertainments. You may meet someone who will be of great service to you later. This influence often benefits financial interests. It is a good day to make a major investment, particularly in entertainment, leisure activities or the arts. This is also a good time to begin a vacation trip. 

Venus Trine Saturn 
Sobriety and stability You are satisfied with reliable, stable relationships at this time and do not make unrealistic demands on others. You recognize that your loved ones are human, and you ask only that they live up to their obligations and you will do the same in return. This is a good time to discuss any problems that may have arisen with a relationship, because your sense of reality is strong and you can be objective. Relationships that begin under this influence are characterized by sobriety and stability. They may not be demonstrative, but there is a steadiness of feeling that enables them to survive when others fail. Often such a relationship occurs because of practical rather than romantic considerations, but this does not weaken it. 

Venus square Neptune 
Soft lights 
This influence stimulates your romantic imagination to a considerable degree, making you somewhat unrealistic in your dealings with loved ones. Usually this is not serious; this day may bring pleasant times of soft lights and romantic reveries. Daydreaming is also a characteristic of this influence, which is fine unless it interferes with necessity. In fact, this daydreaming tendency can manifest itself as artistic inspiration. If you are an artist, creativity of a high order can result. In relationships you must be most careful. You may expect your loved one to live up to an impossible romantic ideal that no one could or should try to attain. In most cases this influence has a short effect, constituting a passing mood and not a source of real problems. 

Venus Square Pluto 
Unwelcome changes 
At its best this influence can signify intense emotional experiences within a relationship that draw you in and change your consciousness for a time. But there is also a difficult side to this influence. You may become aware of changes occurring in a relationship to which you will be forced to accommodate. They cannot be ignored, because a real breakdown in your relationship would result. In itself change is not a bad thing. But we crave stability above all else in our relationships, and stability is not available at this time. It will do no good to pretend that change is not happening. Every relationship needs to grow in order to remain healthy and alive. Resist the desire to use subversive tactics to control your loved one, such as manipulating feelings of guilt or responsibility. 

House Venus in 1st House 
A good time for a good time 
Valid during several weeks: This influence affects your whole manner of expressing yourself to others. You have a great desire to relate to others, and you are willing to make whatever personal compromises are necessary. During this time you feel rather unaggressive. In fact, you may not even defend your own personal rights. Instead you may try to work out a compromise or evade any contests. During this time you may be able to make peace among others. Since you do not feel like fighting, you are willing to act as a go-between to help others smooth over their differences. This is a good time to have a good time with friends, take a vacation or do whatever you enjoy. If you can get away to have fun at this time, you ought to do so. 

Venus in 3rd House 
The pleasures of life 
Valid during several weeks: This influence has the effect of making your everyday surroundings and activities more pleasant and agreeable. Your social life often picks up at this time as you get together with friends and neighbors to have fun or simply socialize and talk. All your dealings with people in the everyday world will be pleasant and light. You will not want to discuss serious matters, because this influence makes one interested only in the pleasures of life. On a somewhat deeper level, this influence can provide an opportunity to discover that there is a considerable amount of love in your everyday life. You do not have to search for true affection. Many of us go through life without ever acknowledging the love that we encounter every day. This is a good time to let people know how much you love them. 

Venus in 4th House 
Quiet hours 
Valid during several weeks: This is usually a peaceful time, when you will enjoy quiet hours at home, either alone or entertaining guests and feeling at ease. Barring a contrary indication from another influence, this is usually a time when you feel neither self-assertive and outgoing, nor shy and withdrawn. You feel amiable in a quiet way and are fond of having congenial people around you. Redecorating is often undertaken under this influence. You want your home to be elegant or gay and light. Fortunately, you are usually quite sensitive and in tune with your inner feelings, so that your home decorating efforts should be satisfactory. Try to avoid the usual tendency to do things lavishly or expensively, and keep practical considerations in mind. 

Venus in 5th House 
Take a break 
Valid during several months: This influence signifies an appropriate time for fun, entertainment, having a good time. Your self-discipline may be at an all-time low during this period, but everyone needs a break from time to time, so enjoy yourself. Just make sure not to overdo it. You can relate well with children now, and this is a good time for games and fun. It is not conducive to serious work or discussion with them, however, because you may not want to be serious, yourself. Love relationships in general are also favored during this time. You will get along smoothly with loved ones without feeling that you are surrendering your identity. This influence makes it possible for others to enjoy you being exactly yourself. There is no need to pretend to be what you are not. 

Venus in 6th House

Venus in 7th House Harmonious cooperation Valid during several months: This is one of the best influences for all relationships: love affairs, relationships with partners, with coworkers, even with enemies. Ego forces are so in tune at this time that you can create the proper balance between yourself and everyone you meet. In your marriage or other love relationship, you will be able to express affection easily and make your feelings clear to your partner. In other partnerships, including professional ones, you are able to understand the needs of your partner so that you can arrive at maximum understanding and work together harmoniously. Be careful not to let your amiability prevent you from standing up for your own rights. You need not worry about alienating your partner, because you will be able to make it clear that you are working for your mutual benefit. 

Venus in 8th House 
Attracting money 
Valid during several months: This influence can have several effects, often quite subtle. It can stimulate the sexual side of existing relationships and give love relationships a greater intensity. This is because sex goes beyond the physical act and becomes a vehicle for self-transformation and inward change. A love relationship that begins under this influence will be intense throughout its duration and will have a greater impact, for better or worse, on your life than other relationships. This influence may attract money to you through your partner, a business partner or through a bank or other public financial institution, without any special effort on your part. Obviously, this is a good time to seek a loan or other financial support. 

Venus in 9th House

Venus in 11th House 
Easy company 
Valid during several weeks: This is one of the best of all influences for group activities or activities with friends. You will feel friendly toward almost everyone, and they will be friendly in return. It is a good time to have friends in for a party or to go out with a group of friends for a good time. You will enjoy each other's company immensely and be much more loving and affectionate with each other. This benefit is not limited to activities with friends. Any situation in which you deal with many people in a group setting, for example a business conference or organizational meeting, is favored by this influence. Your ego energies are low enough so that you can deal agreeably with others, making whatever compromises are necessary without feeling that you are losing something personal that you should defend. 

Venus in 12th house 
With a true spirit 
Valid during several months: At its highest, this influence indicates an unusual degree of selflessness in love. In personal relationships, the need to care for someone else may mean that you will not get immediate gratification other than the pleasure of helping someone you love. If your relationship is basically sound, this influence will assure greater rewards of love and satisfaction later. Although this is a time for self-denial in love relationships, do not fall into the negative trap of playing martyr. Do not inflict on others, especially the ones you are helping, a constant awareness that you are "unselfishly" devoting yourself to them. This will undo your efforts and create trouble. If you cannot service with a true spirit of selfless devotion, do nothing. 

Mars square AS 
A stormy period 
Valid during several months: This influence is likely to coincide with a stormy period in your personal relationships. There will probably be a difference between you and your partner about some personal objective that you both are very closely involved in. Or a difference in your background and conditioning will cause you and your partner to see a situation very differently. Associated with these problems is the problem of identifying so closely with your own point of view that you feel your personal honor depends on having your views triumph. Under this influence any kind of team effort that you become involved in is not likely to work. If you can possibly arrange it, try to work by yourself on a project in which you have the total initiative. 

Mars Square MC 
Keep calm The energy of this influence comes rather explosively and may take on a life of its own. Its basic intent is to help you achieve a certain objective or make an impression on the world. But if you feel frustrated for any reason, the energy may be expressed in such a way as to work against your interests, as you would realize if you were in a calmer frame of mind. If you can control yourself during this time, it will help you accomplish a great deal of work and initiate projects that you might otherwise be reluctant to tackle. With this influence, self- confidence is usually high, although if your normal level of confidence is low, it may come out as irritability and peevishness. This influence is particularly likely to cause trouble in your home if you hold in your anger in public but allow it to explode at home. 

Mars Trine Sun 
Decisive action 
Valid during several months: During this time you feel vigorous and willing to work. At the same time, your self-confidence is unusually strong. You feel no need to struggle against others, because you know your normal energies will carry you through any situation. And since you are able to work from such a calm position, your work is more effective and more competent than usual. You do not feel violently competitive, but if someone offers a challenge, you won't back down. Therefore this is a good time for all types of athletics. You will enjoy the contest, but you will not feel driven to win at all costs. The game will seem satisfactory by itself. And you will carry this viewpoint over into all the activities you become involved in at this time. This is a favorable time for situations that require decisive action. 

Mars sextile Mercury 
Mental work 
Valid during several months: This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness. You will be in a positive mood and have great confidence in your position, which will enable you to make a positive impression and probably convince people of your point of view. This influence also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You can make plans together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you make your point without anyone else feeling threatened. This is a good time for traveling in connection with your work. Because your energy level is high, you are restless to get things done. During this couple of days you will feel confident of yourself, your ideas and the effect you make when talking with people. 

Mars Square Venus 
A delicate equilibrium 
During this time you may try to assert your individuality in a relationship. Sometimes this occurs when you feel that you are giving too much in a relationship and getting too little. Or the situation can be the exact opposite; that is, you have been giving too little, and your partner is resentful. Any successful relationship, especially a sexual one, is a delicate balance between the needs and desires of each person as an individual ego and their desire to achieve meaning through a relationship. The equilibrium is very delicate and easily upset now. At this time the two of you have to define what you want from each other. It is sometimes necessary to be quite explicit about what you want, because whatever is left unsaid may very well be the main source of conflict between you. 

Mars Opposite Venus 
Sexual energy 
If you suppress your sexuality in platonic relationships at this time, you may become irritable and feisty. This effect may be so subtle that you are not even aware of what is happening at the time. If you cannot fulfill your secret desire to make love to someone, you may become angry and harsh with that person. There is nothing to be done about this except to be aware of it and not take your feelings too seriously. But if there is any possibility of a sexual relationship with the person in question, feel free to initiate it. Persons in creative activities such as arts or crafts can also express the energy of this influence through their work. If you have any ability along these lines you will be able to express yourself through your art more effectively than usual. 

Mars Trine Mars 
Following through 
Valid during several months: This is a good time to take the initiative and start a new project. It will go very well, because you will have the insight as well as the energy to follow it through to the conclusion. During this time you will be most strongly motivated toward tasks that bring credit to you and express you as an individual. Greater self-confidence usually accompanies this influence, so if you have to present a project to someone, you will be able to do it much more effectively. Everything you do now will give you greater self-assurance and the extra drive and confidence that you will need in the future, when things may not run as smoothly. Probably the worst way to handle this influence is to do nothing, for you will lose an opportunity to prove your own worth to yourself. 

Mars opposite Mars 
During this time you have a very strong need to assert yourself, but you may do it in a way that provokes conflict with others. And if you try to suppress this need for ego-expression, you may have to contend with someone else's attempts to be overbearing. On the other hand, this could possibly be a time of very vigorous and successful work, in which you succeed by asserting your own individuality toward others in some way. The lesson that you must learn is that your own success does not have to be at someone else's expense. But under this influence you may feel that it does, and so you respond either by trying to dominate others unnecessarily or by reacting negatively to anyone else's success. Work for your own interests, but not against someone else's. 

Mars Opposite Jupiter 
Enlightened self-interest 
Valid during several months: This time represents the culmination of your efforts to expand the domain of your activities. There is more and more that you want to do, and you resent anything that narrows your freedom and limits your scope of action. The challenge of this influence is to be conscious enough of yourself and of what you are doing so that you can plan intelligently and work effectively with enlightened self-interest as opposed to pure selfishness. As long as you stay within your own limitations - that is, your inherent limitations as a human being and the limitations of your situation or circumstances - you should be extremely successful. The sense of timing of your actions may leave others amazed and sure that you are lucky. But really you have succeeded because you have a complete understanding of the situation. 

Mars Trine Jupiter 
Restore and rejuvenate 
Weak, transient effect: This morning you should have a very strong sense of well-being. Your inner self is functioning harmoniously, and you do not feel emotional turmoil or strife. At the same time you are most contented with the familiar elements of your life. You enjoy being at home with relatives and friends, and you like being surrounded by the objects you are used to. You are not in the mood for adventures, challenges and major changes, nor is it necessary to be so. There will be other times for adventure. Now you should restore and rejuvenate yourself in peace and quiet. Physical comfort is especially important to you at this time, but it doesn't have to be lavish. Your need is for a comfortable environment that seems supportive. You want to be surrounded by whatever you feel protects you. 

Mars sextile Uranus 
New viewpoints 
Your thinking is much more impulsive and changeable than usual under this influence. On the one hand, this makes you rather unpredictable and even unreliable, as far as the people around you are concerned. But it also gives you the capacity to break out of the rut, both psychologically and in your activities. You are able to see fresh new viewpoints and think originally. More to the point, you are able to make practical use of your new insights in everyday life. In your drive for new experiences, you may also seek out new friendships or associate with your more exciting stimulating friends, persons you don't normally associate with because they are too unsettling or unpredictable. Now you are in just the mood for that kind of personality. 

Mars Trine Uranus 
Personal growth 
This will be a time of new activities and new encounters, some quite unexpected, that will generate both excitement and personal growth. You are not satisfied with your daily routine under this influence, which signifies a time when you can break away from the routine and introduce into your life fresh elements that will keep you alive psychologically. As a consequence of all this, you can do quite extraordinary things under this influence. In whatever you do, you will have the chance to show off aspects of yourself that others may not have known you had. You may not have known about them yourself. Consequently this is a time of personal growth and self-discovery that can be quite significant in your psychological development, as well as being positively exciting and interesting. 

Mars trine Pluto 
Considerable credit 
You should formulate objectives for long-range efforts at this time. Find out what you want to change about yourself and your world and get to work on those changes. The energy you have now will allow you to keep up a sustained effort for a long time. At work you may be given an opportunity to wield more power and thereby be more effective personally. But if you work solely for your own benefit now, you will sow the seeds of your own undoing later on. You should work for your own good and for the social good by identifying your own needs with those of society. If you do this, you will be given considerable credit for what you do. Sometimes this influence brings an opportunity to understand your motivations and to operate from this new understanding. 

Mars Trine Chiron 
You are energetic and self-assured today, and you feel less helpless and at the mercy of others than is perhaps usually the case - a good time, therefore, for telling someone about your feelings or desires. If at present you have a firm relationship, you can now talk to your partner about needs of yours which, for some reason, you do not like to talk about. The quality of time is on your side, if, for once, you want to act out of character without falling flat on your face. If you are prepared to risk taking such a step, you will observe that you by no means meet with a lack of understanding or a rejection. This influence can also be of significant help with all therapeutic treatments and physical challenges. 

Mars in 1st House 
A dominant personality 
Valid during several weeks: This should be a time of great activity in your life, when you work very hard to further your own interests and assert yourself among others. You have the chance to show the world what you can do now. You come on to others with much more vigor than usual, and you are likely to make a great impression upon them at this time. During this time, your personality is much more dominant than usual, but you aren't interested in having great power over others, as long as they don't try to dominate you. You are perfectly happy as long as you are completely free to do whatever you want and to have your individuality acknowledged by others in whatever you do. Your physical energy level is quite high, and you should be able to do a lot of work. 

Mars in 2nd House

Mars in 3rd House

Mars in 4th House

Mars in 5th House 
Self-assertive energies 
Valid during several weeks: Above all else, this is a time when you will demand to be yourself and to express to others what and who you are. You are filled with energies that want to cry to the world, "I am!" You will not be especially inclined to self-denial, discipline, postponing self-gratification, or taking a back seat to another. However, this is not a conflict- laden time unless your self-assertive energies are totally denied by circumstances or you give them no expression. However, it is much more likely that these energies will be expressed in a playful and sportive way. In fact, any athletic activity, if you are so inclined, is an excellent outlet for this influence. In love relationships, this influence signifies that your desire nature is rather strong, that you know what you want and will try to get it. 

Mars in 6th House 
Plenty of work 
Valid during several months: At this time you will throw your ego energies into working hard and getting things done. Now you are much more able to defer tomorrow's pleasure for today's work. In fact you are likely to take considerable pride in how much work you can do during this time. So the best way to handle this energy is to find plenty of work and do it. You may not want to work for someone else; instead, you want the credit for your accomplishments yourself, so that you are identified with what you do. This can lead to conflicts with your superiors and general difficulty in your work situation. Even if you are the employer, there may be difficulty if the people who work for you feel that you are not giving them enough credit. The best solution is to maneuver yourself into a position where you don't have to work with or for others any more than necessary. 

Mars in 7th House 
Clearing the air 
Valid during several weeks: During this time there is tension in your life, but it can be used creatively if you are conscious of what you are doing. If you are not, this influence can signify a time of conflicts, especially with those closest to you, such as your partner and others whom you must cooperate with. Even your intimate, positive relationships may suffer at this time. The problem is that you will find it difficult to give in and compromise as necessary to proper cooperation. In any close relationship, there is often too much compromise, so that the real complaints and grievances are not aired, which in the long run tends to weaken even a fine relationship. Now is the time when these repressed grievances can be brought out into the open, which should result in a real clearing of the air between you. 

Mars in 8th House 
Valid during many months: Basically your ego drives will create a confrontation with something, which will force a transformation of some kind in your life. For example, you may encounter someone who has a powerful effect upon you and causes you to change. This may happen through a conflict with this person, or he or she may gain influence over you and thereby affect you strongly. In a marriage or love relationship, the two of you may disagree strongly on the management of jointly held resources. It is also quite likely that the two of you will use your joint resources, particularly money, rather foolishly and wastefully. The sum total of all of your experiences at this time will lead to either great or small ways of transforming the ways in which you assert yourself in the world. 

Mars in 9th House

Mars in 10th House 
Valid during several weeks: More than any other, this influence arouses your ambition to achieve. If you can identify with a project, you will work extremely hard at it until it is done. It is especially important now that you find an independent project that requires your individual initiative and effort. You should try to gain independent authority in your work at this time because you are not likely to be very tolerant of other people's authority over yourself. You prefer to be your own boss. But your energy will make an impression upon people who are in a position to help you, as long as you do not challenge them unduly. Conflicts with coworkers may arise if they feel threatened by your efforts to get ahead. You should try to play down such conflicts unless something real is at stake. 

Mars in 11th House

Mars in 12th House 
Valid during many months: Past behavior patterns that have become completely unconscious now become active and come into play without your knowing it. Your efforts at self-assertion are undermined by these behavior patterns that you are not even aware of. And unfortunately the people who are alienated by these actions probably will not come out and say so, but will work behind the scenes to block your efforts. The only way you can counter this effect is to become completely conscious of yourself and these little self-defeating acts. If you feel emotionally upset as you often will during this time, refrain from any kind of significant confrontation with others. Instead, confront yourself. It is best at this time to work alone as much as possible. 

Saturn Square Mercury 
The wood for the trees 
Valid during many months: This can be a time of difficulties in communicating with others and of problems arising from a serious conflict of viewpoints. During this time your ideas and opinions, as well as your ways of communicating with people, will be seriously challenged by others. Disagreements may lead you to sever relationships or at least to consider doing so. You may feel gloomy, depressed and worried because people do not seem to share your ideas. This makes you feel alone, and at the same time you may withdraw from communicating with others. Therefore this is usually a poor time to make any decisions unless you have to. In your present frame of mind you are incapable of seeing the whole picture upon which any decision must be based. Also your tendency toward pessimism makes you underestimate the real possibilities. Instead of withdrawing from intellectual conflict with others, you should try to recognize the sources of conflict and help everyone clarify the problems. The differences between you and others are real. Your ideas are fixed and clear enough that others may feel called upon to challenge them. You are in the position of having to defend and justify to others what you believe and think. It may be that your thinking has become too rigid over the last several years. Challenges by other people can force you to examine your ideas and opinions to see whether they are broad enough to encompass your experience. If you discover that they are not, this should be a time of radical mental reconstruction. If you do not succeed in incorporating other people's challenges into your idea structure and instead just ignore them, you will undergo a much more serious period of mental confusion and readjustment in about seven years. 

Saturn Square Mars 
Valid during many months: This can be a time of intense ego conflicts with others, and you are very likely to be the loser if you are not careful. Your ambitions in various areas may provoke others to try to stop you because they feel threatened. Or it may be that you come across people whose goals are intrinsically opposed to yours. This may happen in any area of your life; most commonly it will affect your work and social life, but it can also affect your personal and domestic life. During your first run-ins with others, you will probably be very bitter and antagonistic, but you will also become cautious about venting your anger. The result is that you will constantly be in a state of suppressed rage. Then someone who has nothing to do with your mood may be the victim of a sudden unexpected burst of anger. Needless to say, that is not the way to win anyone over. You must not get discouraged by the failures you experience at this time. This period will not last, and you can consider it a testing time for yourself and your ambitions. There is no need to assume that your present setbacks are permanent. 

Jupiter opposite AS 
Mutual growth 
Valid during many months: During this period you seek to grow in various ways through your closest contacts with other people. You try to create relationships that will further your life, not in a spirit of selfishness, but in a desire for mutual growth. Often at this time a person will come into your life who offers to help you out in some way, usually through a partnership. In business, for example, this is an extremely good time to enter into a partnership or a contract with someone. In your personal life, you will work more closely than usual with someone, which will work out very well for you both. If other indications are compatible, you may meet someone who will be important to you romantically, but that is not the usual result of this influence. This is also an excellent time to seek out someone for counseling, especially a lawyer, but also any other kind of counselor. Related to this, incidentally, is that if you have a case in court at this time, it will work out as you want it to. A marriage or intimate relationship should work better than usual now. You and your partner will be anxious to help each other grow and to further each other's interests in all possible ways. You do not want to restrict your partner or be restricted by him in any possible way. Because you understand the need for freedom of individual self-expression within your relationship, you will try to find ways to bring that about. If your relationship is not working out very well in general, this influence can have either of two effects. It can either bring a time of healing in the relationship so that it ceases to be such a problem, or it can make your desire for freedom so strong that you break off the relationship altogether. At any rate, the problems themselves will cease. And a relationship that does break up under this influence (this only applies to one that is on the rocks) will do so relatively amicably. 

Jupiter conjunct Moon 
Emotionally secure 
Valid during many months: This is an extremely positive time. You feel emotionally secure and in touch with your feelings, which you can express clearly and honestly, both to yourself and to others. At the same time you have an enormous feeling of generosity, which enables you to give to others much more freely than usual without feeling diminished in any way. This influence relates to the nurturing function within you, the desire to protect and care for as well as the desire to be supported. You can nurture another at this time, or if you need help yourself, you will get it. Your home and personal life are very important to you during this time, and you will work to make this area as positive as possible. You may simply make your home more comfortable and elegant, or on a more psychological level you may bring friends and neighbors to your home in order to make them feel good, as well as yourself. At this time you will realize how your past has positively contributed to your present situation, and you will want to be surrounded by things that remind you of your past. This is a good time to go home and see old friends and loved ones. Regardless of your own sex, you may receive some benefit from a woman who offers to help or care for you in some way. Often her function in your life will be to reveal to you what is within and to make you more self-sufficient. This person could even be a man, but he would affect you in a maternal way. About the only negative side of this influence comes from its symbolic connection with nutrition and digestion. Psychologically, you are in a period of incorporation and assimilation, of taking into yourself whatever can nourish and support you. Obviously the physical correlate of this is gaining weight, which can happen if you are not careful. Fatty foods are especially difficult, so try to avoid them. 

Jupiter Trine Mercury 
Intelligent plans 
Valid during several days: This is not a time when you should wait for things to come to you. But you can do quite well with it if you communicate with people, look for opportunities, especially in business, and look for good items to buy or sell. This influence confers the ability to see events clearly and to make plans intelligently, which will serve you well in any of these matters. You are able to put yourself across with confidence and warmth, which will make other people believe you. They will also respect your sincerity and the clarity with which you communicate your ideas. Even if you tell someone something he or she doesn't want to hear, you can do it so that the other person will feel good about you for saying it. This is an excellent time to take up the study of a new subject, and the more abstract the better. But you also have the ability now to translate abstract ideas into practical reality, which can be very useful in organizing and planning your activities in any sphere of life. On the psychological level you can expect a period of optimism and positive thinking, fortunately based on reality. You have big ideas, but you have the basic sense to understand what can and cannot be done. This contributes greatly to your effectiveness at this time. 

Jupiter Conjunct Mars 
An exuberant time 
Valid during many months: This is a very exuberant time, with high energies. You feel physically strong and fit, and you are more willing to be active and take chances than at other times. Vigorous physical activity is one of the best ways to use this energy, which strengthens your body and allows you to accomplish more than usual. Almost anything that you direct your energies to, especially an activity that requires a lot of energy, will seem to flow and happen as if you were not making any effort at all. It is important to realize, however, that you are in fact working quite hard; after this period, and even during it to some extent, you will need to stop a while and rest. One of the problems at this time is that because you don't realize how hard your body and mind are working, there is a real danger that you will overwork yourself. Certainly, if you are not in excellent physical condition you should not take up heavy physical work without preparing for it, but that is just what you might do with this influence. This is a good time to begin a new project, as long as you don't overextend yourself. You have much more initiative than usual, and you can accomplish a great deal by yourself. Working with others may be frustrating, because it is hard for you to put up with their slower pace. Often this influence is expressed through doing something that requires a magnificent sense of timing or planning. Or you will do something that works out very well for you in the long run. Even if it doesn't require great energy, it will pay great dividends in the future. 

Jupiter square Venus 
Warmth of feeling 
Valid during many months: This influence can create within you genuine warmth of feeling and the desire to give and express love to others. Unfortunately it can also make you feel very unenterprising and passive, so that you wait for things to come to you when you ought to go out after them. It is very hard to tell which of these two broad classes of response to expect, but generally speaking, the first is more common. On occasions this influence may mean that you will attract someone with whom you could have a significant relationship, but it may not be an easy relationship. It is likely to be quite constructive, however, and whether or not you realize it immediately, you will gain from it in wisdom and maturity. The principal difficulty with this influence is that it inspires rather compulsive feelings, which do not leave you enough room to maneuver and handle the new relationship properly. Because you act compulsively, your feelings may overwhelm the other person. And it is very important to realize that there is always a certain tension between closeness and the love of freedom. It is quite possible to combine these into a very creative relationship that will be pleasant and constructive for both of you, but you will have to calm yourself down a bit and proceed with less excitement. If you can do this easily, this influence should be very good for you. This influence stimulates your love of beauty. Make every effort to surround yourself with beauty, such as pleasant surroundings, art objects or beautiful scenery. With some people, this feeling becomes perverted into a love of gaudy, showy things that have no real worth. To each his or her own, of course, but do not get seduced into wasting money on some trifle that you will regret in soberer moments. 

Jupiter Trine Saturn 
Clarity of intention 
Valid during many months: During this time you can work patiently and slowly to build something up. You are able to keep in mind your long-range goals while dealing with all the everyday concerns that arise. Consequently the work that you undertake now is usually very well done. You have an unusual understanding of the relationship between the parts and the whole. This is an appropriate time to handle all manner of practical concerns. Your mind is earthbound, but you don't lack vision and foresight. Therefore this is an excellent time to expand an existing business, start a new one, or branch out into a new area of business. After you find the most practical solution to any problem, you move immediately in that direction. Clarity of intention is one of the strongest points of this influence. During this time you will not want to be with other people especially. It is a good time to go off by yourself and think things over so that you can arrive at the clearest idea of what you want to do. But don't worry about feeling lonely. The seclusion will be good for you and not at all unpleasant. All your actions are governed by a strong sense of duty. You recognize the many responsibilities that you have in the world, and you are willing to live up to them as best you can. You may take a rather paternal attitude toward the people around you, wanting to protect them and take on their troubles as your own. Be careful not to overdo this, however, because even though you have good intentions, beyond a point you have no right to take over people's lives. They must deal with their own problems. Even if you encounter setbacks during this time, they are not likely to affect you seriously. You will take them philosophically, cut your losses and move on to the next phase. You will keep in mind where you want to go, and you will not be easily dissuaded from following your objective. 

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune 
A sense of compassion 
Valid during many months: During this time your ideals will be aroused as they seldom are at other times, and you will approach life with a greater sense of compassion. People who cannot help themselves will win your sympathy especially, whether you encounter them personally or through working with others in a charitable enterprise. Your primary concern is to help individuals by giving them a hand. You may be less concerned with transforming the social order that has given rise to the conditions that oppress the people you are dealing with. Your interest in spiritual, religious and mystical philosophy is likely to grow at this time, and you may become involved in a group that is studying these subjects. This world no longer seems to meet your needs adequately, so you have to turn inward to find a world that can give you what you really need. Here, too, you will discover that the ego's drives for self- gratification and self-assertion may be the major factors in preventing you from getting what you want out of life. At this time the demands of the ego must be quieted at least a little, so you can hear what the inner self is really saying. Unfortunately there is another side to this influence, which you should watch for. Some people develop a feeling of false happiness, like living in the dream world of an opium smoker, with no basis in reality. You may feel that everything is all right when it is not, or you may feel that you can do anything you want and get away with it. That is why this influence is often associated with gambling or taking risks with limited resources, often with disastrous results. This is not a very good time for investments, not because you will necessarily lose out, but because you just won't know for sure, and you will be tempted to gamble even when it is a poor risk. For the same reason, in business deals be sure you are not the victim of a massive misrepresentation. 

Jupiter Sextile Neptune 
Easy come, easy go 
Valid during many months: This is a time when you are particularly concerned with fulfilling your ideals in life, and you will formulate your eventual goals in very idealistic terms. Also you are less concerned with the negative aspects of life at this time and better able to appreciate its positive aspects. Just be sure that you don't adopt a "Pollyanna" attitude toward the real problems of your life. You don't feel that satisfying your own needs is as urgent as usual now. In general you want to help others who are less fortunate than yourself. Helping others gives you a great sense of personal fulfillment that outweighs any personal sacrifice you may have to make. For this reason you may become involved in working with charities or other institutions that aid the less fortunate. During this time your religious, philosophical and spiritual concerns are often great. You have a strong drive to experience the higher aspects of existence, but this need may not be satisfied by orthodox religions, so you may become involved in one of the mystical or spiritual groups that flourish now. Or you may encounter an individual who can reveal something of this aspect of the universe to you. In fact, the nature of this influence is such that you will probably gain spiritual insight from those parts of your everyday world that you take for granted. On another level entirely, this influence can often signify a desire to gamble. Money that you receive now can best be described as "easy come, easy go." But the danger here is that you may invest or gamble on the basis of inflated expectations or a false belief that nothing can go wrong for you. Unfortunately this is not true, so be as careful as you usually are. 

Jupiter conjunct Uranus 
A sudden windfall 
Valid during many months: This is a time of surprises and sudden opportunities. And you will strive now for a kind of freedom you have never known before. You will seek in every way to express what it means to be young and free. The most negative aspect of this influence is reluctance to live up to your responsibilities. Be careful that in your desire for freedom you do not let people down who are really counting on you. On the other hand, you have to strike a balance between the demands that others make on you and your need to be yourself. At the same time, this influence arouses your idealism. You find it very hard to accept sordid or unjust conditions, either in your personal surroundings or in the outer world. For this reason you may become involved in a reform movement or group that works to change social conditions. But this influence can work out in an entirely different manner. It may mean a sudden break or opportunity from an entirely unexpected quarter - a sudden promotion, for example, a sudden windfall or a sudden encounter with someone who proves to be beneficial to you. These are just a few of the possibilities. It is difficult to say exactly which of these might occur, because this is a very erratic influence. Another effect of this influence is that it can open your eyes to new possibilities. Its consciousness-expanding nature can help you see situations from a totally different angle, and you may think of solutions to the problems that you have had to face. Often these will be radical solutions that you would usually be afraid of, but this influence gives you the confidence to try them. Whatever the effects of this influence, you can expect a sudden broadening of the scope of your life and the opportunity to encounter life from a new, richer and broader perspective. This may come about through a major transforming event or through a series of minor ones that collectively have a large impact. 

Jupiter Sextile Uranus 
A favorable change 
Valid during many months: At this time you desire to make positive changes in your life that will lead to greater knowledge and experience. While the energy of this influence is not usually disruptive, it does make you impatient with the routine limitations under which you normally live. You will probably try to make changes in your immediate environment in order to deal with this impatience. It is also quite possible that the changes will occur more or less spontaneously, with little effort on your part. This influence can be mentally very exciting. You are attracted to new ideas that are challenging in a positive way. Not only are you receptive to them, but you can grasp them more easily than usual. Often under this influence you are able to solve difficult problems in your life because you can approach them from a fresh perspective. You may develop an interest in science or other technical disciplines. Social reform is another area that you might be attracted to, feeling that the old solutions are not adequate. Also, sudden opportunities may arise, such as a sudden financial gain or a sudden job promotion that will allow you to do much more than you have done before. This influence may also tempt you to take chances with finances by speculating or gambling. In a larger sense, it is difficult to say precisely what you can expect during this time because the nature of this influence is so unpredictable. But you can expect some occurrence that will materially alter your plans for the immediate future, and you can expect that it will be a favorable change. Your immediate future is likely to have many more possibilities than are apparent now. 

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto 
Valid during many months: This influence brings the urge to achieve to the forefront of your life. You will make great, even extraordinary, efforts to gain success as you personally define it. You work harder and strive to gain your objective with every ounce of energy at your disposal. Consequently, this influence often occurs just at the moment when some tremendous effort in your life bears fruit. Sometimes there is a tremendous drive to gain power, and this influence can bring you power even when you are not trying especially hard to get it. Remember that each person has opportunities for a different kind of power. It may be great or relatively humble in terms of the larger society, but it will be meaningful to you. This power drive is sufficiently strong that it is difficult to deny, even if it has absolutely no outlet. In that case you are likely to get into some kind of conflict with authorities, even to the extent of arrest. If your ambition becomes the irresistible force against an immovable society, you will probably be the loser. Therefore you must scan your life to find areas where you can let this energy manifest itself. Surely in some area of your life you can better yourself and achieve something that would bring you recognition and respect. This is true no matter how depressed you think you are or how downtrodden your circumstances. If you put all your energy into working on that, it is quite likely that you will accomplish what you want. The dominant drive of this influence is self-betterment, but each individual has to define that term for herself. You can work in that direction now, and how well you succeed depends largely on what you mean by betterment. Unfortunately, for some people it means simply money or power. If you are one of them, throughout this period you will act as if obsessed, and indeed, power can become a fanatical preoccupation. Other people may become obsessed by an idea, usually concerning righteousness or morality. This also carries the danger that you will lose track of all normal human values and try to live with a distorted set of standards or concerns. 

Jupiter Sextile Pluto 
Your inner essence 
Valid during many months: This is a time for making creative changes in your life, for reforming and remolding your immediate surroundings so that they can better express your inner essence. It is a time when you will exert considerable energy in order to gain greater freedom of movement in all your activities. You may have the opportunity to gain power over others, but if so, you should use this power to achieve what you and those around you collectively need. Do not use it for purely selfish purposes, for this is not so likely to work to your advantage. If you gain power to lead others in any capacity, you must have the highest ideals in mind. This influence symbolizes regeneration to a higher plane of existence, and although it may express itself on several different levels, you should always keep this basic idea in mind. Changes may occur spontaneously in the world around you with little or no effort on your part. Take advantage of them, for they will work toward your ends even though you did not originally intend that. You may come into favor with someone in power at this time. Sometimes a "regeneration" theme is expressed through religious or spiritual rebirth, through understanding the deeper significance of your life and having it transform your being. And you will do what you can to share your learning with others. Sharing everything that comes to you at this time is very important to you. Either this influence will transform you by transforming your surroundings, or you will become the vehicle through which your world is transformed. Either way, you are transformed along with your friends, neighbors and your everyday environment. 

Jupiter Trine Chiron 
A noticeable upsurge 
Valid during many months: Under this very positive influence you will, at least to a certain extent, be able to change your spots. You could confide in a well-meaning person, being able to reveal things that you would otherwise keep to yourself. This influence will also bring you into contact with such a person, or help you to discover someone within your wider circle of friends. Any kind of therapy or treatment will now be particularly beneficial. This is also a good time to begin a new therapy or course of study or further education on the subject. A change of place can have a positive effect as well, and you can be certain that any holiday will now be especially rejuvenating. This influence is linked to a process of healing or self-healing caused by questioning the meaning of individual and collective suffering. Things which you usually find psychologically or physically embarrassing or painful will now lose some of their gravity. Hidden feelings of being ashamed or inadequate will seem less oppressive, which will help you to accept and see them in a more objective light. You are now more tolerant of your own sensitivities and more prepared than usual to make compromises. If you somehow feel rather sorry for yourself or are prone to self-pity then you may now be better able to let go of such feelings. You can gain new perspectives on things which you usually tend to see in a negative light. 

Jupiter Square Chiron 
Don't overdo it! 
Valid during many months: During this critical time you will become aware of the uncomfortable presence of old wounds. This might call into question or endanger things that have otherwise given your life a sense of meaning and filled you with optimism and hope. On the other hand this can help you to recognize where any overconfidence would be mistaken. You may tend to overlook your own weaknesses and sensitivities, causing you to embark on adventures which end up harming you. You should now pay particular attention to your premonitions and don't turn a deaf ear to any misgivings, even if this makes you embarrassed or shows you in a bad light. You might somehow have overstepped the mark at work, particularly if you have recently enjoyed a great deal of success. Nobody will begrudge you this, providing it doesn't go to your head. If, on the other hand, you become arrogant, you won't have to wait long for someone to lash out and strike where you were unaware that you were vulnerable. This influence points to a troubled relationship with your own body. Any tendency you have to eat or drink too much will probably now worsen if you don't make a conscious effort to avoid this. If your eating habits leave something to be desired there is now the danger that you will further neglect this area of your life. Again, you will only be able to prevent this from happening by making a conscious effort. Any such problems at the present time are your body's or mind's way of telling you to take better care of yourself and to pay more attention to your physical needs. 

Saturn opposite Sun 
Low energies 
Valid during many months: This may be a very discouraging time. Your vital energies are pretty low, and you may feel quite incapable of dealing with the adversities that often accompany this influence. These adversities may come from a number of sources. First of all, other people, particularly persons in authority, may oppose your plans in several areas. This is not usually a good time for successfully attaining your goals. You may feel physically tired, as if the burdens of your life are too much for you. Quite commonly during this time people feel old, and there is a profound sense of world-weariness. Be careful of your health and conserve your energies. Your ambitions may also be thwarted by circumstances or by other people. Even though you and your associates have the best intentions for your future, something seems to block you. It is possible that you may be caught in some kind of relationship, for example, a bad marriage or love affair, that limits your self-expression. Quite frequently this influence brings such relationships to an end. This period is best dealt with by understanding that it is part of a natural cycle in your life. Nothing is gained by fighting it; instead you must learn to flow with it. This influence represents a period of endings which will be followed by new beginnings. The problem is to avoid being discouraged and frustrated by the endings. Soon you will have the opportunity to begin new projects that will build up to new peaks of achievement in about fourteen years. 

Saturn sextile Mercury 
Exacting standards 
Valid during many months: At this time your thinking has settled into stable patterns, and not very much is changing in your mind. But you have discipline and concentration, which enable you to get a great deal of work done. You have a clear idea of what you want to achieve intellectually, and you are willing to work for it. This is an excellent time for any long-range planning that requires great attention to details. It is not so good for the kind of planning that requires you to see the larger scope all at once and handle it as a single system. This influence favors any kind of work involving organization and restructuring. It is excellent for most business transactions, especially those requiring carefully thought-out plans for development. It is not so good for risky or speculative investments, because your level of intuition is lower than normal. It is also a good time for serious study and difficult mental work. Your views about the world have reached a point of stability, so you act from a consistent position. You believe that you understand what the world is about and you operate on that basis. Obviously this can create some problems. If your mental patterns become too fixed, you close out viewpoints and opinions that will help you grow. Narrow-mindedness is a danger with this influence. You can either organize your knowledge into its most useful form, or you can cut yourself off from knowledge through intellectual rigidity. This influence sharpens your critical faculties. Your standards are very exacting, and you are likely to judge everything by them. Consequently you are very quick to see exactly what is wrong in any situation. But here again there is the danger that critical thinking may become an excuse for nit-picking and narrow-mindedness. You can too easily learn to see the flaws in everything before you see the strengths, which makes your world seem a great deal more imperfect than it is. 

Saturn opposite Mercury 
Rigidity spells defeat 
Valid during many months: At this time your ideas and plans may be defeated, or they may have their greatest concrete realization. In either case, you will run into considerable resistance from others to what you say. This may result in severing relationships with those who disagree with you because there is no longer any communication between you. Or it may result simply in the breakdown of communication that was once quite good. Other people's resistance to your thinking is not intended solely to defeat you, although you may think so. You may be tempted to give up if you are not secure in your thinking and plans. But the resistance of others also forces you to give your plans clearer form and to take definite steps to implement them. This takes hard work and much heavy thinking, but the results can be quite good. If your ideas cannot withstand the challenge or you do not have enough confidence to defend them, this is likely to be a time of self-doubt and questioning. You will seek to find out what is wrong with your ideas, and if you can be sufficiently detached, you may indeed find out what is wrong. But if you just wallow in guilt, doubt and "being wrong," you will accomplish little except to become depressed. Although this is not an especially easy time, you shouldn't take a negative or pessimistic view of matters. There are concrete challenges to be met, and you should use your energy to recognize and meet them. Negative thinking is a form of self-indulgence that you cannot afford at this time. One factor of this influence may be causing you problems. If you have already allowed your thinking to become too rigid and fixed, you will find it difficult to make occasional necessary compromises when you are challenged. Even with the best ideas, a certain amount of mental flexibility is necessary. Rigidity is almost certain to spell defeat, because the forces that oppose you will become equally unbending and rigid. 

Saturn Trine Uranus 
Working for change 
Valid during many months: This is a time of stability and creative balance between the old and the new in your life. You are able to live within a structure and also engage in new and stimulating experiences, which keep you from becoming stale. Any changes you have made or any structures that have been changed in the last several years can become a permanent part of your life now. These changes are no longer challenges, but interesting aspects of your life. You have a feeling of patience about what is happening. You can see the need for change, but you do not feel like rushing out and overthrowing everything. You can make the change in an orderly manner. You can present ideas to others in a very careful, logical way that still manages to impress them with the originality of your thinking. Your employers and superiors will especially appreciate your disciplined approach to new and original ideas. Any task that requires long and disciplined application - learning a new skill, studying a new body of knowledge or simply working patiently at a long task - is favored by this influence, as long as it is leading up to some kind of creative change. Tedious tasks that leave no room for new experiences will not be so useful to you at this time. You should be working for change, even if slowly and patiently. In fact you must not allow yourself to fall into a rut. Even change can become routine, if you go around in circles with the same changes. That is not the proper function of this influence. 

Saturn trine Pluto 
Extremely useful 
Valid during many months: This influence gives you the ability to see deeply into yourself and find out what creative forces are at work. At the same time it lets you take advantage of that understanding and make use of it in your daily life. You are able to move forward in your work and other areas of life to fulfill your ambitions. You can work harder now than at almost any other time in your life, because your energies operate in a controlled and almost relentless manner. You will be greatly concerned with your innermost self at this time. Therefore it is a good time to undergo psychotherapy or some other consciousness-raising technique, if you feel that it would benefit you. Disciplines involving self-understanding and regeneration, such as yoga or meditation, are particularly effective under this influence. Professionally you will be able to advance in your field because you can work harder and more effectively and because others are impressed by your effectiveness. You assert yourself in such a way that others realize that you are not to be trifled with. They take you and your efforts seriously. Nevertheless the energies of this influence are not likely to arouse great opposition. Others are willing to work with you, because they feel that you can get the job done. The effects of this influence are subtle but not weak. Do not look for specific events now, for the strongest effects are on the psychological level. You will simply notice that you are more effective and can make a greater impact. This can be an extremely useful influence.

Saturn Sextile AS 
Weighty concerns 
Valid during many months: At this time your avenues of communication with others are stabilized and solidified. Also you will probably create a set of fully formulated goals and expectations for the next several years. Therefore it is very important to take this time very seriously and be very aware of what you are doing, because the patterns that you establish now will be very hard to alter and will determine the success or failure of your relationships over the next several years. It is very important to learn other people's views of you as a human being and as a member of society. But this does not mean you should take everyone's words at face value and deny all your own beliefs. You may have an exaggerated respect for someone else's views and give them more credence than they are worth. You should simply talk to the people whom you personally respect and use what they say to help you come to conclusions about yourself. Older people may be especially helpful in this process. Because of the weighty concerns that are occupying your mind at this point in your life, you will prefer serious work and the company of serious people. Of course, at times you will want to relax and enjoy yourself, but generally this is a period when discipline, organization and growth are your paramount concerns. If you don't handle this influence well, you will have considerable difficulty with your relationships in the years to come. And these difficulties will be the result of unfortunate patterns established now. The border between discipline and habit is often hard to distinguish, but that is precisely the difference that you have to keep in mind at this time. Habit is mindless and unconscious, whereas discipline is self-imposed and suited to achieving your goals. 

Uranus Sextile AS 
Offbeat and eccentric 
Valid during many months: At this time you will seek greater flexibility and freedom in your friendships, as well as with your neighbors and the people you associate with daily. And opportunities for favorable change in your life may come through any of these people. Often this influence has an electric quality, so that everyone you meet seems to give off an energy charge that makes you move faster and more suddenly. The people you meet now will be quite different from those you usually associate with, and if your attitudes are rigid you may be mildly upset by them. But this is a sign that you should enlarge the range of people whom you will accept and associate with. Do not limit your circle of associates too much; these new persons can show you a lot about life. It is quite likely that the tempo of change in your life will increase to the point that others will think of you as unstable and unreliable, but this is a reflection of their conservatism. You may suddenly discover that your friends of many years seem limited and narrow and no longer interesting. Instead, you may become involved with some group that is considered by the rest of society, particularly your old friends, to be offbeat and eccentric, if not completely crazy. If you have not been asserting your own individuality in relationships, you will do so now, and it is important that you do. If you try to suppress these drives, they will burst forth later on in a manner that is difficult to control. Often this influence signifies an interest in new and different studies. Technical and scientific disciplines are suitable to this symbolism, as are the various branches of the occult. Under this influence people often get into astrology. But the main point to keep in mind is that this influence represents a creative stirring up of your personality and your relationships to the people around you. 

Uranus Trine Moon 
Graceful changes 
Valid during many months: This influence represents an excellent opportunity for you to make changes in your emotional life and personal surroundings, such as your home. And you can make these changes without causing great problems and upsets, as might be the case at other times. For example, you could remodel your home or change your personal habits. Either of these changes would be appropriate to the energy of this influence. Events may present you with opportunities to experience your emotions in a new way. You may begin a new relationship that will bring feelings you have never had before. A love relationship that begins under this influence will have a wonderful excitement that may be missing at other times. Existing relationships may also change so that they, too, allow you new emotional experiences. A situation may occur that brings up an event from the past so that you can examine it in a new light and change your attitudes toward it. By understanding the past differently, you will be able to change its effect upon you. For example, this may be an encounter with your mother or other female relative that clarifies and allows you to change your attitude toward something that happened in your childhood. You may have got into certain routines with friends and other people whom you see every day, with the result that you have not been experiencing them as they really are. Unconsciously adopted attitudes may have got in the way of seeing them clearly. This influence gives you the chance to recognize these attitudes and to change them. Consequently you may experience your friends as new individuals. Take advantage of this opportunity to make graceful changes in your personal life. Now it will be easy to get rid of unconscious attitudes, habits and routines that will be much harder to get rid of later on. 

Uranus Sextile Moon 
Graceful changes 
Valid during many months: This influence represents an excellent opportunity for you to make changes in your emotional life and personal surroundings, such as your home. And you can make these changes without causing great problems and upsets, as might be the case at other times. For example, you could remodel your home or change your personal habits. Either of these changes would be appropriate to the energy of this influence. Events may present you with opportunities to experience your emotions in a new way. You may begin a new relationship that will bring feelings you have never had before. A love relationship that begins under this influence will have a wonderful excitement that may be missing at other times. Existing relationships may also change so that they, too, allow you new emotional experiences. A situation may occur that brings up an event from the past so that you can examine it in a new light and change your attitudes toward it. By understanding the past differently, you will be able to change its effect upon you. For example, this may be an encounter with your mother or other female relative that clarifies and allows you to change your attitude toward something that happened in your childhood. You may have got into certain routines with friends and other people whom you see every day, with the result that you have not been experiencing them as they really are. Unconsciously adopted attitudes may have got in the way of seeing them clearly. This influence gives you the chance to recognize these attitudes and to change them. Consequently you may experience your friends as new individuals. Take advantage of this opportunity to make graceful changes in your personal life. Now it will be easy to get rid of unconscious attitudes, habits and routines that will be much harder to get rid of later on. 

Uranus Trine Venus 
Attractive differences 
Valid during many months: During this period your relationships will have a new feeling of freedom and excitement. If you are not currently involved in a love relationship, this influence may very well mark the beginning of one. And it is likely to be quite different and unusual in terms of your past experience. You may find someone who is quite different from you in social background, ethnic group, age or interests, and it will be this very difference that attracts you. You are seeking to escape from the everyday rut through this new love, and you probably will. And with this influence, the relationship should last, because the two of you will be able to build interest and excitement directly into your relationship so that it won't become stale and dull. Also you will be able to give each other enough room that you can avoid smothering each other with excessive closeness and possessiveness. If you are already involved in a relationship, this is a good time to make changes so that it becomes renewed and fresh. You will learn that neither of you needs to fear the other's desire for independence and individual self-expression. This influence also brings about friendships that are exciting and challenging as well as constructive. Every kind of social contact, even those that are usually routine and unexciting, may provide fascinating new experiences now. Life will not be dull during this time. 

Uranus Square Jupiter 
Unexpected expenses 
Valid during many months: This period brings a great feeling of exuberance and optimism, which is fine, but it can lead you to be foolishly overconfident and to take unwarranted financial and material risks. This influence brings out the gambler in almost anyone. However, it is hard to know exactly what to expect from this one, and you may find yourself in trouble if you don't restrain your optimism a bit. Nothing at all may happen, but you just don't know. So proceed with caution, especially in financial matters, and be careful not to leave any loose ends. Even if you don't take risks, this influence can sometimes cause unexpected expenses or financial shortages. But that happens because you have failed to take into account some factor that could cause trouble for you at this time. If you have a realistic attitude toward the way the world works, what you can and cannot do effectively, especially in financial matters, this influence will not do any particular damage. It may even bring a sudden chance to take advantage of a situation. Just make sure that it's a real opportunity. If you are not clear about your limitations, this transit could bring some unpleasant surprises. At the same time, this influence may symbolize striking out against the system. You may adopt a different set of values from the prevailing culture and pursue a lifestyle that is quite different from the way you have lived. If you do, you may experience considerable disapproval from your friends and others around you at this time. But this is not a violent rebellion, it is just that you have begun to experience the world differently from those around you. As a result your point of view is different. You wish to be free of the narrowness that you see in others. 

Neptune Conjunct Chiron 
The best therapist 
Valid during many months: It is possible that psychological wounds you have been carrying since your childhood or adolescence could now be healed. If you now feel depressed or confused, this could be caused by being brought into contact with a deeply internalized pain from your past. You might react in an extremely sensitive and touchy way to present situations without being conscious of why you are doing so. Suppressing any feelings of inadequacy and shame will not be helpful, and attempts to cover things up or run away could only exacerbate the problem. What is important now is that you learn to accept such unpleasant emotions, while admitting to having your own weaknesses. This is a good time to be your own best therapist. Learn to listen to your inner voice which is best able to reveal your true calling, or cast your mind back to those people who somehow disappointed or betrayed you in the past. This will enable you to consider such events from your present perspective. An unconscious attitude of denial resulting from past disappointments might now be causing many of your present difficulties. It may be that the only way you felt able to "punish" parents, teachers, friends or former partners for their mistakes was either by subtly ignoring or refusing to recognize any demands they made. If you continue to react like this you could end up harming yourself. Turning to your intuition with the aid of your inner voice can now help you to rid yourself of all the false or irrelevant structures in your life. 

Neptune Conjunct MC 
Lost on the way 
Valid during many months: Very commonly this influence brings sudden confusion to people who have had a pretty clear idea of what they want to do with their lives. You may feel as if you have suddenly become lost, although the way had seemed very clear. If possible, do not make any permanent decisions about your career or long-term direction during this time. Among the problems you may encounter is a feeling that what you have been doing is inadequate. You may feel that your work is too restrictive, that you have to be too concerned with ordinary mundane reality. You may suddenly be attracted to a wildly romantic, idealized way of life that seems very plausible to you now, although later it will seem ridiculous. You may be attracted to working with people in hospitals, charities or other social-service institutions. This is a perfectly positive direction, but you should examine your motives for doing this work. During this period you may also be attracted to mystical and spiritual subjects, especially philosophies of ego-denial and abandonment such as are taught in many Eastern sects. You may be particularly attracted to a movement led by a charismatic guru-father figure. Little harm is likely to come of this, and there may be great benefits, but do not make a permanent commitment until this period is over. If feelings of defeat and weariness arise during this transit, do not allow yourself to succumb to them. You are no worse than what you have always been. You may discover that you have been excessively concerned about yourself and made yourself too important, but you shouldn't berate yourself for that. Everyone does it at some time. Meanwhile open yourself up to the very splendid influences that can come into your life now and teach you much about the nature of the cosmos. Much of what you learn now will later prove to be of permanent value. 

Neptune trine AS 
A spiritual cast 
Valid during many months: During this time your relationships take on a spiritual cast, and you are much more inclined to idealize the people you meet. If a lover comes into your life at this time, the relationship will be so romanticized that it will be in great danger when you discover that the other person is not as perfect as you thought. Overidealization in any relationship is a danger to be watched for with this influence. There is also a strong tendency to get caught up in an ideal philosophy, a spiritualized world view that is so abstract and removed from the real world that you are neither able nor willing to function here. You may have a strong desire to escape and withdraw from the world, which can be useful in some cases. If you are aware of this tendency and know that it is temporary, you can make positive use of it. There are times when it is important to go off by yourself and meditate upon the meaning of your life and what you are doing with it. The only problem is that you probably cannot go off for the whole duration of this influence, because it usually lasts more than a year. But for part of the time this might be a desirable plan of action. A spiritual teacher or guide figure may enter your life at this time, and regardless of his or her personal merits you are likely to learn something valuable from the encounter. That does not mean that you should take everything you are told at face value. After this influence has passed, you will be able to reevaluate what you have learned in the light of your own intelligence and experience. At this time your ego drives are rather low, which makes you less interested in questioning what someone tells you. You reflect very strongly on your own failures and inadequacies, not destructively, but with the aim of improving yourself. Your relationships are characterized by increased empathy and spiritual understanding of other people's situations and needs. 

Neptune Opposite Sun 
Snares and delusions 
Valid during many months: This influence may be quite challenging in some areas of life. In your relationships, make absolutely certain that you present yourself to others as clearly and as straightforwardly as you can. Do not leave people in any doubt about your intentions or your position on any matter. If others have any reason to misunderstand you, they will, and they are likely to work against you because misunderstanding easily turns to fear or mistrust. For the same reason, avoid any involvement in underhanded or devious schemes, for they probably will work to your detriment. Work only with people whom you can trust and communicate with, so that if there are any accidental misunderstandings, you and they can straighten them out without becoming suspicious of each other. Give anyone who enters your life now plenty of time to prove that he or she is honest before you place a great deal of trust in that person. The problem at this time is that defeats in connection with others can be unusually debilitating. Feelings of discouragement and futility are a great danger and can make you want to give up, thus creating even worse results. If you are not careful, you may come out of this period feeling very badly about yourself. If you follow these precautions, this influence can show you a very spiritual dimension to life. You can become aware of a deeper meaning in life than you have ever been aware of before. The problem is that the road to this understanding is full of snares and delusions that you must carefully find your way through 

Neptune Trine Sun 
An idealistic time 
Valid during many months: This influence will alter your attitude toward the world tremendously. If you have always been a materialist, you will find that spiritual concerns, perhaps disguised in some way, will become important to you for the first time. This does not necessarily mean that you will be attracted to an organized religion, for your expression of spirituality is likely to be more unorthodox. You will be concerned with a direct experience of the divine or nonmaterial aspects of being. You will recognize that purely material considerations do not give ultimate meaning to your life. This influence stimulates your compassion for others. You may express this by working for charities or in institutions for people who are physically, mentally or economically disadvantaged; or you may become more concerned with helping people in your immediate environment. One peculiar characteristic of this influence is that you will not be terribly concerned about gratifying your own ego through such work; you only want to be of assistance to others. In general, this is a rather idealistic time in your life, and you will want very much to actualize your ideals. But nothing will be handed to you now. You will have to work to achieve what you want. Your creative imagination is also stimulated by this influence. This is a good time for any kind of creative effort, particularly if it involves rather abstract notions. This influence operates in a rather immaterial way and is at its best when dealing with the abstract. Artistic creativity, especially in music and poetry, is favored during this time. The most negative side of this influence is that you may be tempted to sit around and daydream. Reality may not seem as interesting as your dreams, but this is a time when you can work successfully to realize your dreams, so it would be a tremendous waste of very creative energy to just sit! Any course of action as described above would help you to become a more creative and happy individual. There is much potential in this influence. 

Neptune Conjunct Moon 
Valid during many months: This influence will cause many changes in your emotional and personal life. These changes may be quite hard to handle initially, but they can be constructive if you take the trouble to master the energies involved. The basic effect of this influence is to greatly increase your sensitivity to the world around you. This is one of the psychic influences, in that it stimulates your latent psychic abilities and makes them the vehicle for much input from the outer world. The problem, however, is that at first your conscious mind does not know what to do with this material, so you become confused or misinterpret the information from the unconscious. This happens especially when the conscious mind receives feelings that cannot be easily reduced to rational considerations. With this influence there is the danger of being confused by your emotions, believing that you feel one way when your real feelings are quite different. This is particularly difficult in a love relationship in which you are romantically fascinated by someone who is completely inappropriate for you. You may also be so fascinated by an idea or an ideal that you can no longer clearly see the world around you. You should be very cautious about taking up any idea or belief that seems strangely obsessive and fascinating now. Such ideas are significant and important, but they may not mean what you think they mean. Sometimes you will be very reluctant to deal with the real world under this influence, because its illusions are rather alluring. The challenge is to relate illusion and reality and not try to separate the two. If you can learn the language of the unconscious mind and discover what it is saying, you will gain great insight and wisdom through this influence. 

Neptune Sextile Moon 
Empathic understanding 
Valid during many months: This influence increases your emotional sensitivity so that you are much more aware of the moods and feelings of others. When you encounter people, you are intuitively aware of what they are feeling at the moment. But because you have this empathic understanding of others, you should try to avoid people who have negative thoughts and feelings, because in your state of increased sensitivity, you will be constantly aware of and influenced by them. In general, even though it may still be difficult to put your perceptions into words, you will know clearly that your emotional understanding at the gut level is high. If you are at all artistic, this will make your imagination much more active and creative, which will aid your art work immeasurably. Even if you are not artistic, you will be much more imaginative. Just be careful that this does not lead to endless daydreaming. It is very likely that whatever your usual attitudes about the mind and feelings, during this time you will be much more concerned with the emotions than with intellect. Purely intellectual considerations seem too dull and colorless. Nevertheless, a certain amount of intellectual discipline can be very useful at this time in gaining great emotional understanding of life. In your relationships with other people, it is quite possible that you will idealize a woman who somehow signifies all of the interesting and fascinating developments that are taking place inside your own mind. This could lead to a very highly romanticized relationship. This influence stimulates your interest in psychic and mystical phenomena, and you may very well have some sort of psychic experiences. You may not recognize them as such, however, unless you are consciously on the alert for them. 

Neptune square Mercury 
A foggy view Valid during many months: The principal challenge of this influence is to keep your thinking and communications straight within yourself and with regard to others. The quality of your mind is being tested now, and any loose ends in your thinking or attitudes will become a serious source of trouble. Any unclear ideas will become a source of confusion to you in many aspects of your life. Avoid making important decisions during this time, especially about your career and overall life objectives. You probably are not seeing clearly enough to make intelligent decisions that take into account all of the relevant factors. Similarly avoid business decisions if possible, for buying and selling are not favored by this influence. You may be operating under a misconception about the transactions, or your buying and selling may be influenced by unconscious compulsions. It is also possible that the person you are dealing with is dishonest. The main problem with this influence is that it stimulates your imagination to the point that you may spend too much time fantasizing. You may find it difficult to keep your attention fixed on the real world, or you may become obsessed with strange ideas and fanciful beliefs, especially religious and mystical notions. This time may also bring on nervous problems, such as worrying about problems that don't amount to anything. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed by imaginary fears or anxieties - they are almost certainly not real. Communications may be difficult at this time. Others may deceive you, and you may deceive others, either intentionally or inadvertently. Certainly you should not misrepresent yourself or anything else, because the deception may not succeed, which will undermine people's confidence in you. 

Neptune Sextile Jupiter 
Pure faith 
Valid during many months: This influence creates a strong desire for a very special kind of knowledge. You are interested in what the rational mind can tell you, but you also want very much to understand the subtler spiritual truths that give your life dimension and meaning. You may want to learn more about metaphysics and spiritual teachings through studying the occult. Or you may become involved with a religious group that gives you greater insight into the meaning of your life. You may also throw over all human knowledge for the way of pure faith. In any case you will eventually discover that all these paths have precisely the same goal. On a slightly more mundane level, this influence may stimulate your interest in faraway places that seem completely different from your everyday world. You may want to travel, and this is a good time to do so because your sense of awe about the unknown makes your discoveries through traveling all the more fascinating. This is usually a very optimistic time when you feel that nothing can go wrong, which may be so, but it would be foolish to tempt fate with wild and ill-considered actions. The effects of this influence are not so strong that you can get away with living dangerously. But on the other hand, your optimistic and positive frame of mind can help to ensure that your plans work out as you want them to. You enjoy the company of friends at this time, and you feel sufficiently secure and magnanimous that you don't need to bother with the silly ego games that people often play with their friends. In fact you are much more inclined to take a back seat to other people's ego games and let them have way. Conflicts with others aren't worth it to you now. You are very giving and generous during this time, because you genuinely want to help others, and you make it quite evident. 

Neptune Sextile Saturn 
The real and the ideal Valid during many months: At this time the ideal and the real are well balanced in your life, and you are in an excellent position to reflect upon their relationship to each other. Ask yourself what is true for you and then ask what you would like to be. In this way you can see which is which without the confusion that so often marks our efforts to separate the ideal from the real. At the same time you can see what actions you can take to help bring about the ideal in place of what is presently real and to make it a solid and useful part of your own life and of the lives of those around you. But you are not impatient now, and you are much more willing to accept what is real than at other times. You see no real contest between the real and the ideal. Also you are not so concerned about getting your own way that you insist on the kind of ego battle with the real world in which either you or it wins. (And reality usually wins in these cases.) You are patient now, because this influence enables you to live on very little. You are inclined to be abstemious and opposed to self-indulgence, and you may subject yourself to a rather stern regimen of alternating work and introspection. At this time you are most concerned with higher truths and how you can actualize them in your own life. This is a good time to withdraw somewhat from your usual activities, to stand back and see what you have accomplished and what remains to be done. You are capable of adopting a very calm and meditative attitude so that you can choose intelligently and take the proper course of action. This is also a good time to do work that helps others. It would satisfy your need to act selflessly and to be a part of the larger scheme. 

Neptune Sextile Neptune 
Positive reforms 
Valid during many months: This is a time of new awakening to a sense of what your life is about. Before this time you have been working to establish your sense of who you are in the community of adults, and by now you probably have a pretty clear idea about that. But you may also have discovered that what you are doing with your life is not entirely appropriate. You may conclude that in the past you were motivated by too narrow a conception of what you are, by a need for security, or simply by petty ego-drives. Now you will begin to see your life in terms of a larger perspective. You should do whatever is necessary to make sure that you can live according to this new understanding. This influence does not arouse your sense of idealism particularly, but it does make you see that the universe is a very large place, and you are a much larger part of it than you have realized. You may be attracted to rather mystical ideas, but they will have meaning only according to how they affect your everyday world. At this time you don't need more abstractions to chase around - you need to make positive reforms in your life. And you will do so! This influence will cause you to cut away your past and reorient your life in accordance with the larger vision you have now. The many changes that occur may seem somewhat scary, but they are ultimately for the best. You will find new freedom in a new consciousness. 

Neptune Trine Chiron 
Quiet tones 
Valid during many months: You can now gain valuable insights into your private and professional life, particularly concerning their effect on your physical and emotional well-being. Try to remain alert, even if you don't feel particularly optimistic or energetic. Silently and almost unnoticed a solution to your problems could creep up on you. This gentle and harmonious influence will make you passive and less inclined to seek active solutions to any upcoming problems and challenges. You are much more receptive to subtle influences which reveal a reality you were unable to perceive up until now. You may come to recognize that difficulties with colleagues, superiors or in relationhips arise when you react to their comments and criticisms in a preconditioned way. Rather than really listening to what they say, you may tend to withdraw into an emotional shell and to doggedly hold on to the opinion that they are only interested in proving that you are hopelessly inadequate, weak and therefore not lovable. We all still harbor deep psychological pain and painstakingly patched up wounds which we suffered in childhood and adolescence. People we trusted may have disappointed or abandoned us, and the largely unconscious pain left behind continues to have a strong influence on our present-day behavior. You can now have the chance to grow out of obsolete patterns of behavior and to stop behaving like a hurt child. If you are able to do this you will soon find that others react differently, enabling you to resolve many intractable problems which seemed to be unavoidable in the past. 

Neptune square MC 
Apparent defeats 
Valid during many months: This time in your life is likely to be confusing and full of doubt and fear, if you are not very secure about your life direction. You will ask fundamental questions about what you are trying to do with your life as a whole. And if you, like many people, are not living for yourself and your own objectives, you will probably conclude that what you are doing is worthless and pointless. Even at best you will question your planned course. In dealing with others, you may find it difficult to stand up for your own position because you are questioning it so much yourself. You may allow yourself to become the victim of other people, simply because you lack the confidence to fight back. But a far worse effect of this influence is that you might get into a routine of making yourself seem to be victim in order to gain others' sympathy. It is difficult to take responsibility when you are feeling insecure. For this same reason there is a strong temptation to avoid direct confrontations with others for fear that you cannot stand up to them. Therefore you may try to get what you want from people in covert or subversive ways, usually involving some kind of dishonesty. Needless to say, this will only worsen your insecurity, not give you more confidence. But all of the above concerns the worst side of this influence, which does have something positive to teach you. Even as you suffer apparent defeats, you may discover that what you are losing is not really anything significant. You may learn that the needs of your ego are not your real needs at all. Under this influence some persons find a capacity for selfless action and spiritual self-denial that makes it impossible for them ever to lose in a way that hurts them. In that case you will learn that there is really nothing to lose. This influence can be the gateway to a very highly evolved spiritual understanding, and it is quite likely that you will become increasingly involved with spiritual teachings and disciplines. However, it is possible to go off the deep end spiritually, and this influence may very well delude you into doing so. But in the long run this is one of its less dangerous traps. 

Pluto Opposite Sun 
Leave well alone 
Valid during many months: This can be an extremely difficult period for relationships, both intimate and casual, because you are likely to get involved in power struggles with others. It may be that you will try to force others to take a certain course of action against their will, or others may try to do this to you. In either case you may have to take evasive actions in order to avoid real difficulties. If you are attempting to dominate others, you should stop, no matter what your motives are. You may think you have the best reasons in the world for dominating people, and perhaps you believe that you are only doing it for their own good, but that is probably not really true. It is more likely that you simply cannot leave well enough alone. An excessive desire to meddle and interfere is one of the negative effects of this influence. If you are the victim of someone else's meddling and interfering, the problem is more difficult. In some way, probably unconsciously, you have given out a signal that you will allow yourself to be treated this way. And having set off this reaction, it is hard for you to stop it. On the other hand, you may gain something by fighting back. It is often useful to experience a test of wills with someone, and it is much less dangerous to you when you are asserting your independence of someone else rather than the other way around. You may need to prove to yourself that you are stronger than your opponent. One dangerous aspect of this influence is that it may trigger off a conflict with persons in authority over you, such as a boss, a government official or someone in a similar position. These people can do you more harm than most, and you should be very careful. At its most positive, this influence gives you great energy to accomplish things, provided you can keep down the negative effects so that you don't arouse too much resistance and opposition from others. Your personal ambition is likely to be very high during this time, and you can succeed, for this is not an "unlucky" influence. It only requires you to be careful, because its energies are very powerful. 

Pluto Square Jupiter 
Basic optimism 
Valid during many months: This influence has great potential for achievement, but you must heed certain dangers. Potentially the basic success drive signified by this influence will enable you to get ahead in all your endeavors. At its best this influence has a basic optimism that puts you in the right frame of mind to ensure that things will work out as you want. However, there is the danger that you may overreach yourself, taking on too much and getting too involved. You may find yourself out on a limb when reality catches up with your overinflated expectations. But a far worse result is that you may become arrogant and overbearing in dealing with others. In your self-confidence you may assume an attitude of personal righteousness, a feeling that your aims and goals are much more important than those of anyone around you. It is extremely important that you be willing to compromise and make an effort to understand someone else's position. If you do not, you can be sure that others will make you feel the effects of their power. They will certainly not stand by and let you dominate them. But if you make a reasonable effort to include others in your efforts and in your success, this should not be a problem. A related problem is the possibility of being carried away by some religious, metaphysical, spiritual or similar idea. But it is very hard to draw the line here, because at its best this influence makes you very properly concerned with religious and spiritual regeneration. The problem is to maintain your sense of proportion in these matters. Again do not try to force your ideas upon other people. It is natural and desirable that you want to communicate about these concerns, but let others make their own choices and also listen to what they have to say. Do not become so possessed by an idea that you will not listen to alternatives. 

Pluto Opposite Jupiter 
How it ought to be 
Valid during many months: This influence will make you drive yourself and others around you to attain success, excellence or preeminence in some way. It represents the drive to actualize an ideal you hold about how the world ought to be. The danger of this influence is that you may become arrogant and domineering toward those around you, as if you were a kind of superman, above all morality and law except your own. Before you try to improve everyone around you, strive to improve yourself, which you can do under this influence. Gain a greater understanding of truth in your world, but do not try to force your views on others. And in pursuing your own conception of excellence, don't try to prevent others from attaining theirs. In particular, avoid any behavior that could get you into trouble with the law. If you decide to become a law unto yourself, the law of society may have to stop you. Even civil suits should be avoided, if possible, because it will be difficult for you to present a winning case at this time. You may have a strong desire to manipulate others, not because you want to convince them of your belief in an ideal state of being, but simply because you don't have enough respect for their rights as individuals. Don't proceed as if you had a superiority complex, for that will only cause others to gang up on you and try to destroy you. It would be a pity to waste this influence on any of its negative manifestations, because it really does give you an opportunity to make yourself over according to your ideals. You can undergo a total spiritual regeneration and achieve a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. And your relations with others will be an integral part of the process. Each new meeting and even encounters with old friends and loved ones will show you more about the path of development that you should take. 

Pluto sextile Saturn 
Solid and real 
Valid during many months: At this time in your life you will be able to get along with very little if necessary, and you will be able to keep plugging away at tasks with tremendous discipline. As a result this is a good time for getting your life ready for hard times, even if this is not an especially difficult period. However, even if this is a difficult time, you can be sure that this influence will help you make it through. It gives you tremendous tenacity and toughness and the ability to apply constant pressure on a situation until it gradually changes. Patience is the watchword of this influence - not that you need patience, but that you have it. Whatever your objectives, you will keep working at them until you achieve them. In a slow but powerful way, this influence helps you realize your goals, and because you work so slowly, the results you obtain are very lasting indeed. You will also probably discover that you are changing during this period, not drastically and suddenly, but slowly and at a very profound level of your being. And these changes will make your life more solid and dependable. In general your life is moving from the less solid and abstract to the more solid and real. You may work alone for the most part now. You will probably prefer it that way, at least until you have come somewhere near achieving your goals. This is a very good time for researching alone, especially when painstaking work is required. Your ability to discipline yourself is extremely high. 

Pluto Sextile Uranus 
Less Noise 
Valid during many months: This is a time of profound but creative change in your life. You will go below the superficial aspects of life to encounter dimensions of living that you never knew existed. And these discoveries will change your life and enable you to live more richly and fully, if you take full advantage of what you learn and do not turn away in fear, for there is no reason to. The new insights you gain will also bring you the ability to use talents and ingenuity that you may not have known you had. You will be able to make creative changes in your environment as well as within yourself. This is a favorable time to embark upon any new study, but particularly one that reveals hidden aspects of the universe in a startling, exciting manner. It is a favorable influence for the study of a technical discipline, science, astrology or other branches of the occult, particularly if the discipline is revolutionizing society in some way, as computer technology is now. If you are inclined toward social reform, this influence may signify that you will join a group or organized movement for that purpose on a large scale. Civil rights organizations and politically moderate as well as more radical reform groups fit this category. And because of the energy of this influence you are concerned with effective reform and change, not merely with making a lot of noise. This is also a favorable period for doing any kind of psychological work, if you feel that it is desirable. You will be able to accomplish much along these lines at this time, and the process will have a permanent effect upon your life. 

Pluto trine Uranus 
Internal evolution 
Valid during many months: This is a time of creative and radical transformation, either in your own life or in the lives of those around you. You will strive to bring about changes that clearly separate this period from the past, not wildly and rebelliously, but with a clear plan in mind and a comprehensive view of the whole. Consequently the changes that you make at this time are lasting as well as thorough. If you have the opportunity, you may be able to accomplish something quite extraordinary, at least in terms of your normal expectations. The changes you make at this time and the tasks that you undertake will broaden your horizons, and this enables you to do more than usual. Along with this is the fact that during this time you may become involved in something that is quite unprecedented in your life, which will have this same broadening affect. You may become interested in completely new kinds of ideas and in the people associated with them. Whether or not you keep your old friends throughout this period, you will certainly gain new friends who will reflect your internal evolution. Circumstances that used to limit your life, viewpoints that narrowed your perceptions and relationships that were unnecessarily confining may all pass suddenly out of your life at this time. You will not feel a sense of loss, but rather a sense of new birth and freedom. Now you can go on to do all the things that were not possible for you before. This influence can increase the scope of your life in every way by breaking down all the structures that used to hold you back. This will give you the chance to find out much more about who you are and what your life can really be. 

Pluto Conjunct Neptune 
Inward transformation 
Valid during many months: This influence signifies a period of very deep inward transformation that will be reflected in changed ideals, goals and many other aspects of your world view. You may also work harder than ever to bring about in reality an ideal that you have held for years. However, you will have to give up a great deal to accomplish this, and you will not receive much ego-reinforcement at the time, even if you are successful. You will find it necessary to question very deeply many beliefs you have held as a matter of course all your life. You may become disoriented as you discover that you have been living under illusions. But at least you will not be alone, for this is one of the influences that affect everyone in one age group at about the same time. In fact, the need to change your ideals may come through your peer group. It would be a good idea to discuss this with someone who is much older or younger and who is not suffering the effects of this influence, in order to get a better perspective on what is happening to you. If you begin psychotherapy now, which is quite possible, you should not choose a therapist of your own age. While he or she might understand you, he cannot give you a different perspective. Many elements of your life - relationships, job situations, places - may pass away now, but this is only a reflection of the profound changes taking place within you. After this period is over you may find it hard to recognize the person you were before. Whatever you choose to do, it would be a good idea to study a subject that will give you greater understanding about your life. Astrology, the occult, metaphysics or even depth psychology might serve this purpose. But don't get lost in abstractions: make sure that what you learn has real consequences in your everyday life, because you have great needs there that should be met. Also your studies should give you very deep understanding. Nothing superficial would help you at this time. 

Pluto sextile Neptune 
Life and death 
Valid during many months: This influence denotes a time when you will become more concerned with mystical and otherworldly ideas and beliefs. You will want to explore the hidden depths of existence and have experiences that are profound and revealing. If you are ready, your experiences may be very enlightening and give you great understanding about your own life and about the lives of others. Even if you are not inclined to study the occult, this influence will awaken you to the more spiritual dimensions of existence. If you are so inclined, it will involve you in the occult or in a spiritual movement as well. A materialistic view of the universe will no longer seem at all satisfactory, and you will be aware that other elements of existence are in many ways stronger than material concerns. The mysteries of life and death are not abstractions to you anymore but are directly and immediately relevant to your own life. This does not mean that you have to worry about your own death particularly, but you will refuse to accept any explanation of the world that begs the question of the meaning of life and death. 

Pluto Trine Pluto 
Up to you 
Valid during many months: This is a period of stability, in which very deep and perseverant energies lend themselves to you. Whether you make use of them or not is completely up to you. However, if you do decide to use them, there will be potential for inner growth. From this position you can gain deep insights into the functioning of your psyche which might have shocked you at other times. This is a time for simplification and for finding out what is really meaningful to you. It is a period when you are not only able to, but should, make changes. It is a time when you are able to eliminate the old and outworn elements of your life with relative ease because there will be little in the way. It may even seem so easy that you are not aware of its being an issue, but you should not rest on your laurels. Take an inventory of your life, your friendships, your possessions and other attachments and involvements. See which of these support you and at the minimum allow you to grow. These should be preserved. But do not struggle to preserve anything that does not serve you, especially if it seems to want to pass away. This is most important, because whatever you do not eliminate from your life now that does not serve you could become a cause of difficulty during more stressful times that may come along later. 

Pluto sextile Pluto 
Overall gentleness 
Valid during many months: During this time the changes that take place in your life will be part of a creative evolution. You can see that you are moving toward your goals and that you do not need anything else in order to attain them. You will get there simply by allowing the current energies to play themselves out. At the same time this influence will create additional opportunities for growth that you may or may not choose to take advantage of. This is a period of stability within change. Quite likely your concerns will become deeper as you become interested in the more profound aspects of your life. You may wish to understand more about your internal psychological workings, and this is a good time to find out without fearing great upsets. The overall gentleness of this influence allows you to discover many things that could be the source of anguish at other times. On another level, this influence will also give you greater concern about the universe as a whole and where you are in relationship to it. You will probably find that your views about daily life are stabilizing and maturing. Now that the period of rapid change is past, you are arriving at a way of dealing with the world that will not change much more except, hopefully, when future experience invalidates your present views. In other words, this influence doesn't represent settling into rigidity, but stability. 

Uranus opposite Pluto 
Please wait 
Valid during many months: This influence signifies encounters that cause various aspects of your life to be transformed. Most commonly, this transformation will take the form of disappearances of persons, circumstances or even possessions that you have become used to. You will also encounter forces that try to reveal aspects of your life that you have long kept hidden from yourself. Initially you will probably resist these revelations, believing that they cannot teach you anything very constructive. An influence like this often reveals aspects of ourselves that we have been taught to consider evil or at least negative. These aspects are often a source of positive energy, but because we refuse to acknowledge them, that energy is wasted and is usually out of our control. There will be much psychological compulsiveness at this time, but the less you resist facing yourself, the less difficulty you will have. On another level you will be shown a spiritual dimension of your existence that can immensely broaden your life and experience, if you are willing to look at it. This dimension may seem so far beyond your ordinary life that you will consider it impossible to accept, but this knowledge is necessary for your growth. On a practical level, avoid taking at face value any new encounters with persons or circumstances. Even when persons are not trying to deceive you, they may do so unintentionally, because you won't immediately understand what they are really showing you. Until you have arrived at this level of understanding, simply adopt a waiting attitude and commit yourself to as little as possible. 

Uranus Opposite MC 
New insights 
Valid during many months: At this time there will be many changes within yourself, which will be reflected in your immediate personal environment - your home - and in your most intimate personal relationships within the home, as with parents or partner. This influence can signify disruptive events in this area of your life and energies that require you to drop everything else to deal with. On the most mundane level this influence can signify a sudden event in your home or real estate - damage to the buildings, a sudden need for repairs or the like. But this is only an outward sign of the need for change within. Something that has been hidden away for years and years struggles to break free. But if you suppress it, the energy transfers to your environment and causes disruptions. You may have to deal with aspects of yourself you never even knew existed in order to come to a new understanding of yourself. People may not be very aware of this happening, but you will be, and so will those closest to you. You may find it necessary to make tremendous changes in your home and in those relationships that most affect your home to reflect this new encounter with yourself. Since this influence is also associated with profession and social status, you may expect changes in these areas, too. If you are still working, you may encounter opposition from others in your profession, people who do not want you to get ahead or achieve your purposes. Try to find out what the problem is and come to terms with these people. If you ride roughshod over them, they will try to hurt you as much as possible. This is also true in any aspect of your social life, if your actions seem to threaten someone else. There is a danger of a sudden fall in social position with this influence, usually because you have acted without considering others. They then feel that there is no recourse but to bring you down. Take this time to discover new truths about yourself, deal with them as honestly as possible and make these insights part of a new way of being. Then you will not have to contend with the worst effects of this influence. 

AS Chiron Trine AS 
Act quickly 
Valid during many months: This influence can help you to reconcile your personal needs with those of others. If you now have the courage and single-mindedness to stick up for your own interests you can expect support from others. Having experienced that acting in your own interests does not have to mean being inconsiderate or reckless will help you greatly in the future. You won't encounter any resistance or rivalry if you stand up for things which correspond to your inner nature. You may now have to deal with past events which undermined your self-confidence, leaving you feeling weak and inadequate. Such experiences can be extremely painful. In order to avoid similar rejections in the future many people withdraw into themselves, being prepared to go to great lengths to conceal their true feelings. Although this might help them to avoid further pain, it also prevents them from fulfilling their dreams, and decreases their vitality. You might now receive an offer at work or in your personal life which is both tempting and challenging, but also a certain amount of apprehension and trepidation. Do not hesitate! Do not miss this opportunity to finally do something that you have only dreamed of doing up until now. This could be revitalizing, helping you to place more trust in your own instincts. These will take you to the right places at the right times, helping you to express your true self, while enabling you to use your abilities in a way which is beneficial to others. 

Chiron Trine Moon 
Don't panic! 
Valid during many months: This influence allows you to gain new insights into your feelings, hopes and desires. You will, however, need to keep an open mind and be willing to learn, because this influence does not really compel you in any way. It might be more a case of allowing something to happen than achieving it through your own efforts. This influence is exclusively concerned with those feelings and desires which shame or embarrass you, or those which are somehow painful or a burden. You are now more able to recognize such feelings, both within yourself and in others. How you react to others will mainly depend on how you relate to yourself. You might find it easier to accept such feelings in others than in yourself, particularly if someone you trust confronts you with painful aspects of yourself. If this happens do not attempt to play the understanding advisor or therapist. You will best be able to help by revealing something about yourself. If you can do this, the other person could help you to gain a deeper understanding of your own inner pain. In any case you should now find it much easier to recognize your own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. A discussion with your mother, or someone with whom you have a similar relationship, could help you to find new ways of overcoming old emotional pain or sensitivity. 

Chiron Trine Mercury 
Cause and effect 
Valid during many months: This quality of time will help you to develop a deeper understanding of those psychological areas that are connected with the experience of pain, suffering and rejection. Often these experiences took place in the distant past, in early childhood or at the onset of puberty. Being put down or rejected during these especially sensitive periods of our lives leaves wounds and scars behind, which adults - mostly without realizing it - feel as anxiety about their own body, feelings of inadequacy, or even worse, their own inferiority. Such sensitivities can have a very bad effect on our feelings about life and our interpersonal relationships. They can cause us to avoid deep emotional experiences for fear of new pain, and can at worst even lead to us badly hurting other people by "hitting them below the belt". This influence is especially well suited to so deepening the understanding of these interrelations, that the first inklings of how to carry out a healing can be perceived. The injury itself can become a symbol of what is necessary in order to carry out a healing. During this phase it is important to talk to other people who are interested in this theme. See yourself in others and others in yourself - this fosters a direct understanding more than any discussion. This time is well suited to penetrating the complicated connections and dependencies between human behavior, the psyche and such early injuries - to differentiating between cause and effect. However, you should not be satisfied with plain diagnosis, rather you should use your knowledge to try to outline possible methods of and routes to healing - whether for yourself or for someone who has confided in you. 

Chiron opposite Jupiter 
Spoilt for choice 
Valid during many months: Some of your principles and ideals will now be called into question. If you have chosen a spiritual path, you might become aware of any hypocritical aspects of your own or others' behavior. You might also discover other areas in your life where your ideals are further removed from reality than you might have liked to believe. Your noble ideals could strongly conflict with your more physical and human needs, and this might cause you either to lose all control, or to totally suppress all your desires. Either of these options could lead to a serious crisis which could damage your physical and spiritual integrity. Under these circumstances it is of course important to aim for a balance between these two extremes. How you deal with the situation will depend on which of the two poles you tend to gravitate towards. You may withdraw and turn to fasting and regular meditation, or you might scrutinize your ideals to see if your chosen course has really been of benefit to you. This could lead to fierce disputes with friends or role-models. Do not shy away from such confrontations in order to preserve your spiritual independence. You may find it necessary to change your chosen course. You may now feel the urge to change some of your moral and spiritual values, together with your wider philosophical outlook on life. Any indecisiveness is not necessarily a sign of being frightened to make commitments. It might just be the case that many of the possibilities open to you do not cater for your individual needs.

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Maira Gall