Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Biology of Belief | Bruce Lipton - The truth.

Thank you. It's a great opportunity. A wonderful opportunity to speak here. I want to thank Doug and all members of the caring centre and video crew for this wonderful chance because I have the great privilege to present to you some information tonight that hasn't really been put out  in public a lot - and it stems from my work as a research scientist. Basically my work involved cloning human muscle cells. I was working with these perfect patients and taking out human cells and trying to understand what the control mechanisms were that were providing for the pathological expression of the cell - and I was doing this whilst in medical school as I have said. The interesting thing was this, after my many years in research I started to recognise something that some of our current beliefs and truths about medicine are actually not very correct at all. That there's a revolution going on in the healthcare area but is at the leading edge of research and whilst I was working at that end - it really comes down to the people and its really for you to understand because the information that I am going to present tonight is very self empowering information because it really reveals that we have made some really, assumptions, and I am going to list them to you. Now we all know what the definition of the word assume, that we have been really messed up by some ideas that have not really been so correct. And now as I try to correct them and present them to you with and understanding of how biology works, which is relatively simple because nature is simple in how she does everything once I explain it then what you will start to see is how powerful you have been but how limited you have been because of our alterations of our beliefs. Now we have held some very important beliefs that have been transmitted from science to the public, and the issue about that is that in converting the scientific information into the public world, a lot of the meaning has been shifting around and is not exactly the truth. So theres a thing that you've heard about genetic determinism for example that you are controlled by genes. During the first hour of this presentation tonight what I really want to show you is the other truth, but theres is a truth that says that your not controlled by genes, but you are actually controlled by your perception of the environment. And we'll talk about perceptions being beliefs. The significance about this is, that when we talk about genes, we talk about genetic illnesses and genetic predispositions. Let me give you an important factoid. Indeed, there are things called genetic defects and they effect about 5% of the population. Well what I am really trying to address is this, it's the 95% of the population that got here with wonderful genes and were capable in ways of being biologically sound and yet end up expressing illnesses, and cancers and early death and cardiovascular diseases. And there is a tendency of course for us to put this emphasis on the genes but it turns out no, it really turns out that it's how the genes are selected and rewritten by our belief systems. I was working on cloning cells and what I started to recognise that what part of my experiment was destroying the DNA and watching the behaviour of the cell and the surprising part is that you can destroying all the DNA the cell still has a life and has behaviour. And the belief is if DNA is controlling the cell then what's controlling the cell after all the DNA is gone. Well, this is what lead me on to understanding of real brain of the cell which is what the subject of this lecture is going to be all about ultimately. And then basically what I started to recognise was that I got really excited about it because I was like, "Oh my god", there's a whole new understanding of science at the time, and I started to go and lecture about it. And the conventional people, my colleagues and peers all understood it but they were still weary of it because we have invested so much money into the beliefs of genes and drugs, that it was real hard for them to shift midstream and start to look at other alternative beliefs. And so the significance about it was this, that for the first two years, I was all excited, going out talking about this to people and telling them about god, this is great understanding if you really understand this stuff then how powerful it is for your life and how it can change your life. And then I started to recognise that people look at me and think, "You know Bruce, this is a great story, but your life doesn't look so great to me.". And I realised the truth, and this was the important part about it, was, we always think that if we take this academic information in our head then all of a sudden all of our lives are going to change. Sort of like an academic pill, if I take a pill it will make me feel better. And I realised that at some point especially when I almost heard myself say to these people, I said,

"Well, do as I say not say as I do"
Then I realised at that point,

"Well how can I be talking about this great stuff and yet not apply it to my life?"

And that's when I released that at some point I said, lets not talk about this anymore until you go out and actually try to live that way.

So, the beautiful part about it is now, 15 years into this, it only took me a few months to recognise the change, but here's the simple reality. If I left the world, the title I would probably call it would be purgatory at best, and now I find myself living in heaven on a day by day basis. To recognise this, that we have great influence over the unfolding of our lives but we have never really have been given clarification of how that influence our lives. And so the significance of this is real, and that, I could provide you with this information, and you can walk away with the information, but there's a point where actually, you have to start participating in it, like I have had to do and start to incorporate it into our lifestyle because we can change belief.
Now, what is unusual about these women? And what's unusual about these women are there ages. And if you check out the ages of these women 40-75 years old are dancing every night in the palm springs follies. The minimum age of getting into the follies is 55 years of age. The significance about these women is of course, first of all notice the mentality that they have. You will probably also recognise at some point that they don't get effected by the same things that other people experience as they get older. And so what is this issue that gives them their vitality? That is one of the basic questions. Our conventional understanding is that genes provide for this. So all of us here all the time read newspaper articles, on television and in media about genes controlling this and genes controlling that, and the relevance is that we have come to believe a concept called Genetic determinism.
The significance of genetic determinism is this. It is the belief that says, that at the moment of conception, when the sperm and egg get together, the genes were selected for your life. And that the rest of your life unfolds from the reading of the these genes. Well theres a problem with that, and the problem with it is this. If it is true, then we become victims of our hereditary don't we, I mean how do we get out of the genes, they are inbuilt into us, we can't get out. And then something else happens, we become irresponsible, the reason is this, if the genes are making me do these things and I can't change my genes, then what is it that I can do with my life except make sure that I get proper medication that will make me feel better through the process. And the issue comes to this point, that this assumption, is an assumption, that it's not true. That genes do not control who you are, and yet I will have to go through this, but I will go through the fact that there are three assumptions that scientists have based on that are totally wrong at this time. And these three assumptions include:

This is the assumption that says -

Assumption 1:
Biological processes employ newtonian mechanics

What does that mean? It means this. It means according to newtonian world, the newtonian vision, the universe is a machine that is made up of different parts and if you understand how the physical parts interact then you can understand everything about the machine. And that there is no room for energy there it's only physical parts. So the relevance is this, by the belief in newtonian physics medicine does not entertain the notion that energy is involved in the healing process. Of course newtonian physics is out of date now by 75 years because we entered the quantum year in 1925 and yet medicine is still stuck in the biological of newtonian phase, and I'll talk about this in the second half. The second assumption is what I am going to spend most of the talk on for the first part. The second assumption is based on this -

Assumption 2:
Genes "control" biological expression

Well, I'm going to show you exactly the absolute chemical truth that genes cannot control biological expression for a very simple reason. Genes can't turn themselves on and and they can't turn themselves off. So the genes are controlling themselves, they can't control anything else either. And I'll explain where the control comes from. And third, there's an assumption that -

Assumption 3:
Darwinian evolution provided for the existence of biological diversity.

Again, this is a mistake of our assumption, that in fact it is not a darwinian process that got us here, it's more of what we call a process. And the relevance of that is that organisms always match that of their environment. That as the environment change, then the organism changes to adapt to those new environments. What does that mean about yourself. What envournments are you living in. What are your belief systems that become very important. Because what we find now is that your genes will adapt to your beliefs, and this becomes a very critical part of our understanding about life here. So I want to start off with that the original mission statement of science and that was based upon the belief that before1600 that god and spirit infuse the physical world. And so they had a mission statement that scientist before the 1600's, and this was their mission statement:

Mission of Science:
To gain an understanding of the "natural order" so that we can live in harmony with it"

And that was a nice beautiful concept. By studying nature, we can start to see how it all fits together and all the pieces fit together, then maybe we would be able to fit together better in that picture and survive in a much better way then we were doing. So to understand the mechanisms of the universe in regards to the spiritual nature of it. However, around 1600 is when the modern scientific revolution occurred, people like Descartes, Issac Newton,  got involved and looked at the universe and said, you know, there might be a god out there but we don't need god to explain this because it works like a clockwork mechanism. And that's when Newton got involved with his mathematics and was able to map out the movement of the planets and sun and obviously then said "Look, it's like a machine, we can predict everything about it."
Well that then relates to biology because when we got to biology, we began to look at the body not from an outside spiritual influence, but we started to look from inside of the body because we said that the body is a machine. And it's just like the universe and if we understand the machine then we can fix and adjust the machine. So science took a different approach, rather than try to live in harmony with life, this is the mission statement:

Mission of Modern science:
To obtain knowledge that can be used to dominate and control nature.

The point is, at least that at the good concept of it is, well, if you come here and you have something defected or you are unhealthy, or you are getting disease, then if we can control your body, we can control health and the disease. And therefore we can provide you with health. So basically, you have to dominate and control nature to do this. So the issue is first of all, just think that of that silly nature that if humans are going to control nature, I mean we always think big and obviously that's one of the thoughts. And the reality is that if we want to control nature then we have to look at the human cell.
Now here is an important part I have learned in my research on cells and what I use to teach to medical students. And that's a very interesting point, we are made out of anywhere from 50-70 trillion cells in your body, you are actually a community of cells. I use to clone peoples cells, take them out and put them in a culture dish, and sometimes in fact, many times the cells grew better in the culture dish than they grew in the individual. Meaning that the environment was altering there reflection of the cells. Well here's the point that I was teaching and an it's an important point for you to understand. With all this magnificent machinery that we hold in the human body, there is no human function that is not present in your human body that is not already present in every single cell. You have a digestive system, a respiratory system, and excretory system, a nervous system. So does a cell. And the relevance of that is that by taking a cell apart we hope to find a nervous system for the simple reason is this. In order to pursue the mission statement of science is what? To control? Well then we have to look at the organ that controls and that is the brain and the nervous system. Well we studied it in a human but it gets too complexed, that's why if we study the cell then its a lot easier, and most advances in medical science actually work from studying individual cells because the function of a cell in a live organism is almost as identical to us. But how do we understand how we attack this problem. How do we go and investigate cells? Well we use science, the science that we use is newtonian mechanisms. Remember I said that current biology uses newtonian mechanisms. Well there are three affect of newtonian mechanism that are very important.
1. The belief in materialism. The fact is this, that according to newtonian mechanics, everything that is worth studying is physical because they don't believe that anything else that is out there besides the physical world. It's just parts. So all that matters, is matter. So in looking at a body, you look at the parts of the body.

2. Bodies are complex things. And there's a way of understanding complex things because if you look back at the body and say "How can something work? Look how complex it is.". And the answer is there's a principle in newtonian mechanics called reductionism. And reductionism is this concept.
That if something is complicated, you take it apart and study the individual pieces and when you study the pieces you can understand them in order and then understand how they work. Therefore you understand how complex things work. The analogy that is often used is the analogy of a watch. If I found this watch and I didn't know how it worked, what would I do? I would take it apart. And once I had taken it apart I would start to find that gear A turns gear B, turns gear C, and then I start to create a flow chart. A goes to B goes to C to D ect. And heres the point, if you bring me your watch and its not working right, then what would I do? I would take it apart look at all the parts, A, B, C and D. And if there is a part that is not right or not working right, I can take that part out and replace it with a new part. Well the relevance is this is your body. And we can take it apart and look at the pieces then if your body is not working right then what will we do? We'll take it apart and put new parts in. And if we put new parts in it then we can control the outcome which is called determinism. The third leg of the newtonian philosophy.
The fact is this. If I know how the parts work, then conceivably, if I can make new parts then I can put them into the machine and then I can control the machine by altering the parts. And so basically, by determinism we mean when you come in sick and I say which parts wrong? I give you a drug, stick it into your body and all of a sudden you feel all better again because we can predict the outcome through a process called determinism.
And that leads us to this understanding - this is from Judy Olausen's book called Mothers Little Helpers - this picture here shows the valium bottle sitting right there - and the relevance about it is this, as you notice, every 15 minutes on television there's an ad from the drugs companies, and not only are they telling you now how they can fix parts of you, arthritis, pains and aches, but they also say "Hey you having a bad day? You having a tough time? You have a little anxiety? We've got pills for you." And the issue is very important here is because the whole aspect of medical research is based on the drive of the drug company. It's the drug companies that profit from the research cause because then when we understand how things work they make the parts and then you buy the parts. Except sometimes there are a lot of errors with that and I'll give you a big point effecting the population right now. There is a study done in North Carolina and it revealed that more than 50% of the children taking Ridolin for ADHD, don't have ADHD. I mean in other words, we are over prescribing the drugs and the problem is, it is the not drugs that are the answers to these issues. And that we have to look for another answer to get out of this drug model. So I have to explain to you how cells work. And this is the beautiful part because its not very complex, the complexity comes from the number of pieces, and the pieces that I am going to talk about are the proteins. Now you have approximately 100,000 protein parts that make up your bodying, and these are just like machine parts, and in reality these 100,000 work together and carry out live functions. Now they dont look like machines that we are use to with weird looking shapes to them. They're organic. Of course they are organic, there organic parts, there morph looking, they dont look like sheets of metal with nuts and screws and bolts. Now look at the top of the picture in white.
Now what we are looking t is an aids virus. Now at the bottom of the picture in white thats the surface of the human cell. that the blue structure is virus thats attached to the aids virus, and the red structure is is a protein that is on the surface of one of your cells. And the ideas that a virus cannot attach to your cell unless the blue protein the virus complements and fits in like a lock and key to the red protein on your cell. Now when you look at this little funny looking protein you might think, "Well thats just this little organic chewing gum kind of thing", but the truth is this, these are as accurate machine part as any human being machines we have ever made. Now that the fact is that that same protein is the very same thing on every one of your cells. Because if it wasn't then you wouldn't be effected by the aids virus. So my thinking is to get you to recognise that machines dont always look like the machines that we see, but they have an organic look to them. Now here is another organic looking machine:
There you can see a helix, the yellow and the magenta is the DNA double helix. But in purple and blue and green and orange, thats a protein machine, now you might look at it and think, "Well that not a machine" but if you look it yes, it actually screws in the helix of the DNA where the arrow is, that protein machine adds new pieces to the DNA to extend the length of the DNA.So my point again. Look at this but recognise that these organic things are actually machines. Heres a picture of a protein on the left and a picture of a protein on the right, a machine protein. An the interesting thing about it is this, underneath the structure of a protein is a backbone, the backbone gives it shape to the protein. Remember when we were young and you went into school and the teacher said to draw a person, what kind of person did you draw, a stick figure right, with a back bone and a shape, thats what gave it shape. Then you realised that as you get older you fleshed out the stick figure. Now the interesting understanding is this, the protein on the right is the stick figure and the protein on the left is the fleshed out version of the same thing. So underneath there are these backbones, now heres an interesting fact, There are 100,000 different proteins and all proteins are all the same in this regard. All proteins are like beta strings. The beads are amino acids, so when you go to the health food store and you hear about amino acids, what are they, they are the building blocks the beads. there are twenty different kinds of amino acids that make up the beads. So what is different between 100,000 different proteins and the answer is this, the length of the chained the sequence of the beads. The sequence of the beads give the shape. Well lets say that where can there be some shape out of the? It looks like spaghetti there is no shape in this. And the answer is well, the beads actually have a bit more riddidity in there sturture, so what I am going to get are these pipe fittings that are going to represent three different kinds of amino acids just by the colours. So instead of 20 I'm just going to show you three. Now what they look like are actually if you look at that backbone there they actually look like these pipe fittings. And the reality is this, the amino acids plug in together like that, and when you assemble them they are still a chain when you think about it, its still a sequence, but now rather than being flexible, now you begin to see there is a sameness of a specific shape that is occurring here when I keep assembling them. So as I assemble my protein, all of a sudden you start to see how the backbone starts to acquire a three dimensional shape. So you see the three dimensional shape. So the reality is this. Compare it to the machine back there, you see the similarity. and the colours and the fact is this, that the protein backbone are these amino acids. And if I change the sequence of the amino acids that I put this together with, I won't get the same structure. So the understanding is this. Each protein is different . Each protein has a pattern that is determined by the sequence of the amino acids of the subunits that are making them all come together. So that a protein can have a particular structure. Its just like a back bone in me and you. Your shape is determined by your back bone.
And so the fact is this. Where you have vertebrae bones, the protein has amino acid subunits.And the reality is this, that you also can change your shape. You bend and twist the back bone . The truth is proteins do the same thing. Proteins are like miniature people in that regard. So instead of looking at a machine like this:

A metal machine that we are use to seeing. Imagine if I were to replace the gears with proteins. Okay now we have a protein watch.
But the bottom line is this. Lets get rid of the metal.What is this, a collection of proteins, and these proteins have an interaction. And these proteins machines actually start to work together to do what. Digestion. Respiration. Muscle contraction. All these are machine like elements and in fact, I can take a protein out of your body, pu it in a test tube and carry out the same functions. I can do digestion in a test tube. I can do muscle contraction in a test tube. The point is this, your body  cells are made out of these individual, interesting protein parts. Now let me just talk about this:
Now remember when I told you there is a back bone like on the left side of the screen and then theres a fleshed out version soon the rightsize, its the same protein. The yellow is an antigen like a virus. The blue is a protein. called an antibody. Now what I want you to notice is, you see how the shape of the protein and the antigen are complementary. What happens if I take out that yellow antigen? What would be on the surface of the protein? A pocket, a cleft. What would fit back into that shape? the same thing that I pulled out of it. In other words, the shape is so specific that protein surfaces have pockets and cleft and other things plug into them. Now I'll give you one more example.
Here's an enzyme in blue and heres a chemical group that plugs in right there, now look at the shape of the pocket and the chemical group. Why am I bringing this up? Now the answer is this. Proteins bind to things in the environment, and they bind with  a high specificity to become the shape. Now let me give you an example of this. Let me show you how actually, let me show you where life comes from. You can see right in this little model, first thing Im going to tell you this, see this amino acid in yellow, lets say they are negatively charged. You know like charges repel each other and opposites attract one another. So the question is this, I gonna show you two shapes. and then you tell me what you see. Shape 1 is this one.
Next shape is this one.
Which one is more stable, 1 or 2?
Because opposites, these like charges want to get as far away as they can from each other. So I'll show you that this protein has two shapes, but this is the preferred shape protein, why, because the two like charges are as far apart as they can. Now a drug a chemical or hormone comes into the environment just like that antigen and antibody and it plugs in. Now I am going to call this a signal now. Now lets say the signal is positive and the amino acid is negative , whats going to happen when the signal comes by? Its going to attract it. and it binds it right. But my next question is this. What charge is at the end of this chain? Positive. Negative. Now which shape is more stable.
This one...
or this one?
Okay. So let think of the logic of this, you just showed me two different shapes of the same protein right . Now whats the difference. Why does it have two shapes? Because if I take away the charge, lets say we take away this drug. Whats the protein going to do? Its going to go back to this one.
This is movement right? Did it go from 1 to 2. Did it move? Movement is a source of life. It is the only molecules that move. Proteins move. Life comes from moving proteins. When I make the proteins as they move to work then movement comes from moving the protein. So basically the question is this. Where does life come from? And the answer is first from the structure the proteins provide for the structure of the body, but then the proteins are capable of changing there shape. Changing shape is what is called confirmation changing. As I illustrated on this picture:
 There's a protein, now this is from science journal its not my pipe fittings, but as you see, the protein in green on the left is the protein that causes muscles to contract. To switch, its like and on/off switch. The green form the muscles dont contract. But when I add a signal which is that white dot, its calcium, the calcium plugs into the molecule exactly the same as the signal plugged my protein, it changes the electrical charge and when the charge changes on the protein it changes its shape . So I go from conformation 1 to conformation 2. But what if I take the signal away? Well when I take the signal away as you saw, protein will reset back into its original conformation. So the point is this, a protein exists will not move until, what s the event that causes the protein to move,  the signal!  So the signal that shows up causes the protein  to make work. The fact is the body which coordinates the functions of the system is controlling the signal  to the proteins which then contract there movement  and that movement is generated to do functional things like breathing and  digesting and moving and excreting waste materials - its all through these proteins. So the conclusion is simple.
Proteins change shape
that results in
and that movement is harnessed by the cell to
= work/behaviour
So the proteins give you not only physical structure, proteins also provide function. So when you look in the mirror, you look at your identity, your character. What we are really looking at is the protein that are giving you the shape. But you also recognise this, that you can change your shape and you can change your movement because proteins also move and change there shape. So that the body and mind of life comes from protein movement.
Life = Protein movement
If you stop protein movement, life stops at that point. And thats the point, proteins are the only molecules that are moving and they become the most important molecules in the generation of life.
So if I had a test tube, on the left side I put all the proteins of the cell, and I have a cell on the right side with all the proteins in it so the proteins are exactly the same on the left and right the test tube is not alive. but the cell is alive, but the two have the same proteins. So the question now is, what is the difference between the two? The answer is simply this:
The cell has control. The test tube, all the proteins are just looking around randomly, there is no order or organisation, no orientation, there just making a wish, and there all moving around, but they are all able to lead to a new direction of life. To have life I have to have control of the proteins functions. Then I have control. And my question is , so what controls life? Now here's an assumption. And this is where it all went wrong . It goes like this. Protein parts work like parts in a car. When you drive your car for a while the parts wear out. So your driving along  and your tyre wears out and it goes flat. What happened to your machine then. It stops. Okay, so if you try to start again what would you do first? Replace the tyre. Okay, heres the point, proteins wear out. And everyday  your losing cells and proteins by trillions of cells and tonnes  of proteins are getting lost because your losing them. We have to replace the protein. So the science said back in the day, whats the simplest way to control biology? And the answer is this. If I have a function and the proteins are making the function and a protein with function wears out what happens to the function? Okay, if I want to have that function again  what must I do. Replace the protein. So the scientists said, well thats the simplest and easiest way to control biology. If we can find what replaces the protein then we will find what controls the cell. So the bottom line is they started off already with an idea that was first grounded in the science of 1859 by Charles Darwin. Because he said this, he said "The traits and characters and behaviour of an individual are due to hereditary factors". They didn't know back in 1859 what those hereditary factors are, but by 1953 this is what we found, they were looking for the hereditary factor because they said the hereditary factor controls the protein.
So the belief is this. That the pattern of the protein, the beads, the colour of the beads that I am showing you here, are the patterns of the subunits on the DNA helix, the runs of a ladder. And that these DNA codes for this. And the relevance for why DNA would be the hereditary material is because DNA docent wear out, DNA doesn't break down. In fact, you can find fossils, 50 thousand year old fossils and take DNA out of the fossil and put it in a test tube and make proteins using the DNA as a blueprint. Proteins from an animal that died 50 thousand years ago. The point is, the DNA is stable. There are no proteins left from that animal, but the DNA is left behind. So the point is, DNA becomes a hereditary material because DNA has the ability to be stable  but not wear itself out. And thats what allows it to be the hereditary material. . So the conclusion of science, and this is a conventional view as I am speaking right here, this is whats being taught in schools, its called the Primacy of DNA:
What does it mean?
It says, I told you, your a protein, where does your protein come from?Well it comes from the DNA, thats the blueprint.  The DNA makes the copy of itself called RNAand the copy goes into the cell and the blueprint in red converted into the protein. So the bottom line is this, heres a simple understanding. If your character is in your protein, wheres your protein come from? It comes from the DNA. So therefore your character is determined by the DNA. So our belief is that the primacy of DNA is this - Who you are, what you are is predetermined in the blueprint, the DNA. So you become a readout of the DNA. So when you read articles like this in a magazine
That says "Were you born that way?" Now we start to recognise that not only is our physical structure apparently determined by our DNA but it controls our behaviour, our aggression, anxiety, happiness, alcoholism, obesity. All these kind of things  are now attributed to what, that pattern that you have received, so if you start to feel ill at some point  then they start to say, well  god, you have genes that are effecting you in this and so the point about this ultimately is the belief system is that if I can understand all the genes then I can replace any broken genes that I have and I can restore your health. Its a nice nobel concept that lead to the human genome project. But the conclusion of this is what? This paper just occurred, only in May, its a mainstream journal,  and its about the nucleus of the cell and how the nucleus is an organelle inside the cell where the DNA is.

"For higher organisms, the nucleus is the command center of the cell. There, the chromosomes with their genetic material must be accurately copied and then separated when cells divide. The RNA that directs protein synthesis is also made in the nucleus, as are the ribosomes, the small cytoplasmic particles where that protein synthesis takes place. In order for the cell to run smoothly, all of these complex nuclear activities must be controlled and coordinated. In recent years, scientists have gained new insights into how that's done.
Essential to this control is the ability to regulate the movements of materials into and out of the nucleus. Entry or exit through the nuclear membrane can occur only through large protein complexes termed nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Structural studies are now revealing the NPC at increasing resolution, and biochemical and genetic analyses have recently identified the complete protein composition of the NPC of yeast. In addition, much of the transport machinery required for RNA and protein movement has been defined. In a Viewpoint on page 1374, Wente reviews this work and points out that researchers are now positioned to examine the interplay between the NPC and transport factors that control movement through the pores.
The nucleus not only has to control nuclear transport and other such dynamic functions, it must also maintain the integrity of chromosomes. That's where the telomere, a repetitive DNA sequence that caps the ends of linear chromosomes, comes into play; telomeres help protect the ends from fusing with one another or being degraded. Since a cell must distinguish double-strand breaks from chromosome ends, cell biologists had thought that end-repair would use telomere-specific proteins. But in a Viewpoint on page 1377, Gasser discusses results showing that protein complexes involved in repairing double-strand breaks also play roles in telomere length maintenance and that telomere structure is affected by DNA damage checkpoint signals. She proposes that components shared by the DNA repair and telomere replication systems may link both events to proper cell cycle progression.
For the cell division cycle of eukaryotic cells to operate normally, there must be a delay between the duplication of chromosomes in S phase of the cycle and their segregation later on. Without this delay, neither meiosis nor chromosome condensation during mitosis could occur. The prolonged physical connection of replicated DNA molecules is termed “sister chromatid cohesion.” Recently, a number of chromosomal proteins required for cohesion and separation have been identified. Nasmyth, Peters, and Uhlmann review this work (p. 1379) and discuss possible mechanisms for connecting sister chromatids and then breaking the connections to allow their separation at the onset of anaphase. The cover image shows the dynamic structures of the chromosomes as a cell goes through mitosis.
The nucleus does not merely store and accurately replicate the genome, but it is also the site where protein synthesis gets under way as genes are transcribed into RNAs and the ribosomes are assembled. Nuclear structures such as the nucleolus, coiled bodies, and interchromatin granules are highly dynamic, forming as a result of the processing of the RNAs into their active forms. Lewis and Tollervey (p. 1385) review how organization of RNA processing gives rise to these nuclear structures.
And finally, the News section of this special issue includes two articles. One describes new results reported by Tjian's group on page 1422 that help clarify how the factors that control gene transcription recognize their targets; the other deals with an explosion of recent work showing that genes don't always have to be controlled in the nucleus, but can be “silenced” later through the cytoplasmic degradation of their messenger RNAs."

For its says what the conventional point of view is. It says, Nucelus is the commander of the cell." What does it mean the command centre of the cell?
Well, what we were looking for is the brain of the cell, so as I said, every cell has the same functions that  you have, but you have organs to carry out your functions. Inside a cell there are miniture organs and they are called organelles. And as I said, since you all of have the same functions of a cell then a cell has a nervous system which is the command centre. The nervous system is now going to be the nervous system of the cell that dark red structure for this reason. Because conventional biology said that the nucleus is the command centre of the cell. So what does that mean? Well thats where all the genes are, all the genes are in the nucleus. And since the genes control  who you are, then the nucleus as a positron of all of the genes, represents the source of control. So that therefore leads us to the conclusion that the equivalent of the brain is the nucleus. Is that so far making sense? Now listen to this, this is where it all falls apart. Listen to this simple logic question. If I take the brain out of any living organism, there is an immediate nessisary consequence for that action, what is it? DEATH. nd heres the point. You can take the nucleus out of the cell and the cell doesn't die the cell can live for four more months without any genes in it at all. Its not sitting there its moving around. Its eating, its growing, its meeting other cells and communicating with each other. It recognises toxins and reacts to different toxins. I did not change the behaviour in any way whatsoever by taking out all of the genes. What does this mean? Think of the logic, what does the logic mean? Gene can be the brain of the cell yes or no? Now thats the important  part because this is understanding nucleation, the process of removing the nucleus is done a lot at higher levels of biology. People do it, obviously genes are not controlling the cell , somewhere along the line all of you  have heard through all the media of course genes control cells . So the bottom line is:
Assumption II
Genes "Control" biological expression
is false.
But then that leaves us with a rather important question. If the genes aren't controlling th cell then what is  controlling the cell? And this is where my research  led me about in 1985  to understand the relationship that genes have with the cell.
The important part is this, especially in the mass media, these two words get confused all the time. Correlation and causation.
Genes are correlated with your body - thats a FACT!
Genes do not cause anything
Thats the error.
But the problem is this. You read an article, this is a true story. An article reveals for example that they found a gene that correlated with obesity. And then, heres what s interesting about it, they went to a number of expected parents who were expecting a child and said listen, if we did some amniocentesis and took some cells of your fetus and found that your feats had this gene associated with obesity, what  would you do? 70% of the parents said they would immediately opt for an abrtion. And the relevance  about that is I never said that genes  caused obesity. There correlated with obesity. The fact is, if you rad the articles they always start out "A new gene is correlated  to cancer" and then a paragraph down the road  says this gene causes cancer. This is an error. Genes do not cause anything. Gene carry potential, whether you activate the genes or not it is not at the gene, it the that selects the genes. And the answer is. Well we start with the first part of this which is, what are genes and what activates the genes. Because if I knew how to activate the genes then I will be at the leading edge for whats controlling genes. I use this paper because there is a sentence I use straight out of the paper, so Im not trying to pull any wool over your eyes:

"Summary In describing the flawless regularity of developmental processes and the correlation between changes at certain genetic loci and changes in morphology, biologists fre- quently employ two metaphors: that genes ‘control’ development, and that genomes embody ‘programs’ for development. Although these metaphors have an admir- able sharpness and punch, they lead, when taken literally, to highly distorted pictures of developmental processes. A more balanced, and useful, view of the role of genes in development is that they act as suppliers of the material needs of development and, in some in- stances, as context-dependent catalysts of cellular changes, rather than as ‘controllers’ of developmental progress and direction. The consequences of adopting this alternative view of development are discussed. Introduction When dealing with complex problems it is useful and often necessary to use descriptive metaphors to voice our best guesses about causality and mechanism. Often such metaphors become the jargon of the field and efficient communication comes to depend on them. In genetics and developmental biology, powerful and evocative metaphors about genetic controls and genetic programs describe our intuition about the relations between genes and the processes that lead to biological form. The evocative power of these metaphors, how- ever, tends to make us forget that they are no more than working hypotheses. In particular, now that their use has become widespread among biologists, it has be- come ever easier to believe that the jargon represents understanding and that the metaphors describe the mechanism rather than the model. The following quo- tations, taken from reviews and textbooks, illustrate the point and set the scene for the subject of this article. ‘This collection of chromosomes in the fertilized egg constitutes the complete set of instructions for develop- ment, determining the timing and details of the formation of the heart, the central nervous system, the immune system, and every other organ and tissue required for life o). ‘It has become increasingly clear that the developmen- tal program resides in the genome, and that in most cases the environment provides only eneral stimuli and rela- tively little specific information. ‘We know that the instructions for how the egg develops are written in the linear sequence of bases along the of the germ cells’(3). A portion of the metazoan genome is specijically involved in the control of ontogeny and evolves by a mode distinct from those of structural genes’(4). ‘We all recognize that in the fertilized egg there is a set of genes ... and that these genes give instructions that ultimately produce a complex adult.’(5). While the sentiments expressed in these quotations may seem extreme to some, it is clear that many biologists subscribe to them, literally. The concepts that genes control development and morphology, that genomes contain developmental information, and that development follows a genetic program pervade modern thinking in molecular, developmental, and evolutionary biology. The genome is assumed to encode higher levels of organization. Genes and their products are seen as the causative agents of differen- tiation, and controlled gene expression is seen as the driving force of progressive change in development. The crucial regulatory role attributed to genes is emphasized by the widespread acceptance of the notion that a substantial number of genes are specifically concerned with the orderly progression of events during de~elopment(~). As a consequence, it is assumed that an understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulation and of the detailed structure of the genome are not only fundamental to an understanding of development but virtually sufficient for this understanding. In the sec- tions that follow, I will first explore the various meta- phorical attributes that have been bestowed on genes and genomes, and show that these are ultimately unhelpful in developing a correct understanding of what genes really do and of how development proceeds. Although the issues explored here might seem to be mainly about terminology, they involve more than semantics; the metaphors of ‘control’ and ‘programs’ have shaped priorities in research and, to some extent, narrowed the range of investigation in developmental biology. In the concluding section of this article I will propose a fundamentally simple view of the role of genes in development that can be used as a working hypothesis at all levels of investigation on the function of genes. The Metaphors The belief that genes control and that genomes contain programs emerges from several observations about developmental genetics. First, mutation in certain genes, particularly the homeotic and segmentation genes, for instance those in the bithorax and Antenna- pedia complexes in Drosophila, can lead to very specific and often dramatic alterations in the body plan, in which nearly normal body parts develop in inappro- priate locations or in which the characteristics of one body re ion are replaced with those of a different region(6- ). Second, many of these genes have a homeo- 5..."

And it explains this. Metaphors means in this case of science, when a scientist goes to do an experiment, they create a hypothesis, this is an idea, the experiment tests the idea. The hypothesis is not a truth its a suggestion. In 1953 when watson and crick found the secret of DNA code, the hypothesises made that genes control biology. But that was in 1953. That was fifty years ago and the issue is this, if you keep repeating that over and over again, at some point you forget that it was a hypothesis, at some point it becomes a truth. And so we buy the truth that its in textbooks everywhere that genes control . But the answer is, do genes control? This paper reveals this sentence by Nijoul the truth:
An emergent property of the gene means this, genes are blueprints, a blueprint is not a law, its just data. If you looked at the blueprint of your house is there an on or off to your house? No the blueprint doesn't go on/off but what goes on and off is who is reading the blueprint. and my point is, genes are blueprints, but the blueprint doesn't determine whether it is to be read or not. When it says what makes it read, it says from a signal from ones environment. So Im going to show you exactly how genes work.
This is a picture of a nucleus of a cell that is isolated. Thats where all of the chromosomes are. And there is a broken nucleus with the same preparation so you can see all of the chromosomes are lined up, and you can see the two red one sand the point about it is this, you get two sets of chromosomes. One from your mother that comes from the egg and one from your father that coms from the sperm. So you need to programmes in order to make a human being thats in every cell in your body. And the issue about why I am showing you this slide is this new interesting technique for staining the chromosome. And the fact is, what am I satining? Well the belief system is the nucleus of the cell that contains the DNA. Which it does, but whats the point is that I'm not staining DNA. I'm staining proteins. 50% of the nucleus is protein. But we dont talk about that protein why not, because we are so focussed on DNA that when they do experiments what do they do, they break open the nucleus like this, isolate the chromosomes, throw away the protein and study the pure DNA. The truth is there no such thing as pure DNA in a human system. What does it look like in a cell? And the answer is that it looks like this. What all the proteins actually look like:
The proteins covering the outside of the DNA like a sleeve these proteins are given the names of regulatory proteins. A great name because thats here function. How do they work? And its so simple. It works like this.
Imagine my arm as DNA, well imagine my bare arm as DNA and I write the genetic code, lets sa the genetic code for blue eyes, the gene that codes for blue eyes. Now what does this DNA look like when I put it back in the nucleus. And the answer is that it looks like this. Can you read the genes or not? What do you have to do to read the gene? Take the sleeve off, then you can read the gene because the code is written on the arm. Whats the sleeve, the sleeve is the protein. How does the protein come on and off? Heres a protein covering my DNA, And I change the signal. Removing the signal. But what does the protein do, change its shape, and when it changes shape it pulls away from the DNA.
The moment it pulls away from the DNA, I have bare DNA. Now you can read it. So my next question is this, in order to read the genes of the cell, then what I have to do is effect the protein.
Here's the current flow chart that is found in all the textbooks. But its wrong. The DNA is covered by regulatory proteins. And they get there regulatory proteins off the sleeve so I can read the gene so I need an environmental signal. The bottom line is this. Your not controlled by DNA, your controlled by environmental signals!
This is what Nijoul writes:
Just reading the following is the answer:
"A signal from its environment activates expression of that gene."
Then that means wait a minute, I am not genetically determined by my genes? No, your mentally determined. You know we talk about how does that happen, let me explain the mechanisms, well what is the environment? Well the environment is two that effects all of us. Theres an internal environment under your skin, of your physiology, your body composition, the temperature of your body, the amount of sugar in your body the nutrients available, the information, this is the environment on the inside. Yet what is the environment on the outside? Cause when we live in that environment we have to adjust ourselves to whatever is happening. And to adjust ourselves we change our genes to adjust to the environmental signals cause the environmental signals that listens effects gene action. So where is the brain of the cell?
And the answer is:
"The brain of the cell is the membrane. It is the skin of the cell."
What about our belief about the brain of the cell was the nucleus. And the answer is this. Science is a male dominated profession. And since males think with this, then this is the brain of the cell.The bottom line and I'll tell you what the nucleus is. The nucleus is the gomade of the cell. Why? This is the function of the nucleus. To make the programme blueprints that replace the parts. So when I need new parts I go to the gonade to get me reproduction. So the nucleus is not for brain. The brain of the cell is the cell membrane. The membrane is the most primitive structure in biology The most primitive species have just a single membrane. They don't have anything else but that. And all there functions come from the membrane. So if we understand the membrane then we can understand how it works. Let me illustrate to you how it works. Here are cells on the surface of a culture dish, and if  look at the membrane and I cut it to see the surface of the cell, this is what we see. That the surface of the cell looks like this layered structure that separates the outside environment from the inside environment. The yellow in the middle is like oil. and as a result, the membrane is a barrier thats separates the outside of the cell from the inside of the cell, because water can't go through the middle of the membrane to carry the information across. The self on the inside of the membrane is separated from the environment that is found on the outside of the membrane. But this wouldn't do any functions, this is just protection. To do function, I need the protein that allows for movement, proteins do the movement and the function. So I showed you in my pop up version of the proteins, that these posit beads organise themselves into this membrane structure that I showed you. So that proteins stay inside the membrane. There are two classes of proteins in the membrane. They are very important, they are called receptors. Skin, eyes, ears, nose, taste, touch, Where are receptors located? in your skin.
And the same with the cell. But in the cell they are not all organised ini these structures that we see, the proteins have antennas on them, and each different thing the cell can see, theres a different protein with different antennae. so for insulin I have a receptor that sees insulin, for glusoce I have a receptor that sees glucose. for light I have a receptor that responds to photons of light. So for everything the cell can see, theres a special receptor inside the cell. Then the receptors what, take the signals in. Thats what receptors do. see through the receptors. But now when the signals come in I make a behaviour to respond to the signal. Thats the other set of proteins. The example that I am going to use in the other set is called a channel. a channel means a canal. and the point about it is in the resting state, the channel is closed, nothing can go through the channel, but in the activated state, the channel opens and theres a tunnel that goes from one side of the membrane to the other. Let me explain how they work. This is an example of a receptor. The receptor sits in the membrane and has an antennae sticking up and look at the bottom, watch what happens when a signal comes in, the signal, remember the environmental signal causes a conformational change so look at the shape.

So remember the strutucre I showed you, conformation 1 and conformation 2. What was the difference between one and two? The signal. So when a signal comes in, The antennae receptor changes its structure. Now the other protein channel looks like this When we look at the channels inside the membrane they too move around inside of the membrane but how they move is different because th channel is closed. and as we said the channel works when the signal is close so when the channel opens up, information of molecules can shoot down the tunnel and into the cell. And they can only do that when it open and closes. But watch that, it can only open when the right signal is present. So the channels regulate what comes in through the opening and closing of the channel. So what we looked at was this, we saw signals activating antennas that change the structure of the receptor and we saw that the outer device, in this case the channel, can open or close when the signal comes, so lets put them together ad see what happens when they come together Now the answer is this. The antenna on the left is scanning the environment. Now notice the shape of the protein inside of the cell. its a smooth tube. This is a protein called a G protein. Look at its shape, can it attach onto that yes or no? No. Look at the shape, it won't fit. So when no signal is there it cannot connect, but when the signal is there it can connect and this changes the shape that connects this one to this one that changes this one and makes a signal So I have an environmental signal coming into the antennae and the channel on the right converts that signal to produce a behaviour. Its a switch.
This is what controls biology. The antenna sees the signal from the environment. And when a signal is received it changes the shape of the protein and allows the connecting device to connect to the device that is the output. The output is the channel. The channel creates a signal and enters into the cell and that signal is now entering into the cell activates the functions of the cell. It causes the cell to move, Causes the cell to digest things, causes the cell to change its structure or behaviour. The fact is what. This is a signalling device. An actual device that can actually control the behaviour of the cell. So how does it work. Well the receptor picks up a stimulus, And then the output goes through the channel. and activates the function of the cell. The stimulus is received by the receptor, and the response is produced by the effector. So when I put that together what does this mean. It says this:
Biology is stimulus response. That the inputs, the signals from the environment are collected by the receptors and the receptors recent the environment whether that being the external environment or the internal environment. But once they receive a signal, I get a response. Thats the output, behaviour is a response.So the output is meaning the effector or the channel. So the bottom line is this. Environmental signals influences behaviour. Got it!? If I remove the environmental signals what behaviour do I have? None. That's an interesting point is that I say that I can take the nucleus out of the cell and I don't change the behaviour at all, if I go to the cell, and cut off the antennae, the cell has no behaviour. Now just think for a second for the profound meaning for what I have said, then the behaviour processing is then what, a reflection of the signals that come from the environment, so all of a sudden your behaviour is not coming from the inside, it is much coming from the reflection of what you see on the outside. And so this is changing your life, so this devise is what controls the cell, that there are thousands and thousands of these input and output devices controlling the cell. Is it clear at  least how this causes the switch? Now you recognise that each one of these things can act irate a function of the cell. Now, this is the beautiful part because I'll let you say the words. Is it true or not that the receptor represents awareness of the environment. Okay, is it true or not true that when the channels or whatever the output button devises are start to create a physical response that they create a physical sensation in the cell? Okay is this what controls the cell, or at least a function in the cell yes or no? What is this called? And this is called, and in the dictionary there is a word for this, and the word is:
So basically, you just saw the labelling of what? a device that controls the cell. What is this device that controls the cell, known as, perception. So are you controlled by genes. No, your controlled by perception. Perspeption is how you read the environment that controls your behaviour, it makes sense because if your behaviour is linked to the environment then your coordinated with the environment . If your behaviour is is not connected to whats going on in your environment , then there are neurological problems when your behaviour does not match your environment.
Cells started to come together. Into a community, and why this was relevant is, each cell is reading what it should do by reading the environment. But when cells start to come together a community to make a multicellular organism like you or myself, then something has to happen. Whats different about an individual vs a community is this. If I am just a free living cell I can walk around and it doesn't make any difference, but if I am in a community, then the community has meaning, communication, it means holding it together. That me as an individual cell in the community I can't do what I want to do, I have to do what the community agrees, thats part of the deal.If I give up my independence and give it up to join a community, but the reason for joining the community is that I have a greater chance of survival if there are members working together. That's what community is all about. That's why people came together to form communities instead of living alone. Because community brings greater life.But when I look at that heres the important understanding. If a cell doesn't listen to the communities voice, then the cell is not part of the community. Cancer cells have withdrawn from the community. There still in there, but there not listening to the voice of the community, there doing there own thing. Why would some cells get out of the community? And the answer is, why are people homeless? Why are people out of work? Or why are people suffering? If the community is not supporting them then at some point the cells recognise and think, "Oh my god why would I want to do this for?" sot theres this point when the cancer recognises that as a result form the community. This is a movement of a bunch of cells, and I want to show you the communication using a special guide.. I can show you how the cells are communicating in this community.
Theres a nervous collection of cells. Now the dye lights up, its a fluorescent dye. Now you see the sparkling and flashing. Thats the neurological process of each individual cell. Now watch what happens. Waves of information start to occur as the cells are starting to connect to one another.So the actions of some cellar spreading to other cells. So watch you are actually looking at are an electrocephlograph of cells. Watching cells talking to each other. Because cells work together in a community.When the community falls apart thats when disease starts to happen. Because that means that for some whatever reason that its not supported and then that will then lead to the end of the community. So the point about it is this, each cell has a brain. Thats a fact. Each cell can read the environment and adjusts its function to whatever it sees. So when cells get into a community, they dissolve there own belief system or there own system from what they are seeing that effects the command. So as you can see here
On the right hand side the chart in purple here that this cell is out here in this environment. But what should its function be? Well the answer is that its going to be coordinated by the brain cause the brain is going to tell the cells what  it should do to work together to provide for the success of my living organism. So the brain gets in-between the environment and the cell. The cell knows how to read its own environment, the cell depends upon the central nervous system that tells us about the environment. So the bottom line is this.
The cell on the right is intelligent. It will always be able to adjust itself to the environment, thats why taking cells out of sick peopled putting them in culture they start to get better because when left alone, they can say they live comfortable alone without being in that system anymore. And then, so the fact is that what regulates the cell now when it is in a community, the cell reads the environment which is the left side but it doesn't read it directly. It now reads the environment through the brain, and the brain interprets the environment and then tells the cell what adjustment it should do to live in the environment it is seeing. And the issue is in general cases it wouldn't be any big deal, but the issue deals with what about our perceptions. Because perception is controlling the cell not the gene. Well, lets ask some simple questions about perception. So you can take a test, its a perception test that works like this. Very simple question. Is A, the area of A greater than, equal to or less than the area of B? Less. Good.
So easy. Everyone can figure this out cause there just square boxes. But what if they are not so squared or regular shapes? So lets look at it in this way.
Im going to ask four questions. And then I am going to go over the answers and the questions are basically the same in each one.
Is the one country greater than, equal to or less than the others?
So the point is this, from your perception...
Is south america greater than, equal to or less than Europe in surface area?
Is south Scandinavia greater than, equal to or less than India in surface area?
Is Alaska greater than, equal to or less than Mexico in surface area?
Is North greater than, equal to or less than South in surface area?
Okay. Now lets look at the answers.
South America > Europe
Scandinavia < India
Alaska = Mexico
North < South
Whats the point about this. Well the point is this is perception. Whats it based on the map.
Lets look at the map. The map was made by germans. So where do you think the dead centre of the map is. And what does the equator represent? It's the mid point between the north and the south. But on th maps that we have studied since we were kids, is the equator is two thirds down the bottom of the map. So if I adjust the equator and bring it back into proper order then this is the map that you will see because this is the map that was put out by the united nations. and the relevance of this map is what. It it not the world as you thought it was. Why. and cause basically, you remember that little place somewhere in dallas, the third world is twice as large as the first world. And our perceptions have been off. Our perceptions which make us act in response to our perceptions. If we used this map . If your life was depended upon getting 100% in this exam, then there would be a lot of dead people in this room. So the point is what. The point is, perception is what gets in-between the environment and the cells. But what do we know about perception now? We just heard it. Perceptions may not be right. So rather than calling perception the environment, beliefs. Its your belief about the environment that adjusts your physiology. And beliefs become then the most important cause your beliefs are connected to your genes and that the expression that you have is the reflection what what is to be going on in your head. Think about it, think about a time you were really sick and you said god I can't get up and then someone said "You got to come to work right now, you got to do something." You have to change your belief. What happened. You changed you belief. You got up, you got dressed, you did the job just fine. Until you were able to go home and say "I think I can sit down and be sick now again". And so the issue is this. That the point is, the truth perception, selects genes, but the perceptions may not always be right. And therefore perceptions by definition are beliefs and therefore when I put that back into the equation, your not controlled by genes, your controlled by beliefs. And why that also comes to an important point is this.
These women dance because there passion in life is to dance. They have no other belief, except for the fact that they know that they are going to dance. Age is not relevant to these women. Aginign is a belief. and the problem with this belief about raging is that it will kill you. The belief of ageing will kill you for the very reason that as soon as you start to tell yourself in your perception that you can't do something more, then your biological system will adjust to prove you right. You will not do what you think you cannot do. And the issue is use and disuse and aging is a serious problem of disuse. When we tell people, okay, you are too old, stop doing this, people say okay, Im going to retire. My father works six and a half days a week. He's retired and he died within a year. Why? Most people on some level suffer from sickness and illness after they retire why? Because there telling there body that belief then you are finished. And the significance is this. When we start to pretend we have finished, when we stop doing things, the body will start to restore the sturtures. Things like osteoporosis. Why are so many people suffering from osteoporosis? At that age, that overage. Well tell me how many people turn the TV on and off. If you sit down and you do not exercise then the system will take itself apart. You dont have to be old for this to occur. I can have a 10 year old kid with a broken arm and if I put a cast on that kids are and I come back six weeks later to take the cast off and look at the muscles, theres going to be not much muscle in the arm and the bone density is going to be reduced, showing us osteoporosis if that is what our assessment was. The kid doesn't have osteoporosis, he's not using it. And just recently, there has been repeated several times now. The primary cause or contributing factor for altziemers is the lack of use of the brain. That when people separate and as they get older stop communicating, its one of the main contributors to dementia. The fact that when you stop using your brain and start turning it off because I'm finished. The brain, just like the muscle in your arm will start to move the cells because the intelligent system is so supreme says that sufficiency is the basis of life. As humans we know nothing about efficiency, ill tell you that right now, cells do. Cells know that when a structure is not being used they are not being supported. The relevance about it is this. The vitality of those women are the vitality of there belief system,  the fact that they know that they are not finished. And that keeps them alive and it keeps them young. And there are people out here  in the audience that know there are people working past there retirement agenda are healthy and happy through the process. So again, we end this first part, this is the understanding. You are machines made up of proteins. The proteins move in response to the signals. The signals are controlled by the membrane which reads the signalled then adjusts the body, sending signals to the body to respond to the environment. That the environmental signals are perceptions by definition, you saw it, an awareness of the environment through physical sensation is perception. And as we also saw, perception may not be accurate. And when a perception is not accurate, then its really a belief rather than a perception. And the bottom line is this. The conclusion is, that beliefs run genes. And we know this because, especially people who may have terminal cancer, the only ones who can get out of that announcement of death are the people who do what, change there entire belief system and say, Im not buying this story. Im happy here, Im going out to live my life. And when they do they take control of there life and guess what. They start to manifest there intuition and there health in the process. So the bottom line is. The truth is that you are not genetically controlled, you are controlled by your perceptions. The signals that are in the environment are not just physical signals that materialistic newtonian biologist believe. Energy is equally valuable in ecliiting illogical system, and I will demonstrate that as well as molecules. I will also start to talk about the role of parents and conscious parenting cause the belief of the parent is to select a gene in the foetus. If you are a parent or you were once a baby, then that would be very important to you for the following reason that it reveals that the life we express today was very much shaped by the belief of our parents and Ill talk about that and then most important part is that belief can rewrite your genesand Ill show you the science of that when we come back from a short break.

This is the most relevant part, cause once we know how the machine works, now we can start to understand how the machine is programmed to work and this becomes more relevant, as I said, there are several things I am wanting to talk about is what I call:
Assumption I
Biological processes employ newtonian physics.
And we talked about that and what we said was that Newtonian mechanisms are based upon the universe being a matter machine. And that its a complex machine and if you studied the pieces then you can understand the complexity of how it works by looking at all the little pieces an day going that, then by being able to do that then you should be able to create new pieces that control the expression of the machine. Remember that was the mission statement science. To control and dominate nature. We that means that the ability to understand how the machine works and then replace the parts. Well the issue about that is revealed in this article which was in science, this is the mainstream journal conventional biomedical journals, now I'll read it in case you can't see it, it says:
"That perhaps the biggest challenge to reductionism (The concept of takin things apart and looking at it), comes from the concept of information. (Information are signal, signals that control. And heres what I am going to emphasise), In biology, information is carried and received by molecules which is fully consistent with the reduction of principles in physics and chemistry."

The point is this. In biology, information is only in the molecule. If its only in the molecules, then to adjust your body you use new molecules which are the foundation of the pharmaceutical industry make new molecules which adjust your body. But the issue is, is information only captured in molecules? Well in old fashion newtonian physics it is but what about in new physics.
  In Newtonian physics, the universe was made up of matter. Just like a machine. But in 1925 we re-establisheda new view of how the universe works, and that how in quantum mechanics, the universe is actually made up of energy.
What yo look at is physical matter at the very atomic structure actually docent physically exist. That the atoms are not really physical at all.
Even though I could show you and electron micrograph, heres an interesting truth. If I take a camera and start to get closer, and closer and closer to that atom, that actually, I could go all the way through the atom from one side to the other side and not see anything. The closer you get to the atom the less you see. An the reason is this, the atom is not physical, the atom is a vortex of energy. So inside the atom there is nothing so structural. So on the left is the newtonian atom which we thought looked like ballbearings orbiting the nucleus. But here is the atom of today. The quantum atom. And its not missing, its actually there, but the issue is that the quantum atom has no physical structure to it but the energy behaves as matter in an atom.
So the point about this is this. The world of medicine is based upon newtonian mechanics its based on materialism, but quantum mechanics says matter is not the end point, energy is the end point. According to quantum physics, you can never understand the universe if you dont incorporate the role of energy in the process cause energy traits matter.
The concept of reductionism. Sure I can study how atoms connect to each other and how this connects to atoms, but the point is. Atoms are not like marbles. Heres the edge of this marble and heres the edge of another marble. I can say this marble is separated from this marble. But the reality is this, there energy. Theres no edges to them. So this atom and this atom are always touching and interacting angles with each other. Atoms that are in your body are involved with all of the energy that is around you as well. You cannot get out of the energy field. There no way to study and individual without studying the energy. So the concept of reductionism gives way to the new understanding that all biologists are beginning to adjust o. Its called wholeism. And it does as it says. Everything is entangled. I can't just look at one part and say, that part is wrong. Cause that part is connected to all the other parts. So the bottom line is this. We are pulling back looking at reductionism and looking at whilst. And how your health is is not a matter of the physical structure here but how your health is is related to the environment and how you interact in the environment. But a doctor or a practitioner much concerned about how the interactions in your families dynamics. Cause all of those are associated to your body. So looking at all those little points, is an error because we now recognise that reductionism is not the way of seeing science, its wholism. And then of course the concept of determinism falls out completely cause you can't ever determine all the interacting events that lead to process and the reason is that actually there is a threat in particle physics, not theory but principle that is the principle of uncertainty by Heisenberg that says the more accurate you try to measure something the parameters of that disappear, so that you can never actually determine anything. So we have tried to live as best we can, but we can't ever come to that belief of controlling how we live on this planet.
I bring this paper up:
Every atom and molecule emits and absorbs light of characteristic wavelengths. Thats the first line of the title. What does that mean? Every atom and molecule emits energy. In other words. Every atom is vibrating giving off an energy frequency. But not only that, every atom is receiving energise every atom and molecule in your body is not only giving off energy but is receiving energy and the energy it receives will alter its expression. So what does that mean at the level of the atom? Well, let me stand up in front of this and show you this. If I stand here, you can see my hand, and lets say that th red side is a theoretical model of and atom, lets use the physical structure of the atom now. Lets say the red atom is positive and the green atom is negative. If I put the laser at this side of the atom what is it going to read, positive of negative?
Well the fact is, if I move the volt meter all the way around I will get different voltages. The atom actually move themselves so i dont actually have to move around, the atom is spinning. The atom is spinning and as they spin, if  put a volt meter here then what is it going to read? Positive and negative So what I am reading is +/-+/-.
Now if I get a print out from the voltmeter then you will see this, a wave that shows positive and negative, and they vibrate at different frequencies. Each atom has a unique characteristic vibrational frequency. and it broadcasts this because the energy is potholed at the edge but the energy travels through the environment. So when we read an atom, in the old days in our chemistry books remember we had atomic mass and atomic number, the density of atoms. Now we have a new quantum physics book that when you read about an atomic states about its electrical charges. colts, atoms are measured by volts. So what we are looking at is an atom has waves of frequency energy so each atom vibrates at a frequency so it not only is emitting a frequency, but it is also absorbing frequencies  of energy that can be absorbed by other wavelengths of energy. So when we look at this spectrum, this is what we saw in our chemistry  books when we went to high school. the electromagnetic spectrum. Molecules, hydrogen, helium, Mercury, uranium.
Colour bars are frequencies. What does it say. Each atom has a unique frequency vibration of the cell signature that separates them from different atoms. . Thats how we can tell the composition of different planets and stars because if we regularly read the light emitted from them then light can be interpreted as the composition of the planet. We can read frequencies and understand matter.  Thought the frequency. Whats relevant about this is there a picture right here.
Heres a breast scan. Am I actually looking at a picture of a breast, yes or no. Is this an actual photograph of a breast. No. Its an image of a breast. Whats it an image of. Its an energy spectrum. Medicine does not recognise the role of energy but uses all of the quantum physics devices to derive to read energy. so PET scans, CAT scans MRI scans, all of those technologies work on what. Reading the energy. So the relevance is this, they understand that the cat scan will pick out the tissue that the cancer is. Well how do I know that that is a cancer tissue? The answer is the energy emitted by the cells is different to other energy. So when I do an energy scan, I can see the character of the cells by the energy they are emitting. Well whats the relevance of that. Conventional medicine will see this and cut out the tissue and remove theban tissue. But the bottom line is this that i showed you in the last slide about atoms,  not only do they emit energy but they absorb energy. So the interring part is rather than physically going in there there is a possiblibilt of putting the energy back into the energy of the cell . So the fact is with the prices of energy and healing energies, we've heard about it for a long time, people emit energies and these energies influences the cells. So the reality is that whether medicine agrees with it or not, physics automatically says you cannot deny the reality that physical energy emits and absorbs energy. By absorbing energy I can change structure of the matter. So the fact is, Its better in a longer understand and a far better way of us. rather than getting in our bodies and cutting it open, taking the pieces out. is to understand that redirecting the energy back into the body you can train cells that are not at the right energy to adapt and adjust to the right energy and therefor et heal without cutting out the tissue. Well how can that work, effect matter. A vocalist can sing a t a certain note and at a specific time a crystal goblet with explode.

How does it work. The crystal atoms are all vibrating at a frequency.  Even thought they are at a structure making shape,  they are connected to each other by atomic bonds. but they are also vibrating where they are like this. But they still maintain the structure. Now I take a tuning fork and is tuned to the same frequency that the atoms are. And when I hit that tuning fork, the energy f the tuning fork radiates out. and if the atoms are complementary - harmonically resonance - with the tuning fork, then the atoms will absorb the energy.
So tuning the energy of the tuning for to match the energy of the atoms in the crystal glass - if the tuning fork gives them extra energy and absorb it, what happens to there movement? It goes faster and explodes. What happens is the tuning fork causes the goblet to not break in reality, the goblet explodes. Why? Because all the atoms are vibrating now with so much extra energy that they can't hold on to each other and the strutuve is completely gone. Using this for kidney stones. Kidney stones are crystals. the atoms vibrate at a certain frequency. So what the new procedure is that rather than passing the kidney stone, they put a probe in that broadcasts a frequency like a tuning fork that is the exact frequency of the kidney stone. What happens to the kidney stone? The same thing that happens to the goblet.
But the question is, does this apply to biology?
And the answer is, of course. And it works like this.
Theres a tuning fork, theres a protein receptor with an antennae on it and the antennae radiates at a certain frequency. Now the antennae generally responds to conventional medicine in the form of molecules which is true.Because molecules have there own frequency like it says in that slide and when the molecules vibrate at the same frequency as the receptor then the receptor will vibrate at the same frequency the molecule vibrates. And when a receptor vibrates it will go from conformation 1 to conformation 2 as a result in the response to that vibrational energy. So the bottom line is, what we expect is this. I hit the tuning fork and then the receptor which is in conformation A which absorbs the energy and then as a result changes shape of the protein structure, the assembly of the back bone, changes that and then the receptor goes to conformation 2 in this particular case. So the point is this, receptors, remember what the function of receptors are, there the ones that signal the process. That the receptors not only respond to molecules but they respond to energy. Well, if they respond to energy why is my medical doctor not talking about energy? Because I as a medical professor never taught them that in the first place. Why? Because when I was teaching medical doctors that was not part of our understanding. And yet, since my research I started realising something, that there has been papers in literature that has been in there for 50 or 100 years. Over and over again. And our mainstream hardcore scientific journals papers about what? Electromagnetic fields effecting every level of cell biology. The paper in the upper left.
The effect on DNA synthesis. Certain electromagnetic fields that turn on DNA synthesis. Others field shut it off. The one on the right. Pulsing electromagnetic fields induces cellular transcription. That means RNA synthesis. So there are electromagnetic frequencies which turn on RNA synthesis and turn off RNA synthesis. Exposure of salivary gland cells to low frequency electromagnetic fields alters polypeptide protein synthesis. Whats the point? These are mainstream medical journals. What do they say? That energy in the environment can activate all of the main functions of the cell DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis an protein synthesis. More than that. These papers also, like the one in the upper left, that I can get blood vessels to show differentiate and grow and form blood vessels by placing them into an electromagnetic field. Just by putting the cells in the field. Or I can get mononuclear blood cells to start to divide mitosis, in the filed, the electromagnetic fields can cause them to divide. Why i that relevant? When mononuclear cells start to divide out of control, it is called leukaemia. So in other words, I can induce leukaemia in an electromagnetic field by causing the cells to divide out of schedule.
This on his very important here on the right. Noradrenaline release potentiated in a nerve cell by low intensity pulsed magnetic fields. Now this is one that is getting much attention, in fact I shall illustrate in the next slide as well.

Electromagnetic fields exert effect on and through hormones. What are nth function of hormones? Regulation of the body. What is now revealed? High tension lines. Cell phones. Microwaves. They all influence then hormones the body and through the body out of alignment by being in the field. And now you say 'But why has the literature say high tension lines effect people cause thats what the story was?' and the answer is, that they were skewed and incorrect and they are required to do it again because there is an effect of electromagnetic fields on you biology. But heres the interesting catch, if you are not under stress, the fields will not effect you. If you are under stress, the fields get very, very specific and can alter your biology. So the interesting thing when they were testing assays was nobody was saying whats the exact difference between stress in individuals, now study reveal that stress is primary mechanism that opens your body to the exposure and changing of its function by electromagnetic fields. And especially the oestrogen is one of the highest responding hormones in the body to electromagnetic fields. Cause oestrogen is involved in cell proliferation and cancer. So there a connection between the fields. Now, the signals that come in lets just end it this moment. What does this say. It says that signals control biology. That conventional medicine can only as it said in the science article, recognise molecules as a source of signals, but quantum physics which is the parent science which science has to adopt to quantum physics, so biology has to adopt to physics and what quantum physics says is that energy activates these receptors as well, but I dont have the conventions of that in all the literature I have now, that energy does the same to molecules so energy healing not some kind of made up thing or some kind of trickery. Energy healing is real because energy is more effective in controlling biology than molecules are. And thats derived from physics. so the bottom line is we have ignored the role of energy because conventional medicine is locked back in pre 1925 version of physics but in 1925 when quantum physics came in it said, you must include the energy in this equation. Now a quick question is this. I have a cell, and know the behaviour of the cell is sensitive by the receptors that read the signals. Heres this beautiful understanding. Because this is what simplifies our understanding about how energy works and what i incorporated into my life and it makes such beautiful changes in my life and it works like this.
I clone human cells. And when I put them in culture dishes I observe there behaviour as they do things, and one of there behaviours is very interesting. If I put a cell in culture dish when I started cells here and I put food over here. When I start the experiment and put food over there and cells over here, and I come back a little later, where do yo think the cell is? The cell moves towards the food right? Okay. Experiment number 2. I put the cell over here and start the experiment and I put a toxin in over here. and I come back in a few minutes later where do you think the cell is going to be? Over here (opposing the toxin). This is so beautiful because heres the truth. That the level of the cells which we are based, there are only three behaviours a cell can do. Obvious behaviours that you can see. And here are the behaviours.
The cell can move towards a signal. A cell can move away from a signal. And the third one is that a signal can be made in the environment but the cell ignores it cause it is not relevant. So in fact there are three different movements. Moving forwards, moving backwards or not moving at all. Does that make sense. Cause you can see it right? Heres the issue. Then the behaviour of the cell is actually divided into two kinds of behaviour. When a signal is presented that the needs  for its maintenance and its growth, the cell will always move towards the signal. When the cell is presented with a signal signal that threatens its life, then the cell will move away from the signal. So there is only two behaviours. What are they?
Moving forwards is growing the cell, and moving backwards is protection. So the bottom line is this. Now look at the logic cause this is part that is has profound people. Cell moves forward for growth,  moves backwards for protection, can a cell move forwards and backwards at the same time? No. Point. The fundamental profound nature of the point. The cells in your body are digital. When they receiving growth, they will move towards things and grow, but if they are not receiving signals for growth they will move backwards for protection. The point about it is this. the cells in your body  are going back and forth between growth and protection based on what, the perception of the environment, but since the cell is in the community, they are also under the perception of the brain, so as you are thinking, what are you doing to the cells, you are sending them information about there environment. If you think that, omg I can't make it through this lecture cause the damp projector broke, omg, what do you think my cells are doing? 'Oh bruce, oh bruce!' On the other hand, cool we can make anything, we can do anything, we can survive. What do you think the cells are going to do? There not going to shift backwards, there going to move forwards and grow. Why is this relevant?  Because the behaviour is that clearly digitised. That its one or the other. And the point is this. Although you have 100,000 different genes programmed minimum. I can take all the gene programmes in your body and divide them into two group. Those genes that provide for growth and reproduction.
And now let me explain to you what I mean about growth. Growth is not just from a baby to an adult.  You are growing everyday. Why? Cause everyday you are losing thousands of billions of trillion of cells a day. And if you dont replace those cells whats going to happen in order to survive? You are going to experience disease and death. So the bottom line is this. Then for you to survive on a day to day basis just to keep level your growing all of the time. Thats a requirement of the system. So the fact is this. Growth goes on and it keeps you healthy and alive And then the issue is this. Once you reach a certain age, then the genes, there are also genes for growth but also for the next generation, so the growth genes are for you and for the next generation. So they are growth genes. On the other hand, growth as I had said are when the cells are moving forwards, so when cells are moving backwards they exercise the protection programme. So there another set of genes in your body cells that are involved in protection.
The point about it is this. A cell at either one time is either in growth or its in protection but it cannot be both.
Does it take energy to grow? Does it take energy to protect yourself?
And this is very simple cause heres the point. When you find that you are in protection, you have to use energy. But the more protection you are in the more energy you use. So where are you getting the energy from? You have a balance. Like a checking account in your body to run this body. And the more cheques you write for protection, what happens to the balance? It gets less and less. Theres a point where there is so much protection is used that you actually now shorten growth processes. And this is true for like the nation right now. Right now our budget is in excess of fifty percent of the US budget is in protection. What does that mean? Well all of that money is allocated for protection, not for us to grow or maintain the country in any way. Cause thats all put into arms and medicine wherever they are. And this issue is this applies to your own body. When you walk out onto the street, when you wake up in the morning you start to live, you are vasolating between growth and protection. Nad the issue about it is the more protection you require, or you perceive you require, thats the trick, the one that says you think you need protection,  the more you plug into that the less growth you start to accommodate. And here's an interesting point. You can be so afraid you can be scared to death. And thats the truth. The truth is this. That fear can be so great that you absolutely shut of growth completely and you die right at the moment. And the reality, understand the balance of your health is related to the amount of energy expenditure your putting in to protection. So the bottom line of survival is actually growth divided by protection. And now look at this, if you read the newspapers, listen to the TV, what do you hear everyday, more reasons to protect yourself. Airs not good, the waters not great, the foods not good, these people are not safe, overtime you turn around what are you doing? Your walling yourself off more and more. Why? Because growth means forward. What does protection mean? Go backwards or wall off the outside. We start to isolate when we start to become fear bound. And as we become fear bound, we shut down growth, our natural biological mechanism . But its interesting. I have fifty trillion cells to be in growth or protection. My whole body doesn't have to be in growth or protection. So I can have a range. My body can be so many cells in growth and so many cells in protection. So I look at humans system I also recognise that growth and protection is a variable. Okay, so heres an interesting part about it.    
When I am growing, which biological systems am I using in my body for growth? And the answer is, all the organs in here. The visor, the heart, the lungs, the digestive system, the liver the pancreas and all these things are used for growth. So when I want to protect myself which biological system do I use? "Get out of here or I will hit you with my lung' - no thats probably not what it is. The point is, when you are in protection, which physiological system do you use for protection? Muscles an bones. And the interesting part it there is a switch in your body that switches from either the visera or to the muscles and bone. Remember that thing we called fight or flight? Remember that adrenal system? The adrenal system is the master switch, it switches between what? The two systems. The switch says if I start to get into fight or flight what am I going to use? Muscles and bone while I shut down my visor in the process. And in that way I have all the energy allocated to get ready to run. If I need to run away from a lion, I'm not going to start processing digestion, why? Well that energy might be the exact energy that it took to give me the last step so that my foot doesn't get caught up into the lions mouth. So the system is intelligent and it says, when you are under threat, it will allocate the energy to where the threats are. It shuts of the visceral system so that the bottom line is this.
In growth, the visceral system commands the somatic system. It says this, in growth, I need water. So my body says I need water. So how am I going to get water? Well I move to the water. So how do I do that? Well the skeletal system. Who directs it? The vicar says I need water so the skeletal system responds through the viscera request. So the skeletal system administers to the visceral needs. But heres the thing, my viscera says first you need some water, so I say, okay lets get some water, so I start to get some water and right away, theres that lion right in front of me, and the fact is this. I see the lion and what do you think I am going to do? Go and get the water? Nah. Really at that point my somatic system is saying out with the water, were running. So whats going to happen is I suppress viscera when I activate the somatic system, and the point is there bound to each other, there called the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic, parasympathetic for the word but the fact is what, one pushes blood into the nervous system and the other pushes the blood into the viscera system because the blood is nourishing it. So the bottom line is, humans are different than in individual cells because we have this graded effect. Notice. Love is the maximum nourishment for growth. When your in love, you will run to that place wherever it is, over the mountain or through the mountain, you will be attracted to it so much why? Cause love provides the whole system, all the hormones, all the connections of the system to do what, provide for your growth and your maintainance and your health. However, the moment you get in fear, then what do you have to do? Back away, you seal yourself off, you separate yourself from the environment, and the consequence is this, protection from the environment cuts you off from the environment. It cuts you off from life. Now the issue has been very interestingly revealed that the kids in eastern europe where they have orphanages, where I thought they were there because of the war, well thats not true,  the kids are in the orphanages because the parents are having babies because of whatever there leigious beliefs are and they can't maintain them so the orphanages are dumping sites for kids that parents  can't maintain. Not because they dont have parents. And it turns out In the studies in these kids virtually all them become autistic. What is an autistic child? Someone that doesn't respond to the outside. Why? Because the protection that is required for the child to survive the child walls itself off. So as a result look at the pathology that results, these kids cannot interact with our lives because they put a barrier between them and the outside world, but what else happens to them? Every growth parameter is reduced from 30-40% or more. There size, height, physiology. Why? Because not getting love is losing the nourishment. Not receiving the love means that if you are not getting love and support then you also are then trying to protect yourself. In the absence of love is fear. and the result is, fear will shut off your system and I will explain this exactly how that happens in the human. So there is a master switch.
Every one of us is effected by it. Te system in medicine is called "The Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Axis". It effects every one of us. And it works like this. Stress is something that is perceived by the brain. Remember, perspeption. If I think of a signal that is a scary signal then its stressful for me. Well the issue is this. If I am in growth, I go out and I move out towards it, but when I see stress, I have to protect myself. So the body gets from the signal in the brain "Okay mobilise the body for what, growth or protection, under stress? Protection. Well how do you do that?
Well here is the answer. The signal goes from the brain to the pituitary gland.  What is the name of the pituitary gland? The master gland. What does it mean? Its the gland whose function shapes the rest of this! So the brain says to the master gland "Growth or protection?". When the stress level is up the master gland giving the signal to set up the body in protection. So what happens is. The pituitary gland releases ACTH which is a hormone that goes to the adrenal glands that are on top of the kidneys. The adrenal glands to create what? The endogenous hormones, adrenaline. What do we need adrenaline for. Fight or flight. Now here is the interesting point. When the master gland says stress, what am I going to be in, growth or protection?
Okay heres what happens, the hormones of the adrenal glands squeeze of contract the blood vessels of the viscera. What they do is force the blood from the viscera to go to the arms and the legs. Why would it do that? Think about why. Because you gotta run! So you got to nourish the muscles. Well the thing is, it peripherally puts blood into the arms and the legs, so the question is, if it peripherally puts the blood into the arms and the legs, where was the blood before it was in the arms and legs? In the viscera. What was the function of the blood in the viscera, what functions, growth. So when I get fearful whats the first thing that happens. I get the blood from here (The heart) and push it out to here (Arms and legs), why? Because I got to run and move and fight or flight or whatever it is that I am going to do. Well the point is this. As soon as I got stressed I shut down my growth mechanism. The more stress your under the more chronically you suppress the growth mechanism. Its not a conscious decision, its a part of the system called the HPA.
 The significance of it is that the releasing of the corticoids and adrenaline causes the fight or flight response. Well now heres the interesting thing.
Under stress the chemistry of the body causes the blood to go from the gut region to the arms and the legs does that make sense. Okay, so that means if I don't have the blood in the gut then the function is reduced? And that's what happens. Now heres the interesting thing, now think about this. Like adding another insult to an injury issue. My immune system, is a very expensive organ system to run. It costs a lot of body energy to run it, its a very high energy usage ssytem. If I am trying to protect myself from something that threatens me on the outside do I use my immune system for that job? What does the immune system function? Protection of the inside so if a bacteria or virus gets in me. So heres the point. I start to see the lion, I release the adrenaline and corticoids, the blood moves towards my arms and legs so that I can run away from the lion, what do you think will happen to my immune system? Will I increase its function or decrease its function? Decrease it, and in fact the same hormones in stress are used by the medical profession to shut off the immune system and people who receive transplants and organs and tissues. Why? Because I dont want to reject them, so how do I regulate the immune system? well I give them these hormones. But what hormones are these? These are the hormones for stress. So okay your not receiving a graft from an ordinary tissue, but your under stress, what happens to your immune system? It shuts down. And the reason why it does that is conservation of energy because I am dealing with the external environment as the source of the threat. Now you know this as well as I know this, when you get stressed, whether that is at school or at work, when the stress gets so high, thats when you get sick. Why? Because when the stress levels are high thats when you shut off the immune system. The important point about it is this. Then people turn around and say this. I caught a cold. I caught something. Its not news, its been a long standing understanding in medicine, but the interesting fact is this, everyone in this audience has already got the pathogen right now. There in your blood, I can take a sample of your blood right now and I'll show you the bacterium virus that live in your blood. Now you say Bruce, Im quite healthy, look at me, what are you talking about I'm infected. And see what the names of the organisms are as a group. They are called opportunistic microorganisms. What does it mean? It means that they live in your body but they can't thrive. They can't thrive when you are in health. When your in health you physiology has the perfect balance, it doesn't support these microorganisms, but the moment you get stressed, your body starts to shut down the immune system, and you change the physiology of your body. Then these organisms take the advantage. They were there all the time, but they can only express themselves when you are in a weakened state. When do you get the weekend state, when you are stressed, so all of a sudden you start to get sick. You don't necessarily catch it, you already got it! So the issue is this, what do you need to do to stay healthy?
What I will emphasise over and over again is that remember i said, remember that 5% of the people affected or have an impaired lifestyle die of genetic defects, birth defects effect 5%. 95% of the people dont have defects in there genes so they should live a normal life. So when a person gets sick, we can't goo to the genes and blame the genes, we have to recognise that is was the environment and environmental signals that we were adjusting ourselves to because when we are under stress, we automatically shut off growth. Now you thought that was bad enough, we shut down the viscera so we can run so we are not in growth. And we shut down the immune system because at that point it is not helping us with the external threat. Then we add the last ticker to it. Think about it, in a fight or flight situation, do you think you would use neurological reasoning or reflex behaviour? Reflex behaviour. You know, reflex behaviour is behind the brain, and thinking and logic is at the forebrain.
So heres what happens and most of you experience it, its called exam stress. The moment the adrenaline levels and the glucocorisoids rise to give you get you into a fight or flight posture, remember I told you the viscera and the blood vessels squeeze shut? and forces the blood to the periphery? Well the blood vessels in the forebrain squeeze shut and feeds the blood to the behind brain. When you are under stress, you lose intelligence. It's required, its not a time to be thinking, its a time to be responding. So the issue is, and if you have been under exam stress then you know what this means, you study three days in a row, Im gonna get an A, sit down, open the exam book and I dont even know the first question. What happens? You can begin to feel your body drain with adrenaline right there. You're starting to shake, you muscles are ready to run, why? Cause your trying to protect your life now and so you try to think of the answers and guess what, you can't think of the answer to that question, or to the next question and the next question until you do what. You calm back down again. It's a protection mechanism. That thinking is not helpful under a stressful situation. It will interfere with the response. So the bottom line is this. Three things happen when the body is under stress. Each one debilitating you on a different level. Level 1 - your viscera shuts down. Your growth and maintenance mechanisms are reduced. Number 2 - you immune system. Shuts down or is inhibited to conserve energy to which allows oppourtunitist organisms to run around in the playground. 3 - Response to the stress. You start operating from reflex behaviour and your intelligence and response is now lost. And all of a sudden you will see this is a debilitating effect of stress Now its not bad for an acute thing - I'm running and bang i hurt myself and i can do an acute stress response. When does it do damage? I will give you a simple analogy to make sense of it.
Imagine a community, lets say 1950's, remember those years when we were scared that the russians were going to drop bombs on us? So what did we do, we build bomb shelters. Th kids dont know nothing about that but we had bomb shelters. Now there's the issue, theres a community, the kids are going to school, factories are working, people are going to jobs, the city is in a state of growth right? Now here's the issue, the air raid siren goes off, where do the people go? To the bomb shelter, whats gonna happen to the jobs? It stops. The community functions stop. The cells, or the people, are not following the community, they are out saving there lives. The thing is this, I go down to the bomb shelter and I wait and 5 minutes later the all clear goes, then what do we go. We come out of the bomb shelter, back to our jobs and that is what is called an acute response. A momentary event. Like a coffee break. You take an extra long coffee break right. This is where the problem comes. This is where the issue is. Working in your job, the air raid siren goes off, we run into the bomb shelter, and we wait. Theres no all clear. What happens then. What happens to your survival? How long can you live in the bomb shelter or how much food can you store in there? What happens when your out of food, then what happens? You die. Heres the issue. Your cells are in a community, they work together in a coherent group just like a community of people. The moment the air raid siren goes off in the body saying our survival is under threat. then the cells go into the bomb shelter. The problem i most of our stresses are chronic. They are there all the time. As long as we maintain chronic stress, the more stress we maintain, the more stress in the body the longer we stay in the bomb shelter and not come out. And the problem with this is that the cells will die, the tissues will undergo a disorganisation, and disease will ensue. And the consequence, it was the stress, it wasn't the genes, it wasn't the system, it was the belief that went into it.
The bottom line is, stress is the ultimate problem that we face if you got here with your genes. 95 out of 100 got here with your gene and stress does this. Alters the system. The stress signals come in at the cell membrane and activates the protein pathways which are respiration, digestion, transpiration - but heres the issue, if a cell is under stress, what can it do?
It can wall itself off. Like the bomb shelter. And the question is, yeah I can survive, but not for a long time. So that is a temporary effect.
Another thing cells can do is that they can recreate things in there environment tomato there environment happier. But thats a special process case if I can't change the whole environment then Im just wasting energy throwing it all out. Like opening your window and letting all the heat out and hoping it is going to get warm. No that doesn't work either.
The third thing what is possible, is you can adapt. Well what does that mean? Well it means change your genes or change your biology to respond to the stress. Well, what is the adaption to biology to this date?
There is no adaption in biology. Why?
Because we undergo a belief system called darwinian Evolution.
That says what? That the changes in the genes of the first primates, all gene changes are random. What doe that mean? How can I adapt if my genes change randomly? Maybe sometimes they will adapt and sometimes they won't? But the problem is this. Conventional biology has held for years and years and years the belief that when genes change they only change by accident and randomly. You can't ever control the outcome of a mutation.
And so the consequence of that is conventional belief talks about ou know that 95 out of 100 people in breast cancer for example, 5% of people have a hereditary linkage, 95% of women dont. Yet 95% of these other women who express the cancer alter the genes. So then what do we do, we then look at the chart and say, well the only way you can alter the genes are randomly, so it must be a random event. Well thats the belief system until, we get rid of the assumption.
Darwinian is not the way that darwinian evolution occurs. That there is another way. Well whats the other way? It was first presented in 1988 in this paper that was published in the journal of nature. Nature is a mainstream journal. And the article called "The Origin of mutants" by John Caires, a british geneticist. And heres what he found. This is one of the most important papers in biological science. Heres what he did. He took bacteria which had a defective enzyme. The enzyme is called lactate. Lactate is an enzyme that breaks down the milk sugars lactose. And that enzyme is necessary to break down the sugar to extract energy and building blocks so the bacteria can use the lactose as a food source to power its growth and division. So these bacteria that cairns starts with have defective enzymes for lactate. They can not eat lactose and thats the truth. He takes these bacteria and places them in a petri dish and the only food he put into the peri dish was lactose. Talk about stress. These little bacteria guys are walkie around staying, oh my god theres nothing to eat here. Well the problem is this.  If there is nothing to eat, they can't divide, when they can't divide they can't reproduce the DNA where the source of the mutations occur. The result is they can't divide, they can't change DNA, we expect nothing to happen. And yet in all the petri dishes, theres bacteria colonies growing in every one of them. And the question that Cairns said was, how the heck did that happen? Conventional understanding says that these can't survive cause there wasn't any energy so they can'tchange the DNA. So when he examined the DNA what he found was they didn't randomly change all bunch of genes. They focused on the gene for lactose, the lactase enzyme, and changed the lactase gene even thought they were not dividing. A whole new mechanism. A whole new concept. And the interesting part about it was when he reported this, the british journal nature wrote an editorial right after this paper. They wrote, John Carines is a distinguished molecular geneticist, we know his work for years, but this paper we have trouble with. In fact the title of the journal the editorial had was "A unicorn in the garden". A little british humour. A fantasy in the garden of eden here. The americans, no sense of humour cause a week later, this article came out in the journal science. Mainstream in american science. And here is the title. A heresy in evolution biology. Whats a heresy. Well thats for religious people. And it says this. Theres a religious belief - and I say religious - that mutations is a continuous and random process. It says, Cairns demonstrates hat bacteria can chose which mutations they wish to produce. Then the editors write. Anything more heretical can hardly be imagined. Why are they so upset?
And the answer is this. Hear how profound it it. If mutations can occur as a result of adapting, then mutations are not necessarily random.  And if mutations are not random, then mutations were not an accident. We didn't get here by accident, we got here by programme. The relevance of this is that we actually got here through the process of creation and evolution simultaneously occurring. That the organisms where predating to the environment and the signals in the environment were shaping the organism. So evolution was not an accident. Of course conventional religions people wear black coats and ini the new religion people where white lab coats. ITs just as much a religion as anything else. And the bottom line about that belief. Is that when we question that belief, we push everybody off. What do you mean about that energy healing, what do you mean about changing the genes, thats heresy. The answer is, actually, its called science. Science has a conviction to hold the truth especially for the pharmaceutical industry again trying to suppress cause there selling us a lot of things.
The bottom line is this. Cairns paper came out in 1988. over 12 years ago. This paper in scientific america was written in 1997. 9 years after.
It says. Evolution evolving. New findings suggest that mutation is more complicated than anyone had thought. Nine years ago, John Caines, And the point was. New findings nine years ago. Where have these guys been? And the answer is this. For nine years they consistently tried to undermine Caines findings. For nine years. When this paper was published in scientific america they are not saying that cairns was right. They can't seem to find another explanation but they are still looking for it. Because the idea appears to be right but it can't be right. But now its a few years down the road and they have another understanding.
This is a chart out of the journal science.
This is the flow chart of information before Cairns. This is the darwinian flow chart. How does it work. What it says is that organisms at the top mature and mate, they create variants. Lets just say two dog at the top mate. They make a litter of puppies. The puppies are variants of the parent. Now what happens is that we also know there is a runt at one end of the litter and a bull dog one at the other end of the litter. Three a range. When a puppy has to leave the litter and go and fend for themselves, whats going to happen to the runt, is it going to make it? No, its not going to be able to survive. So what happens is nature selects. The strongest one to survive gets rid of the weakest one. Thats what selection is all about. Natural selection. So it says this. Those at the bottom that are surviving mature and the cycle starts al over agin. The variants derive through the reproduction state when the DNA gets altered.
So here is the new flow chart from cairns.
So it goes organism. Variant, Variant, Variant, Selection.
There are three variants.
Genes of DNA metabolism.
Genotype variation
Phenotype variation
Phenotype is the physical expression that you see. So your phenotype is how you look physically in the world.
Genotype is the underlying genetic code that programmes for this structure.
The box at the top, there is a new name for it, let me give you the new name. Its called genetic engineering genes.
What did they find. That in every nucleus in every cell in your body you have genes whose function it is to rewrite the other genes when you encounter stress. The significance is, that you are capable of rewriting you genes. But heres the important part that was not included in the chart but is not included. These two boxes right here. The environment and the organisms perception of the environment. Look where the arrows go. It goes up and across. 6 and 5. The environment can cause the genetic engineering genes to rewrite your genes. Number 2. They can change your genetic code. Now heres the important one. Organisms perception of the environment. What can it do? It can rewrite your genes. Or it can change your physiological body to respond to the environment. Whats the relevance of all of this? Well the environment was never even included in conventional biology! Now the environment info und to be more important.
Remember this slide I showed you about perceptions and beliefs. Overlay the top and look. Organism. Environment. Thats the slide I showed you. Environment. Organisms perception. We said perception is belief. And what does it effect, the cells. And in what way? By rewriting the genes and changing the structure of the cell. And the bottom line is this. Your beliefs in a stressful situation will rewrite your genes to accommodate the stress. The relevance about that is, that if your in a stressful environment by something that is not even real out there then you will change you biology to fit what you belief. And the issue is this, the specific organs and specific tissue of the body are connected to the belief.
There a great book by louise Hay called "You can heal your life" Theres a glossary in the back and she has done great research to reveal that specific stresses effect different portions of your body. And as a result, if you understand which different portions of your body that is effecting the stress then you deal with it by understanding what emotions are effecting that stress.  Its very critical to understand this.  The symptoms of you body is a way for the body telling you you are under stress. But your body is trying to tell you with your symptoms to deal with the stress. Cause if your not dealing with it we are going to have a problem in here. Here is the interesting point. When we go to conventional medical care, what do they do with the symptom? They cover it up. So that you dont feel anything anymore. You know what the analogy is like cause this is true when I was working in graduate school, i was working and friday afternoon all the guys cleared up and everyone wants to go home. A woman came in and I said whats the issue and she came in cause the little whit thing on her dashboard now keeps going off. She got very upset by this. Guy said I can fix it. Took the car to the back of the bay and has a look at it. Pulled out a light bulb. Has a smoke. Brings the car back out after 30 minutes and  says its fixed. The woman got into the car and  she was happy the damp light didn't come on again. The problem is this. When we go to rid ourselves of symptoms, were pulling the light out. The symptoms is just the information that somehow his going wrong. If you cut of the information being told by the symptoms you are simply saying, I am not listening you. So what is the body going to do. Its going to find another way to bring to you some more information but the next time its going to be a lot more worst news than it was the first time. The issue is this. symptoms are telling you that you have to start running in coordination with your body and thats important.
So we want to now go to this, and this is a very important section for me.
This is a section on conscious parenting. This is the conventional wall.
Remember when I talked about DNA a long time ago, the first talk. I said that the flow of information goes from DNA to RNA to Protein. And that means that all information is downloaded from the DNA. Thats the conventional understanding. But we also now know that information goes backwards.
This was discovered by Howard Temin in 1960. He suggested that RNA can send information to DNA, the reverse flow. And everybody said, 'Oh your crazy', again he was a heresy, why? Because conventional religion said information only flows this way. Well he came up with what he calls reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that takes RNA and codes it back into DNA. Today, we all know this word because this is the aids virus. It really does exist. He got the nobel prize for it. John Cairns shows that information can go from protein to RNA to DNA. So since the protein is reading the environment , the environment can change the DNA, and this is now becoming a known fact in science as well, so that th information is now going both ways. Why is this important?
Because when we go to a check up if your pregnant, what is the doctor primarily interested in when they test you, what questions are they ask you. Are you eating right? Are you having enough vitamins? Are you having enough minerals? Its like taking a dip stick and saying, you know what you can grow a baby, you have all the stuff in here. But the bottom line is this, the belief is this, what is the role of the mother in conventional belief? If the child is developing from sperm and egg with the genes and the conventional belief says that all the programming is in the genes, then the mother doesn't provide anything but nutrition. And this is why in a check up there really just asking you about your nutritional health. Bu the bottom line is this. We know this is not right anymore. We know that the environment can change the genes so the bottom line is this.
The mother is now found to be providing information, that the mother is adjusting the genes of the child, but the mother isn't alone, the mother is in coherence with the father. The  mothers perception of life is usually in tandem with the husband, so it isn't just with the mother, its the parents that are effecting the offspring in this way. That remember, what selects the genes? Genes can't select themselves, what select the genes, the first part of the lecture, perception! The embryo is growing inside the uterus, whats it perceiving? What does the embryo see? The mother! Cause it feeds off of the mothers blood. Cool. What does the mothers blood have in it? Of course it has nutrients in it, thats what provides nutrition, what else does the mothers blood have in it? All the hormones and molecules that organise her body to respond to the environment that the mother perceives! So guess what, the foetus is reading that!So the foetus is adjusting to the environment that the mother perceives! Why is that!? Because nature is so intelligent! It says, sperm and egg are generic, they come together when was it and where was it? It doesn't matter if the sperm and egg come together in the middle of Africa or the middle of chicago. There two different environments the two kids are not going to adjust the same in each environment, but the kid has to adjust before it is born. So it turns out that the mother is natures head start programme. It helps the child select the genes that will be necessary for that child to survive in the environment because the child is going to live in the environment that the mother perceives. So nature has taken the ability for the mother to have perception, cross that over the placenta and the perception  of the mother now becomes the perception of the child.
And as this article in newsweek last year came out and said,  "Where health begins, obesity, cancer and heart attacks: How your odds are set in the womb." This new understanding comes out and says exactly what I am trying to tell you, that the genes of the child are dynamically elected in response to the perception of the mother. And why that is important as I said, this allows the child to immediately adapt to that environment that the mother lives in. However, since perceptions are belief and beliefs are not necessarily accurate, then the mothers perception with the father, remember they are in tandem, the parents perceptions are genetically selecting, or are genetically selected for the child. So they are genetic engineers, they are selecting genes. How is this child going to respond. Think about it, before the child is alive, in an environment that is threatening, perception system is activated, there protection is activated, in a supportive environment, growth is activated. Now heres the truth before I show you the slide. In an embryo, the organs and tissues that develop develop in relationship to the amount of blood they receive. The more blood they receive, the more better there developments. Obvious nourishment supports the growth process. Well look at this slide.
  "In mice, Mom's genes favours brains over brawn." Im going to illustrate these two genetically identically mice in the next slide but the relevance is this. As I said, these are genetically identical.
But they are growing into two different environments. And the significance is this. They don't look the same anymore. There not like clones of each other. Whats different? Well, can you guess which one is in the protection and which one is in growth? The one on the right is grown in a protection environment. Okay, why? Think about this, remember the HPA axis, when a stress response happens, where does the blood preferential go? From the viscera to the arms and legs. Look at the body of this one. Look at the body of this one. So the point was, in a stressful environment, more blood went to the muscles of this individual why? Because this baby is getting ready to come out in fight or flight and getting ready to go. Now the other thing is this, now you can't seethe immune system but if you remember, what I talked about the brain, I said, what happens under stress in the brain? And the answer? The behind brian gets more flow of blood and the forebrain gets squeezed. Look at the difference, you can see brian is the dark structure you can see right here. The forebrain in this one starts from the right and goes all the way back to the left. The difference in the brain? 50% of the brain is gone in mass. Why? Because the behind brain is developed. Look at the bulge by my hand, thats the behind brain. Whats the function of this - its an athlete - its got great muscles, its got great reflexes, but its a little short on the intelligence. And it turns out, a fact, 40-50% of a childs IQ potential is determined by the prenatal environment. This paper is illustrating that, it says:
 "The genetic heritability of IQ remains highly contentious. A new analysis shows that genetic influences may be weaker, and prenatal environmental influences greater, than previously appreciated."
Its based on a paper that reveals that 30-40% of the potential IQ of a child's a variable based on the perception of the mother during pregnancy. Look at the way we raise kids today. Look at the city situation. Look at parents that are single parents, don't know whether they are able to provide for a child or for themselves. These parents live under high stress. When they live under high stress, stress hormones cross the placenta and impact the child. So interesting that genes alter the evolution of that child as you saw in the newsweek article, that is can select genes that cause cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, have all been linked now to prenatal environmental influences. The role of the parent is highly important in the evolution of humans on this planet. Its called conscious parenting. Because when we are unconscious, we create athletes. Or street fighters which is ultimately was they become. They live not off of brains but off of brawn. And we live in a world where we are experiencing lesser intelligence in the population year after year after year, the down dunning of America. One of the main reasons, we haven't given attention to the reality that the child is being programmed genetically in uterol in response to the mothers perception of her environment. This is a very interesting and recent article of science. Non genome transmission. That means transmission without genes. Non genomic transmission across generations of maternal behaviour and stress responses in the rat. Heres what it says:
"Nongenomic Transmission Across Generations of Maternal Behaviorand Stress Responses in the Rat | Sciencemag"
When a mother raises a child, that infant from the neonatal time, is learning how to raise its own child. That when that child grows up, it will raise its child the way it was raised. So the interesting part is, when we are raising a child we are notably raising the next generation, because we are then influencing the next consequential generation. Because our child will raise there child the way we raised them. The relevance about that its hat its not genetic. And the interesting part is what this means is what we should recognise as well is that, they have shown that the environment can trigger differences in behaviour and in stress related genes expression that are passed on to the next generation. Meaning, how you live your life today will alter the genetic behaviour of your child tomorrow, because you can pass this on immediately to them. One generation. The significance of that is then all of a sudden the power of not recognising this has to come into our lives so that we can stat raising a generation that we can live with rather than a generation that will kill us in the end because of the amount of aggression that we are building in violence which is a know part of the process right here which is especially related to stress related genes because response to stress, violence is one of the primary ways of responding.
How does the brain work?
Let me explain something about the brain. Its a process of connections. Connections of experiences. Experiences come in through our perception. Perception is experience, thats what perception is. So if we get a perception, we set up our body to respond to that perception. So basically it says this.
The brain is a device that converts whatever the experiences are into awareness. So light comes into my eyes as an electromagnetic vibration to my nerve. Sound comes into my ear but electromagnetic vibrations come out of my nerve to my brain, touch is physical pressure but the electromagnetic vibrations come up my arms, the point is, the brain converts all of this environment into electromagnetic vibrations which become our awareness. But the part about the brain is that it records these things.
So as any experience comes in, not only are we seeing the picture of this moment in our live awareness, but we are also recording the ability to remember that experience, why? And the answer is this.
Because if I take my awareness and play it back through my brain I repeat the experience again. The bottom line is that the brain is a recorder. Its like a time camera, it takes a slide, sees a picture of what I learn, and then awareness is the light bulb that sees the slide, so if It take my awareness and see the slide, I recreate the behaviour. So as much as people dont want to hear it, your just like your mom, or just like your dad. So it makes you go back and say no it can't be. Im telling ou yeah because your behaviour is what you learn from them and your behaviour is a playback of your experiences. Then you say wait, I have free will, I have a mind. I can think of different things. And the answer is this.
It is estimated that 4 billion nerve impulses are coming into your brain in every second. So your sitting there right now and four billion nerve impulses are hitting your brain every second. But you can only approximately handle 2 thousand bits of that data in conciousness. What does that mean? It says that most of the information that is coming in is not being consciously aware of it. Ill give you an example. You have been here looking at the slides, now focus on the shirt on your back, can you feel it? Go ahead move a little bit, can you feel it? And the point was were you not feeling your shirt before I asked you to feel your shirt? The answer is no, you were feeling it all of the time, the nerve impulses dont just shut off, they are always coming in. But the fact was what, well you were paying attention to it. because it wasn't necessary for you and your consciousness to bring up the fact your wearing a shirt. Its like, I know I am wearing a shirt, you dont have to tell me. So the brain is smart. The things that it knows it does not bring up to your concious attention. Why? Because conscious attention can only handle a small percent. Let me show you this to make proper sense:
Imagine there are four hundred billion different pixels in that box that make up this landscape. And that this represents all the information coming in to your brain right now. How much of this information in the slide actually enters your consciousness. And the answer is.
Do you see that little dot? If you can't see it, then that dot it a thousand times larger because I had to show it to you. In other words. what is this stuff, the stiff is, its information its coming into your head right now but why is it not in your consciousness. The answer is, because if you have already learned how to do something or respond to the signal then there is no reason to say "You got a shirt on.." cause I dont need to know that. And the point about it is this. Then most of our behaviour has been from experimental replaying over and over again. So the concept is this. Most of the behaviours that you envisage, you dont think about consciously. Ill give you an example. For those who drive a car this is a good example. Have you ever got into a car and got into a discussion while you were driving you talked and you talked and you talked, then half an hour later you realise that you haven't been paying attention to anything that was in front of you on the road. But you also realised that you got here too. You didn't hit anything either. And the point about it was what. Because driving is a learned experience. You can put it into your programming and do things automatically. Walking is a learned experience. I broke my knee a few years ago when I had it reconstructed I realised I had to relearn how to walk because it took a whole process of how to know how to step and all that cause when they rebuiltt it they broke off all of the old pathways. And the point is, my god, when I walk down a street now I dont think about moving this. Yeah it involves a lot of coordination and a lot of learning went into this and the bottom point is this. Then most of the behaviour that you elicit is transparent to you. You dont even see it. Why? Because it is so automatic, it just comes out, when someone pushes a button you make a response, your not thinking, your thinking about "Oh I want to go on a vacation, I can't wait to go home", then you move forward to this and you are doing your job. How can you do that and still have those other thoughts going on in that tiny dot of consciousness? And the answer is this. Because almost all of our actions are out of our purview. We dont see them. They are repeated automatically. And why is this getting to be a problem? Its the difference between walking your talk and not walking your talk. Why? In your head you are a good person, you say to yourself Im trying to be good, I want to lose this weight, I want thought things, why can't I control it. And the answer is this. because all that consciousness represents is that tiny dot. Most of the control, 99.9999% is already preprogrammed in your learned experiences. You can't lose weight just because a little conscious dot says so. Yet you have to recognise you have weight because of whatever learned experiences you had about your life, they were programmed in there. You can get rid of the programme. You could get amnesia. Ill give you an example, remember the movie regard henry with harrison ford, he was a lawyer that gets shot and then wakes up in the hospital and he's got amnesia. Who am I? What am I? Whats going on here? So they take him home, his wife tries to say this is how we live and they go to his job and all his work people are showing him, he's a lawyer, and he starts to look and review from a distance life, cause he wanted to fill the picture back up. So as he was starting to put the picture back in when he suddenly started to realise and make up his mind, you know what, that really stinks, this is a stinking life. And he decided, what hell with the picture, Im going to create a brand new life. So he got out there and started converting his belief until all his beliefs ultimately changed his life and the problem is this, unless you have amnesia, all your beliefs are still locked in there. And the problem about that is that if your consciousness says that this is what you want to do, if you dont get to the core belief, you'll find that your thoughts and your actions are not on the same level as each other. And that you'll observe people that say "I don't know why people dont like me I'm such a nice person, get out of my way, stop bothering me I am trying to speak to someone..." and the important thing is why? Cause they don't even see themselves seeing this, why, because it is preprogrammed. But the consciousness is concerned about the fact that they are not liked. The issue is, we have to connect with our understanding of our beliefs. Our beliefs that elect our genes that we are preprogrammed with.
 So the bottom line is that the cell is like a camera. And so how does a camera work? Well there is an image outside that is projected through the lens. The lens takes that image and focusses on the film. What kind of image is made on the film? A complement. The film is always a complement to whatever it sees. The positive on the outside is the negative on the inside. So the material inside of the camera physically complements what it sees outside of the camera. Well the relevance of that is this, the cell has exactly this same mechanism. The cell perceives the environment. The lens is the membrane which receipts the signal and then sends the signal to the nucleus. Then the nucleus will adjust the genes that we saw how the camera works to complement the environment. So if that arrow outside of the cell is an antigen or virus or bacterium, then the cell will make on the inside antibodies which are lock and key complements to that. Well thats beautiful, that says then that the structure of the cell is locked to what the cell perceives. The bottom line is this, your cells, what is there physiology? And the answer is what do you see? If you open your yes then this is the image you will meet you when you open your eyes.
What kind of structure is the cell going to make in response to that? This is a pathological situation, the cells will become pathological. On the either hand you can change your belief or open your eyes and see something much more beautiful like this. So what are the cells going to do now? Growth or protection when they see this picture? Growth! Well growth is going to allow the manitantnece and the survival and health of the individuals. Okay, but what we also learn is this, filters can get between the camera and the reality. When you put filters in, you change the image by modifying it by the filters. So the bottom line is this, cells have filters. The filter is what?
Beliefs! Beliefs get between the environment an the response of the cell. So the belief is the filter that takes the environment and converts it into something it can understand and then takes that to the cell so the cell can make a complement of it.
Look at the screen. Love or fear?
Love or Fear?
Love or fear?
Now switch the glass, are you living in love or fear?
Love or fear?
Now the point is, take the glasses off.
Now this is the truth and this is how simple it is.
The world has everything in it.
The world has everything in it.
But you can only see what you have been trained to see.
Your experiences have taught you filters.
If the filters are in front of your eyes and you go through your life to the belief that change is the reality into something that you were selecting out of it.
If you live in fear and you walk down the street, you think you will be interested in the beautiful flowers here?
Or that shady looking character out in the corner. The fact is, your going to be looking for things that scare you. If you keep looking for things that scare you what you you think you are going to find, things that scare you. And the bottom line is this, the fear generates the reality the filters only select that which will pass through your belief system.
So lets say I believe in fear. Im walking down the street right, and I trip over something and I think oh dam it. Im trying to keep my eyes on the road and I trip over this thing and took my eyes off of the road. I live in fear. But the guy walking behind me has the red glasses on, he lives in love. He walks along the path and looks down and says, oh look, a pot of gold. I live in fear. I cannot see the gold. Im not looking for gold, Im looking for fear.  And the point about it is, taking the glasses off is a belief transition. That you can do this, you can change your life but you got to change the glasses you wear! We have been instilled from our inceastion with darwinian belief that life is a struggle, that survival is based on your ability to fight your way into this life. But if thats are belief then everybody got here fighting. The reality is, who are we fighting. We are fighting our belief, we ant fighting anything real. And everyday you hear on the news, be afraid, be afraid, be afraid. You get sicker and sicker and sicker and your ability for health is going out of the window. Whether you live in love or you live in fear is totally a belief. I can tell you this because I use to live in fear, and that thing has gone totally out of the window now.  The reality is, as soon as I change my filters, my reality changed. opportunities started coming to me now why is that?
This is a device called a magnetoexcitiograph.        
You have heard of electroenciphelographs? They read brain action? Well a magnetoencephleogaph reads the action of the brain but not touching the head. Theres a probe above that mans head on the right hand side and that probe is called a SQID. A super quantum induction device. So what does it do? It reads magnetic fields. Now what does it reveal? That as you are doing neurological thought processes your thoughts are not contained in your head. That your brain waves actually eminate and transmit from your head, just like atoms and molecules. Your always emitting and absorbing energy. And your thoughts are energy that you send out. Its not mystical or anything like that its physical, its a simple rule of physics. It says that when a current is running through a  wire, that if you take your right hand - its called the rule of the right hand thumb - if you have a wire and the charge is running this way and I tea amy right hand with my thumb pointing in the direction of the flow and wrap it around the wire, the fingers describe the orientation of the direction of the electromagnetic field around that wire. Nerves are wires. When nerve action goes through the nerves, a magnetic field shown in that orange/yellow circle, leaves the head and comes back in agin. So basically your thoughts are broadcasts. Now here is another interesting thing.
The Einstein-Podlsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The Transferred Potential | PDF | Dean Radin 
Let me explain this in a minute. Particles in fundamental physics come in spins and they come in pairs. One spinning to the left and one spinning to the right. And it says if you change the spin of one,  it will instantaneously change the spin of the other to complement. So the fact is if one is spinning left and one is spinning right. If I take the right one and start spinning it left, then the left one will start spinning right cause they are complementary. But the point about it is this. If I move the particles apart and do it here and change them, then they will still change. It turns out that you can take two particles and move them out to each side of the universe and change one particle and the other will instantaneously change. Its called action at a distance. Entanglement. And the issue about this paper is that is says its not just a quantum effect. Two people. Get them to interact with each other and give them a chance to hang out and talk interact so that they can bond for a little bit. Then they take one of these guys and put them 50 feet away over there in a cage, a wire cage protected from the electromagnetic field. And then put the other guy in here 50 feet between the two guys. And they take this guy and flash a light in his eye and that causes whats called a evoked potential and causes the brain to fire where the light was flashing. And it turns out that when they get this guy with the shine of light in his eye to evoke potential, simultaneously the other one gets the evoked potential.
The point is that the brain is interconnected. That the more bonding that goes on between two people the more interconnected they are. And people who have been coupled long enough know frequently that one could have thought and the other person can respond to it before you even talked about it and the reason is this. We are connected by the energy between between us. Relevance. The power of prayer.
Prayer can be sent to other people and influence there biology. That we can influence health by our belief systems affecting others around us as well. But that is wonderful we are always talking about the beauty of prayer. But what about the power of hate. The power of hate works the same way. If you hate somebody, you are connected to them. You can't hate someone you are not connected to cause you dont know them. So I can hate somebody I am not connected to but the problem is this. Like the power of prayer, unfortunately, instead of sending good news, I start sending bad news. Well the response is always going to work  itself back. 'Voodoo' is sending back bad news, the opposite of prayer, sending ill health down this line. Whats the relevance? All of us are interconnected. All of our thoughts are not just in our heads. Our thoughts are in the field and they specifically bind to people we are associated with.  So how many of you have frequently said, 'You know what I was just talking about bob and you know, I haven't seen bob for 25 years, oh look the phone is ringing. Hey bob, I was just talking about you.' All of us have had experiences like that and the significance of that is this. We are all interconnected. Your thoughts are always being interconnected. In fact it has been recently found that you remember though antennas on the surface of the cell. They receive identity. And its been interesting because people who have received heart and lungs from those who have died, receive some of the characteristics along with the heart and the lung. They use to say its in the cell memory and the idea is, look I'm a cellular biologist, they dont have neurons and brains like that, theres no way a cell can have memory. So how is the memory brought about? Because the identity of the system was coming through the antennaes we are not even in our bodies. We have antennas on the surface that distinguished each one of us. They are called self receptors. Receivers of self. I try to take myself and put myself into your body, your immune system will say, hey, these are not my cells, get rid of it. So they are reading identity. Where does the identity come from? From these antennae. So the point is this. If I take your cells and cut off the identity to the antennas, the self receptors, the cells are generic, they have no identity. I can take your cells and put them into another human. They won't be rejected. Or into a mouse and they won't be rejected. I can take yourself and put you into a chicken. And they will work without being rejected cause they dont have the identity. So where is the identity? From the antennas. What does that mean? Your not inside the body in the first place, your in the environment. And when you transplant the organs of a dead person into a live person, these people still have the antennae linked to that identity. So that person is now down playing through the lung or heart of whoever else they are. An interesting new one that I only read this last week.  When a mother is pregnant, and he fetes is implanting itself, fatal cells migrate through the mothers system. We use to think these cells will disappear at birth and lost to the system but now we recognise that they are not. The mother and there child are connected because the mother has the cells of the child in it so it can tune in to the childs identity. The mother can tell when something goes wrong with there child even if they are not connected because they are on the same wavelength. Relevant to all of this, the first time this hit me, I was non spiritual. I was an allopathic, research medical scientist. I wasn't looking for spirituality, I was looking for how a cell controls itself. I saw the membrane and understood that, then I saw the recognition of the self receptors. And I said to myself, oh my god, Im not inside of here, Im playing in the environment, why? Cause if I cut of the receptors then I dont have identity anymore. And the bottom line is this. If your receiving an identity from the environment. Its like a television set with an antenna on it but the antenna is tuned to an identity. Here;s the issue. Your watching a television show, the television picture tube breaks, what do we say about the television, we say it is dead. Does the broadcast stop? Yes or no? No. How do you know. You can get another TV put the antenna on it, tune it to the same station and boom your back on the air. The point is this, I can take your self receptors off of your cell and put them onto another cell. I can take my cells, cut off my self receptors, take your self receptors and put them on my cells and put that cell into your body thats yourself, its not me anymore, its you. And the point about it is that you start to recognise this and say oh my god, if I'm out there in the environment then what happens if I kill the cells? It doesn't change me in the environment Im still out there. Then all of a sudden I cough.  For the first time in my life my reality is spiritual identity. And the reason this is relevant is because the spirit persists where the body is here or not. We recognise in people that are receiving these large organ transplants that hey are picking the identity because the cells are still receiving the self receptors. Theres more to us than this physical body. Biology is on the verge that not only is it not evolution and creation are simultaneous, but identity exists outside of the body. and that is what allows us to communicate in the atmosphere. And the relevance ultimately for that communication comes down to this conclusion.
 Beliefs are created in the brain. The belief adjusts the body to match the belief. The brainwaves are transmitted into the environment. So when the beliefs are transmitted into the environment it impacts those people we are closest to. The closer you are to somebody the more impact your belief will have on them. So the relevance is, healing through prayer is understandable. Hurting through bad intentions is also understandable. The reality is, it is a belief system. Its not a gene system. Whats the relevance of that? You can change beliefs almost instantaneously.
What is larger the north or the south. The South. See, how long does it take to change a belief. Not a long time. Relevance, your belief is running your life, if you change you beliefs you can alter your life in the way you want it. Change your belief and you will bring change into your life.  And with that understanding I would like to close with this understanding. You are more powerful than anyone has ever given yo many credit for. We have lost our powers from assigning to the genes. But i want yo to understand that as you have seen tonight, the genes cannot activate themselves. They are responding tot the environment. Includes not just he other signals, but also the identity of who you are. You carry this into your body when you come here. The bottom line is this, you can change your life as fast as you can change your beliefs. And your beliefs can be changed almost instantly.  The reality is you are not a victim of your genes, you are a victim of your belief. And you cn change belief. Therefore, recognise as you are walking, all those thoughts that you have going through your head, analyse them, think about them, Those are shaping your future, why, those are the thoughts that are leaving your head and are like tuning forks they resonate with things in your environment. Your brain is a tuning fork. What does that mean. Your brain is creating these events in your life. Psychologist say apporimattely 70% of our beliefs are negative and redundant. We have negative and redundant beliefs and we have a tuning fork that is not bringing us good news. Its only going to cause anything that shake thats negative out there in the field. Everything is sort of sitting still, but the tuning fork starts to vibrate, it will cause anything next to it to vibrate as well. So lets say I have 50 people out here, 49 good people and 1 bad guy. And I start putting out a vibration. Fear the bad guy, fear the bad guy.  So what am I, a tuning fork. Which of the people our there are going to vibrate with me, the bad guy. The bad guy is going to be attracted to me. We bring in through our lives things, because we are not watching that. This is the secret of life. Watch your thoughts. You can create new ones, I know this, I have done it, and it works okay. Caring centres here in town are great resource to get in and to recognise using the belief, and the energy in your environment, how you can alter them. Cause it is a darn such more healthy way then going through a lot of conventional practises which try to do the same. So i'll leave you with this. You are powerful beyond than anything you have ever imagined. But then you have to recognise responsibility. I use to end, if you understand everything I have just said, then understand this, you are personally responsible for everything in your life. People got mad. A woman came in with her husband and could not fathom that she is responsible for the unfolding of everything in her life. So this is the new conclusion. You are personal responsible for everything in your life once you are aware that you are personally responsible for everything in your life. Thank you very much.

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