Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Bruce Lipton // Climate Change and Lost Civilisations - Truth

We actually did have a question that just came in and maybe need your pitch/opinion about this because you talked about evolution and how evolutions not necessarily just this long slow gradual process of change but that of start and stop points where big things happen and change. And then maybe we've gone through this before, so the question here uncle Bruce has to do with ancient civilizations.

Yes it's the suggestion that maybe we have actually been at this point before and some people in the question they talk about how the idea that civilizations have died out in the past but we're actually moving towards this area where we might go through a spontaneous evolution so do you think maybe a spontaneous evolution of sorts has happened in the past?

Well Alex this is a very important question because our history reveals what our future can be if we see a pattern then we can use that pattern to understand where we're going.

There is a pattern and this is a pattern that separates us from Darwinian theory which says:
"Evolution was just a very slow progressive change of organisms imperceptible over millions and millions of years of slight gradual changes that took us from a primitive bacterium through a human being"

The reality of that continuous process has been successfully challenged and there's a more relevant theory and it's called "punctuated equilibrium" and what it reveals is that life builds up to a status of equilibrium and everything is harmony and balance and thriving and then some punctuation occurs that all of a sudden shakes up the system and it all comes back together again in a different form.

in my perception, if I tried to give an analogy to this for the average person such as myself. There's this childhood thing that many of us played with called etch-a-sketch that just sketches - it's like little flat box with like a screen like a television screen and a dial and if you turn the dial a pen scratches the surface and then makes images and then you can create a very complex image and then all I have to do is shake the etch-a-sketch and all of a sudden it's erased and you can start over again.

Well our evolution is virtually an etch-a-sketch meaning:
1. Nature builds up an entire structure - Creation
2. Punctuation causes the etch-a-sketch - Stimulus
3. Shake crashes the picture - Imbalance to the balance

...and then starts a new picture again.

This has already happened five times on the planet so that the results of this it's not a suggestion or hypothesis this is actually an established fact that life was thriving and five different times this wonderful thriving mass of life on the planet was affected by something that caused it to be wiped out and evolution started all over again.

Five times this happened, the last time was about sixty some million years ago when the dinosaurs were here. Hey, the environment was thriving it was that big jungle just like Jurassic Park you know was thriving everything all the big animals everything is going on but apparently a comet hit somewhere in Mexico and that comet was so big that the ripples of the effect of that comet went around the globe and upended the environment and these are called mass extinctions.

Five times this has happened and somewhere between 70 and 90 percent of life gets wiped out and then it starts over again so has this happened. Yeah it's happened, it's happened five times but more importantly, at this very moment we are in the sixth mass extinction. we are losing species of organisms on this planet faster than many of the previous five mass extinctions and the part that was relevant to our discussion at this moment is that human behavior is responsible for the current version of an extinction. 

Just let you know in 1970 they took a survey of Hammond animals were on a planet two years ago they re-did the same survey and the population of animals in 1970 has been reduced 62 percent essentially only one-third of the animals are left on this planet compared to how many animals were there in 1970.

"We are in the experiencing of a mass extinction" 

And so the idea is that we are the ones that have to change this particular activity and to give you an idea that this is not the first time human civilization is experiences many series of human civilizations have been here and disappeared. Disappeared, like where the hell did they go and the answer says this is of a cessation that was uncovered in Turkey called Gobeki Tepe. 

Gobeki Tepe was a vast civilization at that time very large number of people living in Turkey in this area and what's important is they were there up until about ten thousand years ago. You go, "What do you mean a vast civilization was here and then about ten thousand years ago it disappeared? And you go, "Wait doesn't our history tell us that civilization only appeared about 5000 BC?" and I go, "Yeah, that's pretty much incorrect history because now we recognize there have been civilizations that have been here and have gone", but then you might say,

"Well, what what happened to the civilization and Gobeki Tepe?"
"Well, we don't know exactly what happened..."

... "but I can tell you something very very totally interesting, that is, well many civilizations get lost and erosion and get buried by dirt and dust over time and we dig them up in archaeological finds." Gobeki Tepe was a city that was manually buried a whole city that was manually buried they took the dirt and the rocks they filled up the buildings layered over the whole thing and so current day archaeologists when they saw this area was just a like a smooth hill it was when they started digging underneath they found all these buildings there. You go, "Oh my god, there was a civilizations 5000 years before we even thought civilization started massive enough to build this thing?" and then you might say,

"Well what happened to that civilization?"
"Okay, we don't really know..."

... but guess what, and looking at the time scale as a civilization it turned out that this civilization disappeared earth, one of the last major upheavals of climate climate change. You go, "What do you mean climate change?"

Climate changes periodic, the earth goes through ice ages and then warm ages and ice ages and warm ages periodic. They go, "Why is it relevant, what happened to Gobeki Tepe? It disappeared at a period of climate change? Say why should it have disappeared?"

An answer says where is Gobeki Tepe? it's in Turkey. I know I'm watch the environment like I go it's pretty much scrub desert now. I go, "Oh wait, thousand years ago there was a thriving civilization. Where'd they get their food?" The point was simply this climate change took an area that was originally rich and growing crops in Turkey and has since turned it into a scrub desert. People couldn't live there anymore.

Why you couldn't grow any food? 
You couldn't survive there.

"Where'd the city go?" 
They left.
Climate change.

"Will it change civilization?" 
Where you gonna get your food from?
"What do you mean Lipton?"

Oh now you got it, you see if climate change occurs you cannot depend on agriculture. 
Well it's the new climate, is it gonna rain? 
Oh it's not gonna rain? 
It's going to turn into a desert. 
Oh well, then guess what, you can't live here anymore.

And this is what the issue is about climate change would ever prefer to it's like no I'm the mental problem with climate change it changes agriculture. How can you grow food an environment whose claim it will change to such an extent it can't grow the food?  I mean California just dealt with about eight years of drought and affecting the the system so much that farmers got rid of livestock because they couldn't grow the feed for them. Well the livestock made the dairy that made California the big dairy state that it is.

California provides 50% of the food for the United States, yeah and what happens in a drought?
Nothing is growing. 
They cut down the the nut trees, they cut down all kinds of things. Why? 
There's not enough water.

Well we had a good season this last winter we've got some water. But the point is this, if it doesn't rain, California can go back. It was a desert before the Central Valley which is the breadbasket. United States not that long ago was a complete desert and then climate changed allowed it to now manifest food, and guess what, changes now occurring which alters that ability. So what happened to these ancient civilizations? They disappeared. Any reason why? Well at least one Gobeki Tepe, which is five thousand years even before we thought civilization started. That advanced civilization disappeared when climate changes. Why? Go there to that site today and realize where they get the food? And the answer is you cannot sustain that big combination of culture and buildings and everything in a world where there's no food.

Are we facing it today? 
Has it happened before? 

Why is it relevant, what's happened before? It reveals a pattern. If there's a pattern then there's an insight into what's happening. And what's happening now is a period of climate change which is going to change the basis of civilization and could lead to a massive extinction of animals whose environments are going to change so profoundly that they are no longer to be supported. And so we're in an upheaval.

Where's it gonna end?
I don't know.
...but the idea is this, we are not going backwards.

Why is that important? Because people think "Oh we just fix this everything will return back to normal" I go "no." It's not returning back to where it was, it's going somewhere else. But why is this relevant? If we put all our effort into thinking that we can take this backwards not make America great again, make environment great again, we're fooling ourselves.

What we should be doing now and it is happening is how can we use policy will allow us to survive in spite of climate change. So look at all the new kind a grey color ink inside agriculture growing, growing things in big buildings of food going indoors. Why? Because I can control the environment, I can't control it outside and if we wait for that control to come back it may never come back. So let's move forward saying this change is happening, this change can affect civilization. Will I be able to survive? And the answer is will we create the technology that will allow us to survive an environment that is undergoing rapid change, that is where the answer to will we survive will come from. If we don't then in a few thousand years from now people will dig up and go hey they had some buildings back there what happened to all those people and then we'll be Gobeki Tepe part 2. So we are going through this process right now, it is not unusual it happens all the time in the history of the planet so it's not like Oh some freak event is happening, it's just a normal event.

Will we survive it depends if we learn a lesson from the other civilizations that didn't and so where are we today?

Working it out. We're working it out. Is it going to work? I have very very very big percentage in the positive outcome of this. Why? Because a global civilization will be able to answer this problem and with the development the internet we are founding the big global civilization called humanity. We're all humans are part of this one living system and when we collect all the consciousness of eight billion people guess what all the answers to the future are already here so I'm very positive happy boy.

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